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AuthorDemons faction topic
I'll test enfeeble and report back :)
Yeah it sucks, gives -3 attack so as if no talent...and it lasts for .5 turns- I don't no if it would increase with more spell power.
yeah, realy sucks.
"come, come to dark side young padavan" (c)
i'm still thinking about darkness magic, i have the last talent setup to consider - dominion of pain. can mass desruption ray replace battle fury?
in theory mass disrupt on advanced lvl makes -5 defence in 1 cast, in grop battles in 4x4 field u can cast it on 3-4 enemy units atonce. -5 def means that unit gets 30% more damage, but disruption effect multiplies if u cast several times.
another + side of disruption - u dont need spellpower, only 20-30 mana.
sounds good. but is it good on practice?
would extensive gating be good?

it can only be used on lvl 11, though.
+ "mass cast moves hero by only 0.5 back on ATP scale" that means that your hero moves twice faster comparig other heroes
imo, extensive gating loses to atack branch. it costs 40 points, and what we get - +2 luck, +20% mag resist, and +25% gating. as for me theres no big difference if i gate 25 cerberi instead of 20.
but for same 40 points u can increase atack using atack brunch nearly on 50-60% thats much more than +2 luck
183: but u must replace offence+fury if u want to take basic+domi pain
its reduce ur firepower nearly 30-40%, and that spells only effective after 2nd cast. incen dmg without battlefury will be very low
battle fury is important only for incendiaries, it gives them +30% dam and useless for helhorse and succ, but until incendiariws with their low ini atack someone can cast ray 3-5 times, so question is still opened
-4 def to all units in 4x4 and hero's turn after 50% for second spell, resulting in -8 def to most of these units that is nearly 40% more dmg.

Then it all depends on how much mana u have.
imo, disturption ray isnt suitable for fighting against troops with role play rush-kill as many as possible before they killed. ex: EFK/wolf raider
and against low hp shooter (because u need to kill them ASAP, not enough time to cast disturption several times). ex: elven bow, orcs

it only effective against slow stack that u want to finish them later like sword, ogres or xbow.
As I said with only 50% move back on ATB hero can cast 2 times at the beginning. Most units should get only 1 turn and afterwards they have -8 def. As a demon you could probably kill some units with magic arrow instead, but on the other hand all your teammates will proftit too from the lower def. And I as a nec wouldn't do so much dmg with a direct spell either, although on the other hand I intednd to cast mass poison in lvl 8.
Well extensive gatings...with full faction skill you get gating 56%...

With extensive gating, expert fortune and 1 or 2 luck from arts- you have plus 30%-35% more gating or close to 90%. That's pretty big. Other the other hand, no talents left.

With mass poison and adv dark magic...you can get max 13 sp- that's with prophet rings... and so that's enough to kill 2 druids in one turn. Additionally, you can have aobut 50 mana, so 5 poisons and a disruption, or two poisons and 5 lightenings which at 11 sp can be very deadly. Then on level 9 you can get bsc dark and mass poison AND bsc offense and fury. So level 9 i would difinetly buy a ton of magic arts and add it on...be extremely deadly.
Additionally, you can have aobut 50 mana, so 5 poisons and a disruption, or two poisons and 5 lightenings which at 11 sp can be very deadly.
poison cost 6 mana, so 5 mass poison = 60 mana

So level 9 i would difinetly buy a ton of magic arts and add it on...be extremely deadly.
but ur atk will be very low even with battlefury...

As I said with only 50% move back on ATB hero can cast 2 times at the beginning. Most units should get only 1 turn and afterwards they have -8 def.
is it worth to cast disturption on wolf raider maybe? u can even kill them without disturption ray, same with EFK. they have low hp but fast and have decent speed, -armor not too affect them, because they'll be dead in 2nd or 3rd turn, after dmging enemy, no matter they have lower def or not
wat do you think i should add if i played the demons fraction.....att,def or knowledge??
attack definitely,although at levels 5-6 and maybe 7 2-3 knowledge and the rest in sp is good.

Your right my bad- but 50 mana, you cast 1 or 2 poison, 24 mana gone, if its group battle you can cast a third, and then use lightening with your remaining mana or two lightenings. It could work.
ok thx:)
play with magic has many restriction
1. necros cant be poisoned
2. bar2 has resist
3. wiz has bigger mana pool with intelligence and magic mirror
4. cant get too many spawns, they r fragile, easy to kill with only 6 hp each

and 2 talents (basic+domi of pain) for only 1-2 times mass poison?
can anyone help me i'm a lvl 5 demon mage. my qustion is which talent shuold i take, basci sorcery, offense, or luck?
and which one better demon warrior or demon mage? thx
199: luck, demon mage at lv 5 and 6
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