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Also, Magic Elves have more trouble kiting without Battle Fury to help. Chastise does, however, give a nice edge in the early battle; and mass rapid can give your Sprites and their phantom a couple extra hits. Don't forget that having Spell Power also increases the effectiveness of Raising. Never let the morale penalty get in the way of making critical decisions such as Raising to keep your bowmen safe. You can always Raise your key units even if they don't need it simply to negate the penalty of Raising a blocker. Yes, it's an expensive strategy in terms of mana... I work with 70 mana and multiple raises have saved me in many a' Merc Mission.

The ideal Magic Elf would likely need 3-5 Spell Power and 90-120 mana. It is certainly quite a feat to gain that much simply with Leveling and Erudition; but the spells can easily make up for otherwise allocating those points in Attack.
hmmm...nice articles^^

btw, elves now find more difficulties in hunting ;p

5 m. 2 vs 1 5-5 vs 1-1 Hunter 90 Hunter's assistance required!
Location: Silent Hill confused[5] [Elf] [Join] vs Vampires(78

5 m. 2 vs 1 5-5 vs 1-1 Hunter 90 Hunter's assistance required!
Location: Silent Hill g0rd0n[5] [Elf] [Join] vs Imps(265)

5 m. 2 vs 1 5-5 vs 1-1 Hunter 90 Hunter's assistance required!
Location: Silent Hill myqmiko[5] [Elf] [Join] vs Rogues(33)
(from the group battle scene at 17:14 today)
for ipslne:

Now, my 2 cents opinion. :)

I tried both Might and Magic Elf at combat levels 10 and 11. Before level 10, Elf has no business to be Magic. I've seen Magic Elves at lower levels, but, sincerely, I wasn't impressed.

Elf builds:
1. Pure Might: all the points in attack, no magic at all. N.B.: kill your enemy before you are too weak (preferable, in less than 3 turns if ambush or pvp).
2. Pure Magic: most of the points in spell power and knowledge, the rest in defense (no point in attack). N.B.: works only as support in GB's.
3. Combo Might and Magic (the most used): knowledge +1 until level 8, knowledge +2 until level 10 and knowledge +3 or +4 at level 10 and above. I call this "Hunting Elf".
4. Combo Might and Magic (I prefer): knowledge +1 until level 10, knowledge +2 at level 10 and above. I call this "Compromise Elf".

The difference between 3 and 4 is the fact that knowledge +4 in PvP is of no use (being too many). Knowledge +2 gives enough mana for raising or any other spell useful in combat as Might build. On the other hand, knowledge +2 is too less for hunts at combat level 10 and 11 because of too less mana for 2 phantoms. Fortunately, my hunts are easy and I have anchorites which transfer mana to my hero.

ipslne, you work with raise because your troops are weak in attack by using the points from attack in knowledge and spell power. I have very less need of raise in my set of characteristics.

This was my 2 cents opinion. ;)

Thanks for your 2 cents. This is very helpful. :-)
Tip for level 8 elves who are on brigands or hunt thieves(Like that will happen now)


Split druids into three stacks and stone all melee.
Sprites one corner, EFK another, unicorns another and shooters take out part of another while all melee take out designated corner and join to take out the other.
Any tips on recruitment for tourney?
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
Well can anyone help me? Please answer my question here or at Q&H


Those are good points; and a Magic Elf is truly weak in PvP. The most they can do is provide support and fodder for attacks. The support they can provide, however, can make or break a game. Properly cast Stoneskin, Chastise, and Rapid can make a stack of xbows or skelbows wreak havoc (just as examples).

I still have to disagree in how much knowledge though. A Magic Elf with 40 Mana can only create two phantoms and then cast no more. This doesn't do their lack of attack justice. Their attack power is reliant on Mana, in a very different way than Wizards.

GMB are the key attackers for a Magic Elf. Summoning a Phantom stack of 2 Sprites as blockers can buy your GMB and Phantom GMB anywhere from 1 to 3 more turns.

It's true, without arts my attacks are relatively weak... but Raising has only proven to be useful during Caravans and many Merc Missions; even saved me after being ambushed a few times.
Any tip for ambush in lvl 10 and the new LARGE battle field ?
The larger battlefield can be good or bad. If the majority of what you are ambushing end up being ranged units; you will be in quite a bit of trouble. Placing your units will be crucial in breaking through their defenses. Attacking the outter rim with EFK (usually faster than Sprites) and then running in with Sprites appears to be effective enough to keep your GMB alive long enough to inflict at least a little damage. Of course, they wont last for long... most Caravan Lords will kill your GMB very quickly. Other than the very beginning not much changes.

Oh, and Shrews are more of a pain if you are doing the ambushing; but less of a pain if you are the one ambushed :)

The battle below, I was ambushed by a Dark Elf on the rare occaision when I forget to remove my arts before traveling. Despite the DE making quite a few poor decisions, this is still a good example of the advantage the larger stage gives you against the Shrews.

for ipslne:

Thanks for the answer,

my main concern is ambushing a caravan ... is it better to use more GMBs ? or what ?
to #572:
although i have never done any ambushing but i think is better to use all ur EFKs and those melee attackers
Their hero always target bowmen, badluck with fireball/lighting/archers, since their numbers will always overpower yours.

The battle below, I was ambushed by a Dark Elf on the rare occaision when I forget to remove my arts before traveling. Despite the DE making quite a few poor decisions, this is still a good example of the advantage the larger stage gives you against the Shrews.

well, the DE really made some crucial bad choices (ignoring bowmen and attacking druids instead, not blocking bowmen, not killing/blocking phantom bowmen, standing in range of shooter with shrews etc). But still i find it interesting that contrary to CGSMCMLXXV's opinion double phantom really has payed off (therefore 4 KN was NOT too much for pvp)
Attacking the outter rim with EFK (usually faster than Sprites) and then running in with Sprites appears to be effective enough to keep your GMB alive long enough to inflict at least a little damage. Of course, they wont last for long... most Caravan Lords will kill your GMB very quickly. Other than the very beginning not much changes.
indeed, your bowmen are only a distraction of the enemies shooter to give your efk/sprites/unicorns some time to deal enough damage. Of course druids are (in my opinion) serving the same purpose, divided into 3 stacks giving each melee stack a good stoneskin :) And if the enemy hero is a spellcaster your unicorns may prevent the worst by standing next to your efk/sprites :)
therefore i always ambush with about max efk, then sprites, then unicorns, then bowmen and at last druids :)
Please tell which is the best way to split druids???
Depends what u fighting at. You can recruit less druids if you rely on your fk more than the bowmen. They normally used for stoneskin or as a shooter before the faeries/sprites/globins etc rush to your bowmen wall, you won't need a lot of it if thats the only use of them. As a shooter they do pretty good.

Unfortunately you will need to experiment the best way to split them.. You just need to calculate well if they are melee units going to your bowmen, so you can pull up that extra shot before your bowmen is dead.

For example, this guy did it this way for hobgoblins - https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=10143456

Or my sprite fight ~_~

If there are only 2 stacks of sprites not 5 in my example, you need a different setup.
Have fun..
One more.. a grandmaster bowmen fight - https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=7724078
Found another sprites fight, different setup of mine.
I'm going to try my hand at Nature Magic Efficiency enchantments. It'll be a long time before I can field test it; but I'll be sure to bring updates when I do.

I'm really only hoping it helps Wasp Swarm and Raise enough to be noticeable o_o;;

Aiming for about 12%
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