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AuthorModerator Discussion
Gyver, post 10:

1) Yes we do. Types? Yes. ;D

2) I believe we do. Pros – the things players are asking for can be handled by the ppl on the server daily, dealing with the problems. Cons – possibly, eventually, a mod will do something you don’t like.

3) https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832325
But this has been closed for some time. A specific mod member (unnamed) currently has the responsibility to find new mods.

4) I think a tribunal or council type structure SHOULD be in place amongst mods, to oversee even the mods. Yes. Something else that I suggested many moons ago. Turnover? No. Unless mods become overworked, embittered, or show no visible sign of working, I personally wouldn’t ask any of them to step down.

Moonhunter, post 16:

1) People hate us? hehe Yes, Moony, ppl hate consequences. I will first say that, most players know the game and its rules. They decide themselves to break a rule, and take on the punishment as such. If we’re talking about a level 1 player, that’s a different thing. Sometimes, the ‘hastiness’ is a product of the rule-break as well.

mys_tik_cal, post 18:

1) Yes, for fun. =D

2) Multi’s. Ah, if only it were that easy. The (first) problem with this is that LWM granted multis as a sort of extra fun package. It allows people to start over, to experience more factions, and basically take part in more of the game. The (second) problem is that this has nothing to do with mods – this is a purely admin decision, but one that most likely will not be taken away. Personally, I agreed with something I read yesterday about the development team creating the software to automatically limit the # of multis a single IP can use. It removes a large number of problems without the mods having to do much of the labor in it. =D

3) Staged combat may not affect someone immediately, but in the long run it could have extreme and bad affects. As of a result, characters could be completely overpowered. Would you like to fight someone who you just simply can not defeat, and moreso because they cheated their entire gaming time?
for Skunder:
But it must also be known that we are a part of you, the community.

OK Skunder I will take you at your word. My question is directed at you because you enjoy a privelege we do not. You enjoy a comment-free story that reads beautifully because you can lock your thread when you are done posting.
You created a comments thread to discuss your story. There is a good reason you did that as all other writers would agree. You didn't want your thread broken up with comments, good or bad and I don't blame you. The rest of us creative people have to endure an open thread even when we create a side comments topic and we are at the mercy of flamers/stalkers/and those who don't read or care about requests to keep it clean. Now of course you can't give us lock ability but you and the other mods can give us what you enjoy, a comment-free thread on request. How would you like your story all hacked up by unwanted comments? I am sure you wouldn't or you would not lock it. Clearly there are many threads that should be protected if the writer asks it. Some of us work hard to produce entertainment and exercise our creative abilities. We create a comments topic but I am told by some mods that I have no right to have a comment-free thread. I am asking for that right and appealing to you as a writer to help us in that area. Help out your fellow creative artists please.
Modi, post 22:

"Clearly there are many threads that should be protected if the writer asks it."
- That's actually debatable.

"We create a comments topic but I am told by some mods that I have no right to have a comment-free thread."
- Well, in truth, you don't; have a "right" that is. Your rights are described in the rules section of this game. None describe free-reign on the creative forum.

As for the story that I created, it was:
1) sanctioned by admins
2) given clearance by Arctic to open/close
* And for the same reasons it was paper-clipped.

About your topic, [the mod in question] had a valid point, but probably could/should have informed you via PM, as a courtesy. As for any changes to giving such abilities to non mods...probably last on the admins 'to do' list.

Your options:
1) continue the way you did, hope that Players respect your work.
2) write out your entire post separately, post it, Lock it. It's done.
3) Post it in sections (as I did), Lock it. Then the average creative writer could (if they weren't so openly spiteful and hateful against most mods) then ask a mod to reopen it so you can post again - as a courtesy, not an obligation, from one of us.
1. I believe mods need means(hidden forum part or something) to communicate with Administration. All the problems raised here(number of cheaters, vague rules) just fell on the mods, because community thinks that they are able to solve them. And as a matter of fact they are the closest ones who could ever reach an admin of this game.

2. Empowering mods is pandora`s box and I dont think any of them wants to handle this. Just imagine how much damage was caused in Kusika 1000 gold case. If it was block or 100 000 gold penalty we would see the real rebellion. Thats a problem only anonymity could solve. But if the mods could act through anonymous accounts(keeper1, keeper2, etc.) we would feel like being controlled by som unfair power.

3. Abuse of power? Thats only a very weird system of penalties giving 5000 gold for the 1st break, 10000 gold for the 2nd. And as a result, few players with 50-100 staged combats who were reported too late got away with a 5000 gold penalty. And Dan-Panic gets 5000 + 10000 for 2 suspicious combats. How in the universe could that seem fair? But its once again, not in mod`s/keeper`s power to change it.

