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AuthorConcept of Weeks
now i have Shebali's favour :p

+100000!! Mostest awesomest idea everest for ever! The bestest hopest the admins could implement this. Population is what you want right? Now we have a brilliantest idea here.
awsome i hope this is accepted
love it
Like it, this idea had occured to me, too ;p
hopefully someday admin could implement this..
what about weeeks of tier troops like week of the goblin that give a bonus to the number of things

note:only troops tiers of 1 to 3 (cant spell cretures right or is that right?)

Very nice. :)
Faction week bonuses will have to be fo combats with neutrals only. Otherwise faction week will just have other factions not duel that faction.

You could have some kind of bonus for beating the relevant in faction week. Bonus morale for the next fight or something similar, to promote people fighting the faction week faction.
4: the effects are only against neutrals, so there should not be any PvP disparity throughout. And if you are thinking of unfair advantage in creating records, be patient - your week will come, or change faction and go for that record.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // off topic]
#11 flooding is the most ridiculous thing ever so why you get a kick from it i dont know. there should be an anti flooder week 5 minutes between posts, maybe a little annoying for normal players but bearable. this will kill this crazy sport of flooding dead
great idea. thought of it myself quite a few times in the past, but never had the power to beat lazyness and write it down. hope it catches :)
what about those misc. weeks that do ... nth =D
Best idea ever!guru you are the best!!
+100000000000000000000000000 ! I just can't say anymorre :p
i also agree with this
it will add more fun to our game
i had suggest this idea long ago, but rejected XD
what about those misc. weeks that do ... nth =D

give them some fun names to keep players entertained :P

something like week of the hydra : hydras have opera concerts in their caves, each showing off chorus skills!

few of my faves from HOMM5 are (i'm quoting them as far as i remember)

=week of the lion - not a good week to be an antelope
=week of the bees - favourite week of children, each hive dwelling produces 2x more honey
=week of swallow - swallows return home, often carrying cocunuts (love this one for the subtle Monty Python joke!)
=week of caterpillar - elves celebrate by song and dance followed by a feast (just creepy, somehow i get the feeling they eat caterpillars :S)

nice idea
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