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AuthorFed up of AFK players? Join #145 Warriors' Guild!
^^ How to become guild enchanters?
Just start enchanting :)
If your guild rank is Expert or higher, you are mentioned on clan page and get a title next to your nickname (XXX enchanter, AxB%)
hi all can members and future clan mebers the warriors guild is a graet clan with great people that will adress your questions
the warriors guild is a graet clan with great people that will adress your questions Very true, especially if u take the time to present ur problems in our forum:

Welcome to our newest members:


Thanks to all people donating through the Element Donation Program, the Warriors' Guild gathered:

123 Toadstools
73 Abrasives
65 Meteorite shards
11 Viper venoms
10 Windflowers
13 Witch blooms
14 Fire crystals
3 Ice crystals
4 Moonstones
5 Tiger's Claws

I guess our enchanters will be happy! =)
Impressive :)
Some niiiice content availiable for WG Council members in Council Forum. Just check it =)
Can't check it? Well, maybe it's time to take initiative and become WG expert/master ;)
yes their are many advantages of being a high rank member
Awww, man. Does that mean I have to go all out looking for AFK-ers to report?
for Takesister:
Not nesseserily. You can invite friends to join, and donations are always welcome. Plus, we have events that can earn you a quick rise through clan ranks - from element program to raid on dragon caves!
Missed the dragon caves one and I can't do any Merc Quests for the life of me to get elements. Didn't want to buy them off the market just for it...

I think I need more friends. Anyone wanna be my friend?
for Takesister:
Probably any and all friends you'll find here are members of WG already :P
Welcome to WG

fian [Knight]
NAYAN [Necromancer]
Ainurcro [Elf]
Glacious [Dark elf]
KathyBlue [Demon]

Probably any and all friends you'll find here are members of WG already
i had about 5 frinds befor i joined now i have over 30
I need new friends...

*Goes to the roadside and flashes some skin*
Anyone wants to be my friend?

I need new friends...

*Goes to the roadside and flashes some skin*
Anyone wants to be my friend?

Takesister u have more than 16k in ur deposit, why not spend at least 3-5k for donation?
16k ain't that much. Donations are welcome of course, but not to the point when it hurts a character.
*Goes to the roadside and flashes some skin*
Anyone wants to be my friend?

u called, my lady? XD
u called, my lady? XD

Yes, I need a lift to the local disco to pick up more friends. Care to drive me there and protect me from thief ambushes?

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