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Author[I10E10A10W10] or [E10A10W10F10]
which one is better!
Please let us know your opinion!
F of course :)
cheaper better
F of course :)
cheaper better
General opinion among players is to use fire against monsters(hunts, thief, etc.) and ignore targets defence at pvp.

Also if you decide to wear more than one enchanted weapon, you should use a combination that doesnt have the same enchants because they lower each other a little.

Like E10F10 + A10W10 is a slightly better combination than A10W10 + A10W10. Same with longer combinations, but I am too lazy..
Depens on what you are fighting against and what elements you have.

Against opponents with high defense, I. For all other things, F for sure.

I chose according to my elements. I had 10 of everything but Ice crystals so my current weapon has both I and F :)
Also, fire is not much cheaper.
10000 moonstone + 350-400 abrasive is 10400.
7000 tiger claw + 3500 fire crystal is 10500.

Prices might differ a little. +/- 1000
even against enemy with high def (no magic resist) fire still go through,
so it's not really bad
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
if enemy has def 20 or more use I
you are a level 12 barb so if the enemy have more than 30 deffence in GB use I and if lower use F
At our level, everyone has over 25 def hehe. Definitely (I) for pvp
Like E10F10 + A10W10 is a slightly better combination than A10W10 + A10W10

E10F10 + A10W10 = 40% damage increase
A10W10 + A10W10 = (100% - (100%-10%)(100%-10%))+(100% - (100%-10%)(100%-10%))
= 38%

Just doing the maths for you
but I description said its for charging stacks, so will it works for ranged unit?
f enemy has def 20 or more use I

Intuitively, that makes sense, and I used to think so too. But someone worked out the math and proved me wrong. F10 turns out to be better than I10 in most cases, unless your opponent has high magic resistance.
but I description said its for charging stacks, so will it works for ranged unit?

i think that's a translation error, it applies to all attacking stacks, not just charging stacks.
Just doing the maths for you *Gives Takesister a hug*
Can someone please tell me what these codes are? I've been wondering for some time now... Thanks!
I=ignore defense

the 10 stands for 10% enchant

Care to elaborate? Thanks ;)
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