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AuthorLets talk about talents
For 15.pang:
if it is so, i wonder why those on top ranking in ru were DE and elf while not knight.
look better in the top 15 players are:3 knight,0 elf and 0 necro

about the fallen knight, knight use it in the cost of 1 morale. so, you thinking nerco could make use of it? you have nothing to do with morale. so, new talent call 'fallen nerco' with opposite effect like +5 spell power and lose all undead abilities in troops?

No, but he could use the enfeeble talent. You mist all the point of what i wanted to say. I necromancer is supposed to be the best in the dark arts nothing less, so having less talents isnt very good.

off topic: go study some about the HoMM game, you will know why those talent on LoWM had been set at such way

i already did that but i think u dint do that, its obvious that necro miss some talents such as: weakining strike, mark of damned, dead mans curse,dark reward ...

so, what you looking for? a faction can raise death with 20% bonus hp + summon phantom with mass skel bowmen to deal over 400 dmg per turn even no luck + negative buff spell + boosting luck ignoring morale.

nah we r not talking about faction but about talents... we r looking for more balanced talents
I don't think necros "weakness" comes from talents, but from spells. In Homm 5, most necro power came from fourth and fith circle spell (summon elemental/phoenix, vampirism, frenzy, pupet master,...).

I necromancer is supposed to be the best in the dark arts nothing less
Aren't necros supposed to be summoners?
I am being necro and I can't complain. Necros fit my playstyle. If anybody thinks they are not good enough, he is not playing necro right way ;)
go study some about the HoMM game, you will know why those talent on LoWM had been set at such way

"This isn't HoMM" sorta (c) Admins

Talent ring isn't perfect, but technicaly speaking it's still being developed.

so, is that mean knight should get unstoppable charge? benediction? dmg boost on retal with counter-strike mastery? come on, you will find it ridiculous, wont you?


correct, admin refer most of the elements from HoMM, cause it had been well developed and balanced at there; no matter, from story line, troops stats, formula, abilities and so on.

all they need just do some tune before get in LoWM. but, it is still NOT HoMM.
since you all speak of necro I'll put mine point of view: necro is excellent to play with.

SBow are awesome in great numbers
Infected are perfect for monster kills (only necro can kill such high level monsters as wizz)
Ghost/Apparitions - awesome units, though apparitions could have higher ini
Vamps/Lords - my fav unit - just can't kill them
Lich - in my opinion most powerfull shooter in the game
Envoys - fast with lots of firepower
Skell Dragons - rather weak compared with other tier 7 creatures, but necro can have +1 tier 7 so it's compensated

talent wheel is kind of strange, but you can still pick good + necro has rather cheap erudition

all say necro is slow - wrong, necro units have solid ini, but they don't have morale - that makes them slow

only thing I hate about necro is - you can't hunt alone - but on the other side teamed up in 3v3 or 2v2 fights necro is great PvP warrior might or magic, doesn't matter

just consider necro as a PvP player, not PvM
Now all we need is Sveta to drop by and say that necro are great :)

I rather like that necro don't complain on being week - though others tell them they are :P
what will happen if necro have 7-point def talent tree?

think about 2x vamps with full arts and expert def talents,
they might became a real "UNDEAD".
what will happen if necro have 7-point def talent tree?

think about 2x vamps with full arts and expert def talents,
they might became a real "UNDEAD".

As for DE, I think the talent wheel is quite good. Somebody can complain for the most expensive unique racial talent(elemental call for 7TP), but I think it is worth it. For 7TP we have just these offence things ... frankly, I think it won't be convenient to use it, because we are directed to the magic way, by 2 major things: 1,Piercing magic 2,Elemental call ... that's why practical use have just these sorcery and darkness things (meant by long run, high levels), that are for 8TP and that is wise price ... so as for me, I think DE talent wheel is quite normal, not bad, not great.
For Pang,

Dont get me wrong, I love playing Necro as its challenging compared to DE or other strong faction. Like everyone said, Necro arent good at hunting, thats why I would want them to had something to make them good, if someone doesnt like PvP then he cannot go Necro, its kinda stupid. Anyways.

For Knight, you have the number of troops on your side and morale boost with Low Cost Leadership. Xbows are awesome and you get almost half what we get in Skellys bowmen (Xbows dmg 2-8, Skelly bowmen 1-2) see the difference :)

Anyways, this thread is kinda going off-topic. Skill wheel need to be revamped a bit. They are too focusing on a single path for each faction. Id like to have it like HoMM5 where you can choose your own path. More choice = more build = more fun trying all of them.
well for barbarians it really weird - no magic at all, it's like homm3 campaign with Yog and all missions - no magic. Well ogre magi can cast blodlust but i think heroes could have talents like in homm5 where orcs have taunts and stuff...
well for barbarians it really weird - no magic at all, it's like homm3 campaign with Yog and all missions - no magic. Well ogre magi can cast blodlust but i think heroes could have talents like in homm5 where orcs have taunts and stuff...
If barbs get magic 99% players will be barbs...

The wheel is pretty balanced except barb and elves wheel.
I do have to say I find the necromancer talent wheel lacking. Don't get me wrong I love beeing a nec, I had a funny time in lvl 7 and partly in lvl 8 as a poisoner in group battles, now I switched to might (as so many else do) and hope to become a thief soon.

But when I look at my talent wheel I can see 4 out of 5 branches intended for magic users (only wizards have more) and only 1 intended for combat - at pretty high costs.

If I compare this to the most common build (might) for high lvl necs I can't escape the impression that there is something wrong.
Come on people, get over with it. Vitality is like designed specially just for necros, no other factions have a better use of it. Skeles get a incredible 50% hp boost with vitality.
I really don't think so that if barb had magic there would be alot of barbarians...
yes babrbarias are really strong till lvl8 but above lvl 8 barbarians are really not so good in PVP and thief, especially at pvp
for hiddenshadow

This discussion was about talent and as I discribed above, there is a huge dicrepancy between the playing style implied by the talent wheel and the actual playing style how it is practised, so this implies to me there is something flawed.

By the way have you ever seen a nec who used those blue magic talent?
for Ranor:

Now all we need is Sveta to drop by and say that necro are great :)

I rather like that necro don't complain on being week - though others tell them they are :P

duh, one example check out herohero(stolen from Necro discussion thread)
Ok first of all I do like nec as well (also as stated above) not every criticism is complaining.

I checked herohero and he uses grey talent + nature talent, my question was about the blue talents, e.g. moving hero forward on ATB scale after using a spell. I have seen none who uses this particular area of talents.

And even if there are a few necs who should use this talent, my previous statement stays the same, almost all necs use might build in high lvls, but necs talent wheel implies heavy use of magic, since 4 out of 5 talent areas are of magic origin.
Ahh, u mean socery. Well, what do wizards do with Nature? We dont need enchanting our nature spells?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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