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AuthorNeutrals speak :-)
I lied.

1~0:[Bandits]: dont beat me before i go to bed
2~0:[Noxous]: XD<

very funny this one

1~3:[Wolf Riders]: loser
2~6:[TheonlyVampier]: it's u
3~6:[Wolf Riders]: i was born there
4~7:[TheonlyVampier]: yeah<
So, apparently, vampires drink not only blood, but also coffee.

1~3:[Vampires]: tis zombie turn so slow;(
2~4:[Berserkas]: why are you so sad? i'm the one with the zombies.
3~4:[Vampires]: keep fall asleep
4~5:[Berserkas]: no thanks, i will not.
5~5:[Vampires]: 750 gold
6~5:[Berserkas]: if i fall asleep?
7~5:[Vampires]: meh, i like caffiene
8~6:[Berserkas]: lol, i thought vampires drink blood?
9~6:[Berserkas]: heh.
10~6:[Vampires]: ja jeste ring nedostal
11~6:[Berserkas]: say what?
12~6:[Vampires]: vamps
13~6:[Berserkas]: ..yeah, i kind of noticed.
14~6:[Vampires]: dun split them
15~6:[Berserkas]: i won't.
16~6:[Vampires]: my last zombies !
17~6:[Berserkas]: you don't have any!
18~6:[Vampires]: okay
19~16:[Berserkas]: glad you see it my way.
20~22:[Berserkas]: bye bye, vamps.
21~22:[Vampires]: ostalosu nemnoga
22~27:[Berserkas]: 'til next time!
23~27:[Vampires]: lol that works
1~4:[Wolfhounds]: wow that was a good game!!
2~5:[HeartBreakkid]: will
3~5:[Wolfhounds]: there
4~6:[HeartBreakkid]: what?
5~6:[Wolfhounds]: good
6~7:[HeartBreakkid]: whatever
7~7:[Wolfhounds]: haha hi nejaf
8~8:[HeartBreakkid]: whose that?
9~8:[Wolfhounds]: some freaking stalker...
10~9:[HeartBreakkid]: ha!
11~10:[HeartBreakkid]: say what?
12~10:[Wolfhounds]: it's a saying to agree
13~11:[HeartBreakkid]: who?
14~11:[Wolfhounds]: kill them
15~12:[HeartBreakkid]: nah
16~12:[Wolfhounds]: oh you're right
17~16:[HeartBreakkid]: yr deing:)
18~18:[HeartBreakkid]: hahahahahha
19~18:[Wolfhounds]: hehehehahaha
20~18:[HeartBreakkid]: !
21~18:[HeartBreakkid]: I laugh u cry!
22~18:[Wolfhounds]: i drink your blood ha ha
23~18:[HeartBreakkid]: say what?
24~18:[Wolfhounds]: was it jessica ;p ohh hehe
25~19:[HeartBreakkid]: ok yr not making any sense!<
A friend of me and I were insulted by the Speed 41 hydra ;P


If you want to look at it full it takes 18 minutes with x2 speed 0.o

What i meant directly was:
294~1346:[I_own_you_all]: ich probiers ^^
295~1346:[Hydras]: ja, du willst doch nich dass wir bayern hassen oder? (nich dass ichs
296~1346:*[grmblgrmpf]: oO
297~1346:[I_own_you_all]: bayern hassen?!! WIE BITTE
298~1346:*[grmblgrmpf]: LANDESVERRAT!
299~1347:*[grmblgrmpf]: Lyncht ihn!
300~1348:[I_own_you_all]: die stirbt schon noch ^^
301~1348:[I_own_you_all]: die kann ja zum glueck nich weglaufen xD

That's german and it means in english:
294~1346:[I_own_you_all]: i try it ^^
295~1346:[Hydras]: yes, you don't want us to hate bavaria, or?
296~1346:*[grmblgrmpf]: oO
297~1346:[I_own_you_all]: hate bavaria?!! WHAT
298~1346:*[grmblgrmpf]: COUNTRY TREASON!
299~1347:*[grmblgrmpf]: Lynch him!
300~1348:[I_own_you_all]: he's gonna die soon ^^
301~1348:[I_own_you_all]: can't fortunately run away xD
[Zorander]: i will kill u
[Skeletal bowmen]: go do it
a short one by me.

