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AuthorStacks to damge
Hi all,

Just a Q about how a creature inflict damage.

Basically, it has to do with me not understand what a "stack" means. :p

1) Is the attack damage inflicted by a creature the same if the (everything else being equal), the creature has ONE "stack", but the 'fraction' number is 32/32 and 1/32?

2) If let's say my swordsmen stats are

Swordsmen [10]

Which number is my 'stack'? 10 or 12?

3) What about damage I inflict on a creature? Is it the same if the creature has the [10] 16/16 and [10] 1/16?

Thanks in advance.
what is fraction number? where do you get that from?
A stack is how many troops are in a group.

Q2)Which number is my 'stack'? 10 or 12?
You have 1 stack
You have 10 swordsmen in that 1 stack. If you wanted to split them into 2 stacks, they would be Swordsmen [5] and Swordsmen [5].

Q1)Is the attack damage inflicted by a creature the same if the (everything else being equal), the creature has ONE "stack", but the 'fraction' number is 32/32 and 1/32?
Assuming you mean the stack's hit points and that there is only 1 unit in the stack, then no, there is no difference.

Q3) What about damage I inflict on a creature? Is it the same if the creature has the [10] 16/16 and [10] 1/16?
Same as Q1
Hmm... even MORE confused now. So basically, i have 3 sets of numbers.

what is fraction number? where do you get that from?

Let';s say you have 1 stack of recruit, the stats would read like this - Recruit [1] 6/6. If a small creature hit you for 2 damage, the stats would become Recruit [1] 4/6. That's where the fraction comes from and basically the juice of my Q.

Does the fraction has any effect of the damge inflict

Let's say it's my Hero's turn, I know a knight's hero usually deals about 12-14 damage. I know after my turn, a mino is going next. The mino stats is Minotaur [3] 27/31. So if my Hero hit it, the mino's stats would probably become Minotaur [3] 14/31.

If the mino were to go next and hit 1 of my troops, is the damage the mino inflict the same for Minotaur [3] 27/31 and Minotaur [3] 14/31?

Coz sometimes I wonder, knowing roughly the damage 1 of my troops will cause, should I hit something that has Creature [3] 31/31, should I attack knowing I can only change the fraction, and not the the 'x' inside the [x]. Or should I hit something that is say - [3] 2/31, and make it say - {2] 19/31. I know if I hit this, the 'x' number inside the {x} would change.

I hope I managed to get my Q across. haha.. :p

Thanks in advance.
Let's say it's my Hero's turn, I know a knight's hero usually deals about 12-14 damage. I know after my turn, a mino is going next. The mino stats is Minotaur [3] 27/31. So if my Hero hit it, the mino's stats would probably become Minotaur [3] 14/31.

What I mean is "The mino stats is Minotaur [3] 27/31. So if my Hero hit it AND CAUSED 13 DAMAGE, the mino's stats would become Minotaur [3] 14/31.

I know if I hit this, the 'x' number inside the {x} would change.

So is damage measured only by the x, or y as well? If creature's stats is say - [x] or y/12.

[3] 27/31
this for eg.

[3] means 3 units of mino in that particular stack

27/31 means 1 of the minos has 27 hp, while the other 2 still have full HP
and yet altogether you still have 3 minos, and they still do same damage as 3 full health minos
let's take the mino example.

minos have 31 hp each, and a stack has 10 mino. so total hp of the stack is 310.
it will read as minos[10] 31/31 indicating 10 minos of full health.

now your hero does 13 damage, the first mino gets hurt and hp is reduced to 31-13=18

now the stack will read as mino[10] 18/31, indicating there are 10 minos, 9 of them are full health of 31hp each and the last one is damaged to 18/31hp
and the total hp of the stack is 310-13 = 297

now if you deal a damage of 31 or more, that will kill one minotaur and the number [10] will drop to [9].
eg, your swordsmen deal 35 damage, this kills one whole mino, and damages the next one by 4 hp (35-31=4). so the stack will now be mino [9] 27/31.
2) If let's say my swordsmen stats are

Swordsmen [10]

Which number is my 'stack'? 10 or 12?

its always then number in [ ]
lol, don't have to make it so complicated.
Health does not affect the damage dealt by a stack.

Minos [10] 31/31 will do the same damage as Minos [10] 17/31.

I think it is quite starightforward and intuitive, right?
Ah.. ok. I got it.

So to conclude. *ahem. clears throat*

If you are fighting a monster creature, and it's stats reads MONSTER [2] 1/1000.
Even if you attack it with a recruit, caused ONE measly damage, and brings the monster's stats to MONSTER [1] 1000/1000, you have just effectively HALVED his attack damage, right? Did I understood u all right this time? :p

Yes exactly.
Yes exactly.

Hmm.. then that 1 HP difference could mean life or death, winning or losing when fighting a big monster with 5000 HP.. :)
ok, in the same line of Q -

1) The dmager done by a chreature's magic has nothing to do with how many stacks/units/HP it has, right?

Example: A magi with [100] 20/20 deal the same magic damage even if its stats is [1] 1/20, right?
A magi with [100] 20/20 deal the same magic damage even if its stats is [1] 1/20, right

Miss out a few words -

A magi with [100] 20/20 deal the same magic damage even if you HIT IT TILL its stats is DOWN TO [1] 1/20, right
actually more the magi/caster in a stack more is the damage dealt... however it does not follow a linear pattern :

that will give you some idea of number:damage ratio
let's add to that:

for darkness casters like genies, dark witches and cave demons, the number in a stack determines number of turns the spell will last and they cast the spells at advanced level of respective talents.
Hmmm... I always thought (and read somewhere) that

"The effect of a cast spell usually depends on the caster's magical talent of the correspondent school
No talent Basic talent Advanced talent Expert talent"

So the stacks/units/HP does matters.. arrgghh.. Not good news. haha..
"The effect of a cast spell usually depends on the caster's magical talent of the correspondent school
No talent Basic talent Advanced talent Expert talent"

That's for hero casting spells.
For spell casting troops (magi, druids, dark witches etc.) stack size matters.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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