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AuthorWizards faction topic
You definitely need 3 knowledge then go to spellpower. After level 5 you can get erudition and assign the point there to either knowledge or spellpower depending on fight ( you can reset talents anytime you want = you can move the talent points(s) around as you wish ). You don't really need more than 3 base knowledge because later on you will get intellect to increase your mana by 50% ( at level 7 ). By that time 3 knowledge + 1 from erudition occasionally will be plenty for your battles. For very few PvM fights that you need even more mana you can get 1 more knowledge from the hat. Or one could get 4 base knowledge then go to spellpower and be a bit more defensive ( = longer fights ). More than 5 knowledge base is overkill and makes you quite weak when you have to kill something fast.
I say 4 knowledge is the way to go. It gives you enough mana for 10 magic arrows. If you have only 3 knowledge you can only do 7 magic arrows. The 3 extra magic arrows give you far more damage than the extra point in spell power. So I recommend getting 4 knowledge by lvl 5 and then going all spell power.

As for intellect I think that would help more at lvl 8 when we get more spells that cost more than 4 mana (especially the raise life spell - 9 mana). So at lvl 7 I'd rather get advanced erudition for most hunts and merc quests and basic erudition and magical mirror for pvp.
Intellect is far better than advanced erudition since it gives 20 more mana at 4 knowledge = 2 stat points rather than the 1 extra you get from the advanced erudition at the levels we are talking about.
Advanced erudition is rather useless until level 11-12, you can get better talent combinations ( more benefits ) without it by then.

You can do 10 magic arrows when needed with 3 base knowledge + 1 from erudition ( 2 more if you use hat of knowledge ) and you also got the choice to go to fights with big spellpower and 7 arrows for fights that require it ( like for example hunting stuff like elven bowman )
I do agree with you intellect is better. I just don't think its that useful on combat lvl 7, that much mana is not needed. Maybe I'm wrong since I'm not lvl 7 yet but I know that once I get lvl 8 I am planning on getting intellect.

23. When you were lvl 7 did you use intellect? Did you actually use all that mana? Perhpas intellect with hps/def on gargoyles might work so you last long enough to cast all your mana.

As for the constant switching of talents, I'm a bit lazy to do that so i'll just stick to a more pvp oriented talent, magical mirror. It helps alot against caravans.
I used intellect a lot and still do and the 60 mana at level 7-8 is not always enough so i often use hat of knowledge in a lot of quests/hunts to increase to 75 ( in extreme cases staff of power too to reach 105 ).
Magic mirror is only really useful vs caravan of dark elves so i never use it.
Caravan of wizards after awhile only does lightning on gargoyles - immune ( really bad AI here ^^ ) and Demons does aoe spells = mirror doesnt work. The other 3 caravans don't use spells.
I only use it when i hunt stuff like magi/druids really.
My preferred mini-arts at the moment:

gargs: +5 att, +1 luck
golems: +1 speed, +1 luck
magi: +5 init, +3 health

When combined with the amulet of luck, this is a very successful combination for me, against any opponent.

Re: 20

I've gone for knowlegde in my early level ups, but now at level 6 I am focussing on spell power, and this will increase with my talents also. I may add more knowledge later, as I expect it might be useful when lighting comes along. For the moment, my reduced mana cost of spells from my talents means I can focus on increasing power and using arts to increase power rather than knowledge.
I never switch talents either but am wondering about that now. At level 6 4knowledge and 3 spell power is great against plodders (eg: demons and zombies) and u get to use all 10 arrows but maybe 3k and 4sp is the better choice against fast creatures with high initiative?
wizzard is so expesive :-(
Hey I would appreciate some advice here guys.
At present I am Combat level 6 and now just reached Faction level 6.

I have sp 3 and k 4. Unfortunately when I reset the talents I lose 1 unit of sp not knowledge so I dont have the flexibility for different hunts. I can do 192 dmg against neutrals but with sp4 how much more could i do?

I just lost to imps monster(1) but think i could have won if i had higher sp....:(

Should i take the potion of oblivion to reset my primary skills?

Also I now have new options for mini-arts at facton level 6.
+7 damage on golems or +2 luck? (with +7 defence)
i think for mini arts either the wizard can be the most powerful factoin or then weakest on depending on the mini arts and how powerful they are
for Warwick-the-wiz:
If you change 1 knowledge for 1 spellpower, you spells will be more powerfull, but their amount will be lower.. So better - not change
Also I now have new options for mini-arts at facton level 6.
+7 damage on golems or +2 luck? (with +7 defence)

let's see:
+7 attack - increases damage for 35% each attack
+2 luck - increases damage for 100% with 20% probability - on the average increase damage for 20% ech attack..

if you are lucky - take +2 lack.. in other case - take +7 attack
to Erlemar (re 31)

You misunderstand.

You can reset your skill points on the talent wheel. At level 6 it just means i can free up the last skill point i chose. (I think? Can someone confirm this?)

For me this is 1 sp point. Unfortunately that means at the moment as I am 3sp and 4k i cannot switch to 4sp and 3k by resetting the talent wheel.

I think if i take the potion of oblivion and make sure that the last primary skill point i take is knowledge for 3sp and 4k then i can reset it to 4sp and 3k on the wheel (if i need to).

It is important in some fights to have the extra damage not the extra knowledge, as I am starting to learn.....

Hope that is clear.
for Warwick-the-wiz:
ah.. yes

I think if i take the potion of oblivion and make sure that the last primary skill point i take is knowledge for 3sp and 4k then i can reset it to 4sp and 3k on the wheel (if i need to). This is a wise decision :)
double mini-arts are so expensive. do you guys use double mini-arts on garg at lvl 6?
My newly-made triple mini art for gargoyle stack cost 400k gold ^^ .But it's well worth the trouble and effort and it lasts forever.
In general, wizard is by far the most expensive class to get equipped fully, but the power you get in return is proportional to the money spent.
Did you get +8 att/def +2 luck?

At least we get few genies in lvl 8 so giving them triple minis should be far less expensive :)
Yeah att/def/luck is the best combination for all units later on. Gargoyle triple mini art is the most important one cause it's the creature that always dies last and gets to use it a lot more than the other creatures.
Genies on level 8 are too few compared to what other factions get, but that's hardly a problem after level 9 with treasury.
Genies on level 8 is better to wear att/def/morale. After level 9 - att/deff/luck.
Wouldn't you want to give the genies +2 morale so you don't have to worry about them freezing when you raise them? Or do you raise something else or nothing at all?
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