4. BANNED unfairly or hastily? I have never seen such a thing. Since now, all players who were banned(with no exception at my case),were banned according to the chaos they caused or the rules they broke.
OK, Lexa was an exception but he is not a mod, is he? :-)
this is my personal views which nothing to do with any mod or sage clans.

Question 1 (to everyone):
Do we need more moderators? If yes, what types?

yes, any type. the policies in chat mod is dont ask / apply to be mod. we will come to you if we need. harassing mod isnt a good thing and bring trouble to you.

but, i have no idea on forum mod and sage.

Question 2 (to everyone):
Do moderators need more power? Like ability to block cheaters? What are the benefits and consequences of moderator empowerment?

no, i dont feel that all mods should get the power of block. some of mods should have it. giving out too much power can lead to abuse in worst case.

Question 3 (to moderators):
How did you become a moderator? What did you sign up for?

refer back to my answer for question 1.

Question 4 (to moderators):
Do you think moderators need to be monitored if empowered? Should they step back when (if) tired or not performing? Do you think a good turn over of moderator is a good thing (turnover = maybe a one year term?)?

refer to answer on quiestion 2. also, the rules had stated clearly that you cant question on mod action on public which might get your in trouble unless teh rules changed; but i dont see it will be changed to prevent some trouble maker.

hence, you cant get a public monitor or else mod can abuse power to kill any of your topic, ban or block you. a PM to other mod to start an internal monitor is better.
3) Post it in sections (as I did), Lock it. Then the average creative writer could (if they weren't so openly spiteful and hateful against most mods) then ask a mod to reopen it so you can post again - as a courtesy, not an obligation, from one of us.

Cool. Some players do not like to be smothered by mods and push back(foolish or not). To some players, mods come off very harsh at times. I am certainly no angel but then again, neither are some mods.I was told by one mod that another mod liked to goad players into flames so they could ban them longer. Now how does that make me think about what is going on? I did not come to this game with a bad attitude and I got a bad taste for things that happened to me and others that brought me to where I am. I will not go over particulars and I am not trying to insult or flame. I had just come from playing Travian and they had a forum and mods also but they were not quick to ban and close threads like here. Sometimes it feels like we are in a military school and not a game. My attempts at ironing out disagreements would not even be heard and the evidence not looked at by other mods who could have cooled things down. Instead I was told to complain to admin if I had a beef but we all know that is useless. You stated that maybe there should be mods for mods or something like that and I agree. Because we are all human and can have a bad day, it can lead to harsh bans. Players can shoot off and deserve their ban in most cases but there are times the mods have been wrong and the players shout out in the forum only to see it locked down. Then it becomes a cycle of bad feelings. Nobody likes getting railroaded if they think they are being treated differently than others. I would like a clean slate with the mods as long as they try equally hard to hear us out. This thread you created shows you are willing to fix the rift between mods and players and I thank you for that.
When i wrote in the end, you are here for US, not the other way round., i provoced counterreactions. so let my try anew, with (possibly) better words this time.

what i wanted to say was:

mods ought to show us that they are on our side.

if i sy you are here for us - and you say you are here for the game, we probabely mean more or less the same. you see: the game doesn't need you. but we, the gamers do!
This is directed to admins but also is involving mods:
Dear admins, considerating that you dont spend much time on lordswm.com give some mods the block button to get rid of financial cheaters, as soon as possible.
Thank you
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2009-09-23 04:26:36 // off topic]
MODS can only give warnings and a little punishment like FINE, etc .. :) but MODS are not Admins .. :) They cannot block anyone .. :) just warn and punish cheaters .. :)
this isn't meant as an insult, even though it may sound like it, but i think Takesister has shown one of the biggest problems concerning the mods in this topic, she's just rambling on without having any idea what she's talking about, or making any sense, and that makes it very hard to respect the mods, and if no one respects them there will be trouble...

so basically, what i want to say is, that when you are selected as a mod you should think it through very carefully before you post anything, instead of just commenting on everything, even though you have nothing to add to the topic...
this isn't meant as an insult

Wow, what would have it been if it were an insult :(

I deeply respect Takesister because she's one of the most helpful and gentle Mod around - more than me. For example, she'll never write that your comment is pathetic.
Why do not you learn some lessons from .ru mods?If you ask them "politely"
I am sure they will give you some tips.I saw ru.mods are really good at understanding people"except few"who has the same mod mania,like "wow I am mod so I have the power".If people leave this game because of you,I am sure admins will not take it happily.and most typical rights you have mods actions are not subject to discuss,If people stop criticizing you,then why do we need you?we can discuss by pm's.and then you have to say bye to your great posts.Be polite and humble then you earn respect,if you turn people into your enemy.players can make your mods jobs like living hell.We and you are both players so why such showing off?
MrNiceGuy, post 30:

Your comment was insulting, unhelpful, and anti-productive. Maybe you didn't understand what Takesister was saying or what I meant by a "beneficial thread"?

