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I think the Steppe barbs are better than what people give them credit for. They are a glass cannon and can be slaughtered by fast opponents, but watch out when they get rage.
Is it just my false impression, or it's extremly hard to sell resources to machining and production facilities on .ru? It seems humanly impossible that people sell their resources this fast after one enrolls. In majority of cases I enroll and attempt selling my resources immediately after and I barely ever succeed.
It is extremely hard to sell resources during peek hours, but at night it is easy.
I've got TG3. Where is that hidden forum that's only visible to trusted thieves?
Selling resources.
As it was said, it is possible, though difficult at some hours.

The main point is however, that you can gain much more (5-7 gold on just one piece of basic res.) than here (1-2).
Right now not only is the selling of resources difficult in the peek hours, but also enrolling at mining facilities. I really dislike travelling to distant areas just to be able to work :|
for naviron:

[Player banned by moderator GeraldTarrant until 2012-08-22 19:14:39 // Main character only in the forums. No Multi Chars]
[Post deleted by moderator GeraldTarrant // ]
[Player banned by moderator GeraldTarrant until 2012-08-22 19:11:51 // No forum posts with Multi. Main character only in forums. 1 minute warning ban.]
Oops, Clicked some wrong buttons there. Im going to go crawl in a hole and hide now.

Original message:
For Phil
I really dislike travelling to distant areas just to be able to work
I just buy a few basic Resources at a facility that has open worker posts and I never have to travel.
for Baaarbie: Thanks! Now I know why I couldn't find it. When I translate the whole page, that link is not visible (general webpage translator without cookies...)

for GeraldTarrant: You must really hate yourself... :p
For Phil
I really dislike travelling to distant areas just to be able to work
I just buy a few basic Resources at a facility that has open worker posts and I never have to travel.

I do that when I really don't feel like travelling, but this way I make no money, if you consider the fact that it is extremly hard to sell them later. I played mostly wizard so I have plenty of resources anyway (wiz arts make you have that).
Combat level: 9 (1657743) + -7743

I dont think I will be able to join the minor tourney at level 9. I got the experiance doing a 2x2 fast tourney. I wish I had known and could have started the minor tourney at lvl 9. Im still going to try and join it at lvl 9.
Can someone give me a link for all .ru councilours? I tried to find all of them, but I just managed to get the dwarf and wizard ones. They are pretty nice, especially because they did some PvPs =)
20th minor tournament

How was this Necro casting stone skin in a Minor Tournament???
i think he use steadiness talent(defense sub talent).
hero gain mass stoneskin on advanced holy magic lvl.
Thanks hpsim. Im a necro and I didnt even realize that talent existed. Seems pretty cool
Do artifacts on .ru have different durabilities, even when produced by the same facility?

I've bought a Firebender staff and it has durability 70. Now on market there are plenty more available with durabilities higher: 85, 90: http://www.heroeswm.ru/auction.php?cat=weapon&sort=0&art_type=ffstaff15

How is that possible, since there is only one single facility that produces it, and that's the one I bought it from: http://www.heroeswm.ru/ecostat_details.php?id=94
those higher dur arts are from caskets when poeple donate
Its worth checking the market before you buy from a facility. I just bought a light mithril helm with 85 durability for the same price as I could have bought one at the facility.
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