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Author[News from the Court] - Discussion thread
for Karsot:
I am a programmer myself, too. I don't do games, but I do simulations of complex processes and my software goes to people who barely know how to turn on the PC, as well as to people who have high demands from a software. I do that at professional level since ten years now. So, I can have an opinion about what you wrote there.

It is true that no one is able to think of all the methods to break/cheat a code. And it is true that a code needs quite a lot of time to reach a certain maturity level. But it is not the case with some of these new rules. And I have few arguments for that.

I am also a gamer since I had my first computing system (remind you that the term PC was introduced pretty long after the first computing system were available on the market).

Well known fact: Lords of War and Money is based on Heroes of Might and Magic V. So, the factions are predefined there with advantages and disadvantages. Few modifications this game brings to the monsters and I saw there is not the direction toward the developers are trying to improve the quality of the game.

1. From the beginning it was established new additional rules for each faction type (a requirement from the game type transformation). One basic rule the developers established from the beginning was for the Elf: they start with initiative +3%. So, the strategy for the Elf is clearly pushed from the beginning on the initiative, which means faction high level. So, if they haven't thought about speculating this strategy, now it's too late to modify anything related to this point because they can erase the Elf faction as well. So, this is a "bug" (losing intentionally for skill points) you have to live with, or its speculation to be severely punished. I do not replace one code with another if the code affects severely one process, just to make my code "stupidity"/cheating proof, but I put an error message in when people think to they are too smart.

2. Before thinking of forcing my users to accept a new interface which limits the user actions, I always think to update my interface with new options and in time to obsolete some other options which aren't so useful. Translation: if the developers thought to improve the in-game economy by imposing the AP rule, they should do it after they would introduce more facilities for the artifacts from the artifact shop.

3. Every code has a lifetime. I am trying to make my codes to live as long as possible, so, I could benefit long time after I did that code. If you put a better interface, but you lose the quality of the content, you will gain some customers for the moment, but you will lose in time. Translation: if the admins decided they want more real money now, they may have for a while more real money now, but they limit their income later. And I hope that's why Arctic opened these discussion here for him and his team to be customer oriented. And I think they are now in a critic point of a hard decision because supporting an idea when you don't see its bad effects will give a hard time to the developers to decide if they will win or lose from that idea.

4. You created, I suppose, a game based on your imagination inspired a little bit from here and there. This is a game based on another game. It's a big difference. And the developers had enough time to discover a lot of time because they started with a .ru server. They could think to introduce a lot of corrections before making this game world wide.
Sorry, a correction at point four: "And the developers had enough time to discover a lot of _bugs_ (not time) because they started with a .ru server."
man, you may say anything about your "jealousy" of such intentionally loozers (quoting someone's word) ...well, i don't have any objection to such players as long as they do that through long and hard way while everybody has the same chance and choice to do so as well. i am here to say that this silly "intentionally losing" in huntings is not the main reason to why they apply the new rules and system. After thinking deeply for a long time, finally i believe that "Donation and diamond" is the most logical reason for this new changes.

so, lets just see if we all are gonna like it or not. i hope i am not the only person who can't donate real money to have fun in this game. though i'll try to have as much of fun that i can have. Adios. :)
420- Karsot. And it means i cant beat you because you have much more SP than me and I am higher level. When I didnt do hunts before, I cant now. And you are not one of the most "skilled" players. There was still a chance to catch up with the other players with more SP than me. Not by losing. By hunting, assisting, playing..Now this chance is gone. It is true. No more skill point hunters..just the old ones who remained and are now invincible.
hey, Karsot, how you doin? :}
so you think that gaining fsp by hunt assisting and losing intentionally is the same? this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard! and no, it's not personal (again)... you just continue to post stupid things... :\

for urgone:
rule number 3.20.500, my friend, rule number 3.20.500

When excelling is defined as what...losing over and over to get so "good" that you don't need any skill to beat your opponent?

pls, go to the post 377 and read it carefully, read it slowly. it's not that complicated. after that i won't need to explain why your quoted contention is ... let' say a bit unprepared. :}
Oh come on, Georgia. This isn't debate class. Use your head.