Tyrisia, post 32:

Im sorry, I may not fully understand what you posted...communication barrier in some points. I'll try to answer as best I can.

If admins are displeased with the work of .com mods, I really have no comment for them. As I see it, the mods were told our basic role, and then the admins backed off. I believe it was Zarebrant who said it best: something like, "mods are taking the heat for the players 'feeling' abandoned by the admins". Let's move on from this topic, shall we?

I personally can only think of 1 case where a player left BECAUSE of the mods...and he returned within a week or so. Also, I believe mods do not have that mentality that you suggest - such as "I have the power".

"Showing off"? Maybe you really don't get the whole concept of what exactly mods do? We understand the frustration we are possibly adding onto our own shoulders with each time we post. But we are trying to maintain order in the small aspect that we can, while we are being dealt a crap-sandwich by a number of specific players and a few random ones.

Sticking to the opening post of this thread; I would suggest you bring some actual evidence about any case of showing off with our great and omniscient power, and possibly tone down the level of accusation.
i see no real problem around here. i mean, everybody agreed to follow the rules, so they have no right to break them

really, we don't have to warn anybody about anything. just be happy some people get little bans before the big bans happen
1. I believe mods need means(hidden forum part or something) to communicate with Administration.

This already exists and we have our relevant discussions there about issues raised by players here and other stuff. However, the fact remains that the admins rarely contribute in those threads (due to language barrier or whatever).
for MrNiceGuy:
but i think Takesister has shown one of the biggest problems concerning the mods in this topic, she's just rambling on without having any idea what she's talking about, or making any sense, and that makes it very hard to respect the mods, and if no one respects them there will be trouble...

OK, I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way or rambled my way into your dislike list.

Maybe a suggestion as to improvement and an example of my rambling will help me improve.
I personally can only think of 1 case where a player left BECAUSE of the mods

I know you said personally can only think of one but i would like to add i ahve been here from the beginning of the server (not this character) and i have seen many people leaving because of mods. now i canoot remember names of mods nor the names of players so i will only quote the famous ones.

The level 8 necromancer who was top when level 8 was the highest you could go. he got banned for 2 weeks for inapropriate language, after he came back he started insulting again and left.
the leader of the old new elite, he accused other players of cheating (and was found out that they were) but got accused of cheating himself and got banned and left.
another top player when the server was a babywas accused of cheating by staging battles, as he allways seemed to win his duals, it was later found out that he was actually very good and just wasnt loosing, it made him quit too.

something i could say to the mods personally i dont like some of you (not mentioning any names) but i respect you, you have hard jobs, it must be hard scanning the forums for x amount of hours a day and it must be very hard work.
something i could reccomend is to offer alternatives to players that have done wrong (especially newbs) by giving them links to threads where they can find information (i know some of you do this already) but maybe also link's to helpfull players who may be able to guide them around. or maybe a letter to players explaining what they have done wrong etc...

I have a few questions based on an observation, and a radical suggestion.

If Empire makes time to log on to pay the moderators wages in a lump sum to be distributed by a current moderator (cepruyc)...then there is at least ONE Admin actively popping in each month to do at least that--right? Or does some mod play a dual role and have access to that account for exclusively that reason?

A controversial suggestion:
Would it be possible for the mods to all quit their current mod clans around that date, so that when the admin that pops in, he/she notices that something is terribly wrong if all the mods are on strike?

New positions to do the two following things:
1. Promote lower level multi-player activities (Level 9 and under)
2. Ability to clean up the finance violations

Since the creation of the battles+tavern violation positions, a lot of people feel playing honestly is an important aspect of that type of activity. Any reasonable and fact-rich case brought before those Keepers gets dealt with swiftly, and well. It isn't so hard to do the same with the finance portion of this game...someone just needs to do it...and if the admins are unable/unwilling, I can bet you that there are MOBS of people on this server that would do it fairly and honestly--for free.

Oh yea one thing I did not mention above (sorry) was why would the moderators "go on strike" in the first place?

Well...only if they're sick and tired of the lack of administrative support to help jobs get done on the server that need to be handled.

Moderators have been taking some heat precisely because they represent an arm of the administration. If that arm vanishes, who is left to take blame, and change the situation?

The Admins.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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