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AuthorElves or darkelves???????
I am having a great confusion on who is better. elves or Dark elves. I want the answer on the long run till lv 14
They are good for different things... All factions are supposed to be eaqual, just pick the one you like better.
They are both equal and balanced in power. Short run, there may be a difference in starting play styles, elves being more focused on ranged and magic, and dark elves on melee and tactics.

But in the long run, they should be balanced when they get most of their units.
Both magic, ranged and melee are evened out.
i think elves r better cuz shrews can be easilky killed by grandmaster bowmen and elves treefolk has lot of attack and defence which is better than dark witches
sorry for double posting.

but they r equal cuz dark elve's magic powerful and their shrews rock
Are you trying to say shrews rock or suck? Elves better in duel vs DE but in gb DE is much better due to GB and efks gets killed too quickly. They are pretty much equal in hunt, merc, but DE much better in Thief
[Post deleted by moderator MasterTI // Get your facts right, kaiune has enchants making her more powerful]
Plain and simple, an Elf performs better overall in Group Battles than Dark Elf, and Dark Elves perform better overall with Thief Guild missions (especially at level 9+, I'd say elves are pretty equal at 6-8 with efks, but gradually get weaker with thief guild as they level up)

Also Shrews are the best PvM unit in the game, so if you want to level up that hunter guild, go go dark elf.

Plain and simple :)

So play both? hehe.

for your info, i am playing both =)
Dark elves are very good, but tricky to use against most other classes because of their lack of a good ranged unit and the small amount of units all around. But if they can get close with enough units BEFORE getting thinned out they are invincible.

Elves have great ranged attacks and that (highly annoying) favored enemy ability, but their forest keepers need to hit first or hit something that won't retaliate, they are kind of easy to kill at any decent level. Their druids are tough and cast lightning, 20 damage each shot.

Elves have a great advantage over Dark elves when they hit levels 3 and 5, but I'm not sure about after those levels.
i don think so. dark elf can easily win elf when reaches lvl 3 and 4. in 10 match dark elf could win 9 match atleast.
elf absolutely shrews arent so good as is sayed. But if you dontt fight pvp or groupbattles darkelf is better becose of shrews
Elf and DE are both very good for hunts. DE is slightly better for slow units (zombies), especially those with morale (swordsmen), but Elf is slightly better for large melee units. DE has the upper hand when it comes to ranged hunts and unlimited retal units (like Merc Warriors), but Elf has the edge when it comes to any other hunt that has none of the above properties.

In PvP, Elf's efk and gmb are targeted too quickly to make full use of them; leaving them with little to work with. DE gets a good boost in PvP by having mino soldiers and hydra, though their shrews die quickly as well.

Elf has the definite upper-hand in most Mercenary Missions... but they are very similar to the differences in hunts. Elf can take care of mercs that involve primarily large and "basic" units that have no special properties; and DE has a better time with ranged-based merc missions.

Caravans are the opposite of hunts. If there are many ranged units, elves can break the defenses and ruin them with efks very quickly, all while GMB are used as bait. DE's Shrews have to pick off one stack at a time and cannot afford to block ranged units with them. It's easier for DE if there are large units involved, whereas large units block efk too often so they can't take down as many stacks with one hit. In the end, it evens out. Elf often ends with only their druids and Unicorns standing; and DE ends with their hydra and (minos?) left. By that logic one could say that DE hits harder in the end-game with Hydra, and Elf has to rely on hitting hard in the beginning, leaving their Unicorns and Dru to clean up what's left.

They are very different play-styles, so it is rather difficult to compare. If you prefer a more tactically defensive style, elf would be your kava. If that's not quite your cup o' tea, you could go with the tactically offensive Dark Elf as your earl grey. Unless you prefer chai, in which case you should probably be playing Wizard ;p
All are nearly equal. Take the one that represent YOUR playing style.
for hiddenshadow:
Shrews suck and rock both.
If in our team they rock.
If they r our opponent they suck.
I think as long as the Grand Master not killed by the shrews, it is still balanced .. :) the GMs are the keys .. they have to strike down the red-haired first, but DE still have to be careful with elves that have the most complete abilities than the other factions .. EFKS should be killed first .. leave druids and unicorns to lizards and minos and every thing will be easier for DE ..

As long as the GM bowen still there, Elves will win :)

Treefolk awesome, but against Hydras, hydras still win, the witches have range that can kill efks, or GM faster .. :) And do not forget they have magic (chastise) that could make the minos or lizards or the red-haired much more powerful ..

When the DEs have talent of tactic, and the elves place the units at the wrong places, then that will be a disaster for Elves .. they will die too fast :)
ia loxotronshik
Admini loxiiiiii!!!!!!
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