Why is what you're discussing not a problem?
for urgone and Georgia:
Please, people, if you want to fight each other, do it on private mail. We go nowhere if we start fighting each other here. All we need is to fight in arguments, not in ironies. Thank you both!
arguments were well enough presented, guys. the following irony only helps them to be readed and eventually not mispresented :}
i'm glad urgone understood he was wrong in interpreting my words. the phrase "read before posting" is getting somewhat... essential ;X

losing by purpose WAS a problem! it was just settled extremely inefficiently. Omega22 is telling you the same. players like Wild_Shooter WILL participate in tournaments and will win, regardless of your belief in this fact. and i wouldn't care about this, if it doesn't spoil the fun of the other players in his level.

you are trying to popularize this game the way you can and you want more people to be online. can't you see that the problem of this game is not popularity, but holding the interest of already registered players? over 190,000 registered and 1000 online?!? doesn't this tell you something?
you are trying to popularize this game the way you can and you want more people to be online. can't you see that the problem of this game is not popularity, but holding the interest of already registered players? over 190,000 registered and 1000 online?!? doesn't this tell you something?

I also have to emphasize this.
It seems that many people have tried this game and decide to stop playing.
I believe it's because this game is too difficult and need a dedicated effort to be a good player.
If this game want more player, it should be made easier and more fun.

Except... Admins don't want many players in this game. Maybe they prefer small amount but very serious players.
what do you call very serious players? those who stay online 24/7 or those who try to think strategies? :D
for Georgia:
so why don't we make a casual game for mediocre players only and chase away everyone that happen to have the weird idea to excel in it?!

Define "mediocre". XD

Seriously though, I believe there are a lot of players out there with effective "weird" ideas but don't have time to spend in the game. They just enroll whenever they're online at work or school but don't have the time or means to engage in battles all the time. I believe the AP rule benefits those players the most. That's my theory.
for Grusharaburas:
What do you mean by that? That people will enjoy enrolling instead of hunting and fighting? I think I have a problem in agreeing with you here because people registered here for the fun of combats (whatever it can be understood by that: hunts, mercenary quests, pvp) and not for searching where to enroll themselves to have money for arts. I don't suppose you enjoy more writing the pink/turquoise code more than hunting or fighting. With AP rule, this game should be named Lords of Codes and the codes should be even more unreadable.
double hunt is sucks, you lose becase of you mate =\\
it will be much more better if it ll be an opportunite to to put option without double hunting!

I didn't suggest that people preferred to enroll instead of doing battles. What I meant to say is that there are players who don't engage in battles every time they go online. And people don't necessarily move around the map to look for places to enroll. Before I go to work later, I'm going to plant my char on Blooming Glade because I won't have the luxury of being picky when enrolling at the office. Enrolling may be something people do in their coffee breaks, you know.
Yes, but why wasting your earned money on small arts when you can save some and buy good arts which are expensive? So, you suggest that AP rule, which forces you to buy small arts, can give any benefit to each player who can enroll only during the day? Sorry, but I cannot believe that. And, by the way, how much did you spend on level 7 arts? Will you afford to spend that amount of money again if you are forced to wear small arts for all your gray/green hunts?
I don't think I'll ever see gray/green hunts again. Haven't seen them for a while now...
And just to be clear...

I don't necesarily support the new AP rule. I was just speculating on the developer's motives...
Something very interesting (not new, but totally stupid if it happens):

If AP rule will be implemented in few hours, how in the world will we be able to buy the minimum arts for the hunts if there are _no_ resources in the mines? From the market? And if we don't find them there?
If AP rule will be implemented in few hours, how in the world will we be able to buy the minimum arts for the hunts if there are _no_ resources in the mines? From the market? And if we don't find them there?

Because everyone is busy hunting dragons in east bay / ridge of hope instead of actually producing some resources :)
for Hatred:
Yes, sure! :D (and those employed in the mines what are they doing? picking bananas? - joking, you know that :) )
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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