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AuthorEverything about .ru

Why do the units do spread damage like EFK's or sprites??

What units? Those ones:
If yes, because of ability "Thunder Strike".

Also, dwarves have special rune (you get it with 9fsl) which lets your stack attack every other creature near it.
for Chance12:
because its their ability. 50% damage remains at the attacked unit, 25% goes to the pikeman. other 25% disappear. in case that is what you meant.
it seems that the admin is trying to apply homm6 troops into .ru
No, when the shrews attacked sometimes they did damage to like 3 stacks... Why?
And when the archers did, it was a through shot like magi.
for Chance12: See post 3513 - Pikemen / Sun Soldiers
Can anyone explain the 4th rune of the dwarves? in translator i dont understand what it is trying to say ....

Can anyone explain the 4th rune of the dwarves? in translator i dont understand what it is trying to say ....

It lets your stack to "steal" any holy magic spell effect,chosen at random, from an enemy stack.
ok got it now,thnx...
major lag on server as well
Heavy lags on .ru since the 2nd part of the event started. It's completely down for me.
down for me too
server has heavy lags. only radio is working
It works now. 758 players online (lol)
Enemies are now led by a hero and we have to destroy blue crystals on the battlefield.


Shrews did damge to all the e units, as well as.


s eee

does damage to all e's

Now you see my question?
1) - Basic infantry. the share a part of the damage that adjacent troops receive.

2) -upgraded version: through shot
i think as long as those sun warriors are adjacent they share the damage.
yup, the upgrade sun soldier did absorb 50% damage but received only 25% damage if i'm not wrong.

for upgraded archer, they have through shot
From that moment, as the first crystalline debris fell into the hands of Abu Bakr, the court magician a couple of times left his laboratory, and then only - not for long. He has never before encountered such a mysterious and unpredictable in its properties the substance. Each new piece, he brought the heroes from the battlefields, was almost unique combination of various wonderful qualities. Some tried to defend himself a shield of energy that can absorb the impact force as well as reflect on her aggressor. Others have given the blessing of the sky, giving the weapon an air force of nature. And third, on the contrary, spewed at anyone who touches them, the whole fury of the heavens in the form of chain lightning. But their most important property, namely - the mysterious relationship with the portal of time, still remained a mystery. Magician suspected that the answer lies in the larger specimens, but the governor continued to stand his ground and did not give approval for their study, forcing the mage to work with what we had. But even this could not stop Abu Bakr on the path to the desired answers.

Experimenting with all available in the presence of debris, a sorcerer decided to study the impact of the energy of one crystal on the properties of others. Several hours, touching pieces with each other and spreading of these different figures, Abu Bakr was watching amazing metamorphosis of energy flows, as they flowed between some of the fragments and resonated at the approach of others. All this is so fascinated court magician, that he forgot everything, while continuing to lay out the pieces in different ways, paving the way for pulsating within them the energy flow. Suddenly, with the addition of another fragment, a thread closed, causing a powerful resonance in space, brought down from the sorcerer's feet. Instantly recovering himself, Abu-Bakr on his guard when he heard the sound of armor in the room. Slightly raised himself and looked out from behind his desk, he saw the inspecting guard of the Knights of the Sun. Suddenly, their eyes crossed - and the guard immediately ran screaming to the magician, turning the table and zanesya spear to strike. Abu Bakr sat back in surprise. Fingering on the floor of his staff, the magician had even charged him for the attack, he suddenly noticed that the guard stood still. His hand began to tremble with a spear, as if he wanted, but could not strike. Moments later, a soldier at all vibrations down arms, his head and said with obvious disdain in his voice: "I command, sir ..." As soon as the magician away in shock and could finally soberly analyze what happened - he said that in his other arm is was still one of the embedded fragments. It was astonishing even to himself, because Abu Bakr had not only never seen anything like, but never even heard of. The joy of such a surprising discovery wizard on his feet, circled around a few guards, and gave him some orders. And despite all their strangeness, the warrior still carried all jump on the spot, waving his hand, and even putting in place an inverted table, though with obvious reluctance. Abu Bakr even wondered whether he did not leave a helper forever. But the thought of the reaction Grammita this discovery forced the mage to throw out all that nonsense out of your head and get ready for a serious discussion. However, the governor at least not right away, exposing the visitor from the past several psychological tests, but still agreed on the usefulness of this discovery. Let the heart of this warrior and devoted to his faith, but under the control of crystal fragments of the weapon and a shield can still serve for the benefit of the Empire.

Heroes! When a sufficient number of fragments, with the help of their past can call Knights of the Sun beings that will take place squad in the army. The more debris - the greater will be called to the detachment. Those who do not wish to communicate with units of the enemy - may
Heroes! When a sufficient number of fragments, with the help of their past can call Knights of the Sun beings that will take place squad in the army. The more debris - the greater will be called to the detachment. Those who do not wish to communicate with units of the enemy - may use up too much space to allocate an additional unit in the battle of his warriors. The call is available on the page requests. The new detachment will remain in all the battles with the Knights of the Sun and can be changed at any time.

(the last paragraph, this one, was bold. So should be the summary.
only ran it through google translate, dont even want to know anymore what kind of fun they are having this time ... *sigh* ...)
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