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AuthorWizards faction topic
Thanks Kusika.
But what about initiative?
About the morale for genies, when you raise them they are just walking dead with no morale, it won't ever be negative.
can anyone tell me the faction lv and the amount mini art effect?
for MY_Mage:
Should i do +1 luck to my golems on level 3? it costs 10k but still, then i pwn!
i just forge luck to my golem... it really costy, but i think it is work :)
Ditto that. I've had +1 luck for some time now, but I'm really not sure if it would be better to have +6 attack at level 6
Genies are less at the 8 level and there are more casters than warriors. And that's why its better to use morale to have more turns than luck. At the 9 level their number increase to 11 and you can reach 8th racial skills(it gives you possibility to use +3 luck mini-artifacts) they become a good warriors.

In think that initiative for genies is not so useful and is expensive.
I have on my magi +7 attack and +8% ini
on golems +7 attack and +7 defence
rather effective
On 7 level I'm going to create +7 defence +4 hp to my gargs..
Hi, I would like to ask what happens to old miniarts? I reached lvl6 and i am afraid if i take 2 additonal golems and 1 additional mage i could lose miniarts. Or they get simply disequipped and if i forge additional ones i can equip them again?
For 50,

The mini art on the unit will un-equip. It won't disappear ;-)
For 51,

Thx, anyway i need to forge new ones. Init +3% and health+3 i think for mages!
But i wonder the huge costs :(
Cost doubled if 2 parts...

for 52,

Save up and go for +5% ini and +3 health. While it costs more, they will be more useful in the long run.
is it useful on lvl 5 to buy diamond gremlin upgrade? how much additional grelmins would i get then? and would it be wise to use max gremlins on reduction on gargs or golems? also alot of gold to make em useful..
If you get the gremlin engineers, you should go max golems because the gremlins would be able to "heal" the golems. Most wizards (as far as I can tell) didn't get that upgrade and went with max gargoyles instead (myself included). The winner of the first minor tournament at lvl 5 went with the max golem and gremlin engineer strategy, so it is a good strategy.
add 4-5 hp to gremline engineer
otherwise dont use it, use max gargoyl

often gremlin engineers die 1st before their golem dead
In regards to ghosts, why can the spell magic punch miss them? There appears to be a belief that spells cannot miss ghosts, yet this one does.
magic punch does phisycal dmg
To 57:

Ghost can miss only magic punch, but no other spells, as far as i know.
Use magic arrow(available at lvl 5) or spike on ghosts (100% hit).

According to ghosts, my tactic was to half them by spell early, then meele watch for free hit and misses, remember 2 misses in a row 3rd 100% hit, then after necro raises and weakening hp it, kill them easily with spell and stand on it with any units (prevent raising).
and remember this:
Any magic applied to this creature also RESET the consecutive hits & misses counter to 0
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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