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Elf Faction Topic Update


AuthorElf Faction Topic Update
too expensive and it gives only attack and initiative (not enough for fk's to be the first; efk's are fast enough). better: medal of bravery + defender shield + reprisal sword (best ratio cost/qualities).

forest keeper don't need to be first, it was usually enough when sprites went first. 2 stacks of sprites usually kill everything that has more ini than forest keeper (except maybe for griffins/rogues splitted up too much/Wolves when only 1 stack of sprites can hit. But in those cases the enemy goes usually for sprites (if he doesn't do sprites will finish him off next turn) or if he goes for fk they won't get that much damage, retal and kill the attacker and still be nearly full stack

well i have to admit i usually was the thief myself (and therefore had a better placement of archer & chance of dealing damage to multiple stacks with sprites) but i still think my idea works well

but since i can really be wrong (and was already proven wrong at some points) i won't bother anymore (i don't want to spread useless ideas/false information)
for Van_GM: and try shrews .. ^^ that have more inits than the sprites .. :) and efks ...:)

But I have to say that sprites and efks are great to block shooters and to kill some main units, like x-bow, etc .. :) with morales and lucks : THEY WILL ROCK ^^

Hey, Van_GM, we are here to discuss, so, nobody's going to judge you for your opinions. They may work, so, let us know them. Who knows, maybe there is something new which is worth applying. I learned a lot from forum and from people who weren't affraid to go on sharing their ideas even if sometimes they were proven wrong. OK? :)

Short version: don't be discouraged by any critics and go on share your opinions. ;)

shrews may have better initiative, but don't forget the 10% divergence on ATB bar (meaning, shrews don't need necessarly to be before efk's).

and don't write with caps because you will get banned and you will start a war against mods. :D
hey - weren't we talking about lvl 7 (since the one asking for advice asked for lvl 7)
and i already wrote - if the enemy has diamond upgrade it is usually lost already

so there usually are no shrews to have more ini than sprites (and rogues have less ini)
and since my sprites nearly always killed rogues before they even moved once there is nothing left to rock
and there are also usually no efk to move before shrews with 10% divergence on ATB bar ;)

i am always discouraged, i'm sorry i just have a weak character :(
sorry for double posting, just to show you that i'm not writing something i made up myself. This was the original question:

[>] [q]
33 2009-06-21 14:46:01
I have an big question:

"Is possible for an lv 7 elf survive in an ambush?


the answer is definitely _yes_!!! as i said, i was hunting thieves and i consider elf being one of the strongest faction here (in hg, mg, tg and in pvp which is not duel). there are main opponents: dark elf and wizard (if the wizard has miniarts), but here it depends on the strategies of the players.
i always thought of barbarians being the biggest thread to elfs since their orcs usually just smash my bowmen before they even move once :(

barbarians are good only if the sprites/fk cannot reach their orcs. in tg and in pvp (not duel) they are weak. in tg, their orcs are reached so they cannot shoot, and in pvp they need to attack before their mates or they are useless. in duels are better than elves, that's true.
Look this combat.

I defeat an barbarian in an true pvp: we had lv 5 faction skill and 10 ap.

And their orcs atack-me first.


If you use your brain, you can win barbarians.
Oh, i need say how much this barbarian was lucked: he had only ONE morale, but his actvate 5 times in the combat, more that my luck.(3 luck).
Good Fight
Factional ability 'Favoured enemy' helps to "thick" fractions )))
from level 7 upward, the barbarians become weaker
Look this combat.

I defeat an barbarian in an true pvp: we had lv 5 faction skill and 10 ap.

And their orcs atack-me first.


If you use your brain, you can win barbarians.

he didn't split up his orcs to 4 stacks (i would have done that), this would have killed 3-4 more bowmen at first turn

also he suicided his hobs (after his orcs went down because he didn't split them up enough), he wasted a turn with hobs at the start (not making enough pressure), didn't cover hobs with ogres (those two stacks went seperate from each other without being able to strike back if sprites attack them) and didn't attack sprites when possible with ogres at the end (although i doubt that this would have made a difference)
and even if he had morale triggering to times for good (hobs, ogres), it was never that crucial
on the other hand you really had luck to get luck/favourite enemy when you needed it (especially against those suiciding hobs)
so your opponent made some (in my opinion) crucial mistakes
but anyway you played well and deserved victory
so i see with some luck elf really have a chance against barbarian (if they don't use vitality talent because then you won't be able to take them down that easy :) )
from level 7 upward, the barbarians become weaker

Dont think so...
Dont think so...
from level 7 upward, the barbarians become weaker

From level 10 barbarians become your worst enemies. Just imagine a barb with all points in attack, full def arts, offense, cold blade, battle fury....
If you hit them they destroy you on retaliation. If you ever get a chance to move... :)
#55, 56, 57:

Dont think so...

everyone has a personal opinion about that. :)

Just imagine a barb with all points in attack, full def arts, offense, cold blade, battle fury....

hmm... like you don't have your points on attack. for barbs is quite difficult to hunt. you should take this advantage as elf (look at the experience table for hunters guild).
from level 7 upward, the barbarians become weaker
True until we got chief on lv9 or 10
for CGSMCMLXXV: Yeahh the chiefs are very dangerous .. they have more inits than ur bowmen .. :( can kill ur bowmen faster .. :) with luck (chastise if they get) ouw .. :) they sting .. :)
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