1~0:[Druids]: wher is the rest of you army????????????????????????
2~0:[Berserkas]: all up your grill.
3~0:[Druids]: ?....
4~1:[Berserkas]: heheheheheheheh.
5~1:[Druids]: din know
6~8:[Berserkas]: get ready to join my ranks of the undead.
7~22:[Berserkas]: any last words?
8~22:[Druids]: finish him ^^
9~23:[Berserkas]: ok.<
1~1:[Magi]: hu's turn?
2~1:[jambronk]: mine
3~1:[Magi]: gl anyways
4~1:[jambronk]: thank you
5~1:[Magi]: but you own me a favor
6~1:[jambronk]: what?
7~1:[Magi]: i didnt do that
8~2:[jambronk]: ooo, sure, my lip is sealed<
[Masterhunter_24]: Yup u lost
[Sprites]: so screw urself
[Masterhunter_24]: Shut up
[Sprites]: shut up for truth ? rofl stfu

owned. XD
Rogues are now poisoned.
[Rogues]: thank you

Genies cast Delay on Recruits for 5 turns.
[Recruits]: thanks
bowmen: kill bowmen
Giant Lizard:Hi Earthling

Some mercenary warriors apparently want imps on their side, to stop my necromancy.

1~10:[Mercenary warriors]: hello john, and thanks..
2~14:[Berserkas]: i'm not john...
3~14:[Mercenary warriors]: my imp drained ur mana so u couldnt do reise dead
4~14:[Berserkas]: you don't have any imps, and i will raise dead, sure as hell :P
5~14:[Mercenary warriors]: okay
6~20:[Berserkas]: glad you don't mind.
7~20:[Mercenary warriors]: 5 rounds already
8~22:[Berserkas]: really? i thought it was more.
9~31:[Berserkas]: see? i'm raising, and there's nothing you can do :P

like that's ever going to happen :D

Some ghosts apparently were hoping that i would keep missing... and wanted to kill my skele archers :)

1~7:[Ghosts]: kill bowmen
2~10:[Berserkas]: i won't let you!
3~10:[Ghosts]: 2 miss and a hit
4~11:[Berserkas]: i hope i will hit you earlier :D
5~11:[Ghosts]: good
6~15:[Berserkas]: want to die again so badly?
And another one. A almost intelligent conversation with sprites.

1~2:[Sprites]: ooooooooooooooooooooooo
2~3:[Berserkas]: say what?
3~3:[Sprites]: gargo hit ghost once
4~4:[Berserkas]: there are no gargs.
5~4:[Sprites]: let us kill him first.
6~5:[Berserkas]: how do you kill that wich is already dead?
7~5:[Sprites]: skill
8~8:[Berserkas]: hmmm... you have a point there XD
9~8:[Sprites]: ghosty ghost!
10~9:[Berserkas]: yes, my ghosts are killing you.
11~9:[Berserkas]: bye bye.
12~9:[Sprites]: right side is doomed
13~10:[Berserkas]: yes, you are. a accurate observation.
by a magi-I am listening to some songs on my ps3
The most fantastic conversation I could have, as a Knight, with a bunch of tamed minotaurs (MQ raid quest)


1~5:[Tamed minotaurs]: who's not here?
2~6:[Kotrin]: I'm waiting for you actually
3~6:[Tamed minotaurs]: you need to attack
4~6:[Kotrin]: With crossbowmen? lol
5~6:[Tamed minotaurs]: keeper
6~6:[Kotrin]: Wow o_O I'm a keeper indeed...
7~6:[Kotrin]: How do you know that?
8~6:[Tamed minotaurs]: im smart
9~6:[Kotrin]: I'm impressed indeed
10~6:[Tamed minotaurs]: kill faeries and elf dead
11~6:[Kotrin]: Well, perhaps not so smart
12~6:[Kotrin]: There are only minos here
13~9:[Kotrin]: Finally you get here!
14~9:[Tamed minotaurs]: y not use wasp swarm
15~9:[Kotrin]: Because I'm not an Elf?
16~9:[Tamed minotaurs]: u can invite them before the battle if u want too
17~9:[Kotrin]: No it's a mercenary quest
18~9:[Tamed minotaurs]: i see, they're hard, huh?
19~9:[Kotrin]: You'll see how I win this one ^_^
20~9:[Tamed minotaurs]: but ur doin, right?
21~9:[Kotrin]: Yes, that's why I'm here
22~9:[Kotrin]: To kill you
23~9:[Tamed minotaurs]: *cries*
I have to say, that was pretty amazing :D
#118 was amazingly humorous.
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