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Author[News from the Court] - Discussion thread
russian server had also 7 days before it was implented there,
this server is almost exactly as the russian, but then only a few months later

well, i prefer to hope the best from the admin, since they know better than us. lets juz give some time for admin (at least 7 days) to see how the game is going to happen. besides, this is not ru. this server has got to have some differences with the ru server. well, i do hope so...
I am certainly not offended because you think I'm only trying to 'see the good'. This is not a question of 'do you think they should implement AP', it's a question of 'they are implementing AP, should we leave'. Just give it a chance.

I am not a mod or admin, don't speak for them, don't even speak to them.
I too don't find the new changes very appealing, having to wear arts at occasions where I don't need them feels like bullying.

But some of these changes have even worse consequences then others.

Hunting assistance will become problematic, with the assistant having to wear arts and getting no compensation.

The grouping of monsters in hunts on rare occasions seems funny, but it should not apply to hunts with exclamation mark (red!). Since these hunts are always highest number for this lvl and faction, anybody trying to solve them alone is trying for a new record and this should not be wasted by combining it with another player.

Also I'm all for giving exp to loosing sides in hunt in order to prevent lvl1 chars with faction lvl 9 (in the extreme), but this could already have been achieved by giving exp in ratio to numbers of monsters killed. With the new change you get less then 0.1 racial skill even if you killed most of the monsters.
For 343.

I agree 100% to all you say.

My only query is, why is it such a problem to people that players gain high skill with little experience. It's not harming anyone, in fact the chances are is it's helping more people as they have assisted a huge amount of players. They are probably never going to play many PvP battles therefore not using the advantage of high SP's against fellow players. So I can't see the problem at all.

The only reason I see for this change in particular is for the economics of the game administrators not the in-game economics. They want people to level up as much as possible so the player will buy the construction upgrades etc and if they don't have enough gold they just might buy a few diamonds!! Same goes for the new AP rule, they're hoping that people with little gold will buy diamonds to exchange for gold to buy arts. I can bide my time and work for the extra gold but some people are impatient and that's the player the admin love.

If your assisting all the time for just skill points well that just won't do will it....lol (Thus the reason for actually reducing skill points now!!)
for yippeekiay:

You get the point!

Was it a skill point or experience point....lol
The only reason I see for this change in particular is for the economics of the game administrators not the in-game economics. They want people to level up as much as possible so the player will buy the construction upgrades etc and if they don't have enough gold they just might buy a few diamonds!! Same goes for the new AP rule, they're hoping that people with little gold will buy diamonds to exchange for gold to buy arts. I can bide my time and work for the extra gold but some people are impatient and that's the player the admin love.

of course youre right, theres no other logical reason for these change, that have to understand everybody with basic economic knowledges
I wonder if they really don't get enough with the donations in this model so that's why they want more?
Heh, CGS have you ever met someone with ENOUGH money?? :-)
LOL, Omega22! Nope! :D
The only reason I see for this change in particular is for the economics of the game administrators not the in-game economics.

If what you said was true, why wouldn't they have decided to set AP minimum to 10 or 25 ? THAT would have forced people to spend diamonds to play. Heck, they could even decide that you need to spend diamonds every month so your account is locked...

Get real people, the AP system isn't perfect but it was sorely needed to have people wear arts, make factories running, give something to repair to smiths, and so on. NO, it's NOT expensive to reach minimum AP values. Even for hunting.
About hunt assisting, since you get experience and skill, its almost the same as doing a regular hunt, just with no gold, and less skill. So its about the same as before, except now its more a matter of sacrificing gold rather than time.
If the reason for the AP limit is for making factories runing, for the in game economy, what if i only wear lvl 7 arts available in the shop, any contributions to the facilities? If i repair as much as i can, seldem buy from the factories? So, that reason looks weak.
Less skill, less exp, less huntersguild, no money but same costs.
for Kotrin:
There is a maximum you can push players to pay without asking for a regular tax. The admins are clever enough to put a maximum AP which will ensure that some people will bite the bait.

for Xerfer:
Really? What about the money you spend to do that hunt assist with the AP rule in this form? Or you mean you do less hunt assisting? Oh, then in one year you can reach a new faction level (exaggerating here, but keep the idea).
I have made list of what i think are the cheapest arts set you can buy in shops and facilities:
The prize is for one battle - the cost of selling worn out art.

