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AuthorDemon Faction Updated
Hi all..
I just changed faction from wizard to demon, because i have always loved the demon faction..but now i have a serious problem...The last time i played demon i was level 2.
Now i am level 7 and so the situation is very different..
I lack some funds to build the fort, but i will build it up soon..
my main question is regarding talents..
As i was already a wizard i have enough sp and knowledge and good enough magic arts..i want to be a magic demon..So which talents are recommended..
Also what equipment would you suggest for doing hunts e
get basic defense and vitality it will boost ur creatures in hit point by two so spawns would have 8 instead of 2 and wolves 17 succ 22 and demon 15 very helpful to stay in battle for a while
get basic defense and vitality it will boost ur creatures in hit point by two so spawns would have 8 instead of 2 and wolves 17 succ 22 and demon 15 very helpful to stay in battle for a while

i dont find this way benefits much
if you would choose basic attack + fury, you would get lots of damage boost on spawns and wolves
else, they are much weaker and extra 2 hp wont do much
Hmm... basic defense + vitality doesnt really add up to much..
The +2 hp from vitality is situational at best, and -10% melee damage from basic defense is considerable but at a of cost 10 talent-points...its a bit meh.
Currently my talents are set up at basic offense + battle fury + hellfire, and it packs a decent punch..(Decent because i dont have the creatures at the full potential >_<)
Alternate set up includes basic fortune + offense

One thing though, why is it that most demons dont choose hellfire??
I get +35 damage because of hellfire and so far it is very useful..
For me it has mostly triggered on imps(for taking retal)..
Yes i read the argument that magic arrow is better at dealing damage, but in order to do that you are using your hero's turn..
Wouldnt it be better to use the hero's turn in delaying or cursing..

Just want some opinions
One thing though, why is it that most demons dont choose hellfire??
I get +35 damage because of hellfire and so far it is very useful..
For me it has mostly triggered on imps(for taking retal)..
Yes i read the argument that magic arrow is better at dealing damage, but in order to do that you are using your hero's turn..
Wouldnt it be better to use the hero's turn in delaying or cursing..

if u want to get +35 dmg, simply maximize ur atk stats
its far more better than adding ur know/sp
if you wanna know.. knight is undefeatable......
if you really wanna win must got luck like elf.. +3 luck:D
and demon was weak for knight...
knight troops was more than demon.... if a player know the weakness of demon the demon sure lose
so demon is too weak for kngiht.. but tough for necro.... any creature gated is no use =)
25: knight is defeatable
if the knight is undefeatable, means that u made mistake on that game

even my friend xerfer, at lv 7 win from a knight with afk troops settlement on the beginning of the battle
Notice if the gated stack are not big,and bowmen do volley ability,they will kill em all,its hard to block griifin because of that too!Your troops need to be close to each other to block griifins,perfect for volley!

Then kill the bowmen with succubis and magic first .. leave swordsmen behind .. Honestly I have played knights so long and I think Knights are not too good .. ^^ Demons can kill them if they want ..

Bowmen will die first .. OFC .. succubis will kill them .. at the next turn, succubis have to gate .. ^^
Yes i read the argument that magic arrow is better at dealing damage, but in order to do that you are using your hero's turn..
Wouldnt it be better to use the hero's turn in delaying or cursing..

Then take the talent of Basic Sorcery .. ^^ it will give ur hero 10% faster of turn .. ^^
Basic sorcery is a waste of a talent for any magic demon, it only helps in MQ quests like raids or ____monsters quest etc..
Knights are balanced at both defense and offense..targeting bowmen before griffins is a bad idea, because griffins can do good damage and with some luck can kill wolfs easily
29: griffins needs 3 turn before reach their target
1st, move 2-3 steps
2nd, hit the wall
3rd, hit the main target

and, wolf has better speed than griffins
so, wolf will hit griffin first

targeting bowmen before griffins is a bad idea
so, it depends
if the knight play defensive, whack the bowmen first
if the knight play offensive with griffin as frontline, shot griffin 1st
If one is playing a mage demon then,shooting griffs first with succubi is the best option imho, whether the knight plays defensive or offensive.

knights bows shudnt be much of a problem, as any mage demon with decent spell power at hand, can kill them with 1-2 shots(@ lvl 5 and 6,not sure about the later lvls).

besides most knights escort griffs so attacking them with our hounds equals quick death(each escort can kill about 2-3 hounds at one go )and i m very much sure that those our tiny little creatures called spawns wont help much against the remaining 30+ swords,i m afraid.

more higher lvl demons might be able to offer any more better opinion than this.


hehe thanks aRU...

I'm too lazy to dig up combats, but level 7 demon should be able to beat knight 80% of the time..


You're doing something wrong.

It helps to try to block griffin. If the knight knows anything, he will volley ur spawn blockers, leaving spawns, wolf and succ open to attack. block the grif with wolf. succ should get a shot at grif, and then wolf + spawns should be able to take them down.

After you have the grif down, u need to regroup and take out the archers. After they are gone, u can wait til the perfect time to take retal with 1 spawn and hit swords with all ur stacks.
[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // =D]
i gonna try out battle fury
at lv6
which talent is better?
off + ColdBlade or off + BattleFury
Imo, BattleFury And your imps will tear everything into pieces.

what's that?

I just lvled up but i know demons are very sluggish and not powerful can any1 tell me good strategy at my lvl?

what's that?

I just lvled up but i know demons are very sluggish and not powerful can any1 tell me good strategy at my lvl?

imo=in my opinion.

who says demons r not powerful.just take 30 demons 14 hounds and the rest imps and u ll see the difference. imps can be used to take retal,draining mana,blocking enemy shooters and their turn comes even b4 demons.good speed and initiative wud help u more than anything else, keep demons as tanks and to block enemy shooters

if u want u can refer to some of my battles at lvl 3,tho i must admit i did mostly hunts during that time.

best luck :)
Does the time of apearance of gated monster depends on ini of gated ?
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