Axe: 2AP 6 gold per AP
Defender Shield: 3 AP, 10 gold per AP
Leather Armor: 1 AP, 11 gold per AP
Medal of bravery: 2 AP, 11,5 per AP

I believe this is the cheapest set you can buy.
For my level 7-8, its 38,5 per one battle.

Excluding necromancers, can be used amulet of luck instead for 8,5 more gold per one battle.
- 27 GP per hunt for level 6
- minimum 5 hunt assists per hour (considering that there will be so many :D) = 135 GP
- 1 hunt per hour = 27 GP
- 1 enrolment per hour = 400 GP (LG3)
- 1 ring of abdication (a must for an elf in combat or MQ) = 20500 GP (roughly)
= 58 hours of work for a ring of abdication

And I didn't count losses at MQ and smith guild.

Good balance, huh?
Sorry for wrong counting:
For my level 7-8, 76 per battle.
Get real people, the AP system isn't perfect but it was sorely needed to have people wear arts, make factories running, give something to repair to smiths, and so on. NO, it's NOT expensive to reach minimum AP values. Even for hunting.

These are my stats:
Combats fought: 3189
Laborers' guild: 5 (1772)

To simplify all calculations I suppose all these battles at level 8 and all Laborers guild enrollment at level 5.

Maybe 90% of all my battles(hunts, mercenary...) I was doing without arts, few % I did with defender shield, cape of spirits(cheapest arts for wizards)etc and cca 1% I did with full expensive wizards arts in last 2 weeks to take all high level(from Titans to Sphynx) hunt records on 8. level.

90% from 3189 is 2870, maybe is the number lower, but not very, Im big niggard in this game :o)

The cheapest acceptable combination for wizard on my lvl is cape of spirits and combat staff(AP 8), because I need Spell Power, not Attack - cost per battle is 122 gold. If I will be forcing to use this combination instead of be naked :o) I will be missing 2870 x 122 = 350 140 gold.

I dont know, how are you good at enrollment, but I have at least 10% of all enrollments for 205 gold, because I try to find good job every time and if Im buying arts I enroll there.

10% from 1772 is 177 and in case, that economy will be working well, as admins are trying to say us, than maybe I enroll to good job in 50% = 886 enrollments. Difference is 886 - 177 = 709.

Bad job at Laborers Guild 5 earns 3 x 175 = 525
Good job at Laborers Guild 5 earns 3 x 205 = 615
Difference is 90.
After changes I will be earning 709 x 90 = 63 810 gold.

I know, that Im not representative sample of player this game :o) and we have to calculate with statistical discrepancy(maybe more Good Jobs) but if there are no mistakes, result is following:

Im going to lost 350 140 gold
Im going to earn 63 810 gold

Finally Im missing 286 330 gold

And this is only one of changes, no easy hunts means for me bigger problem and bigger financial losses. I find these changes "not very good" for me and other players with the expection of new units.

Lets flame begin, Im going to watch now Stephen Kings Rose Red :o)
Regarding the good and bad players separation that is supposed to be promoted with these changes:
I think it is exactly the opposite result.
A good player will win battles and get xp but no gold.
A bad player will lose battles but still get xp. So he/she may catch up with a good donation and top a good player in all aspects.

The reason some players have good sp and low xp is simple:
Few hours intensive play and lot of hunt assistance.
If I play for 2-3 hrs, I want to team play so I assist in battles.
Nothing bad on this.
These players are thrown out now.

How many play to lose players are estimated to exist?
Why they benefit from not winning if they can find gold for upgrades?

Now a good player should avoid xp and hunt assistance now since there will be problems in confronting in high level any noob who simply donated...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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