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AuthorWizard faction topic
only works when against AI except caravan
thieving as wizard isn't always easy, because as usual you should do it in minimum ap of course. but then you can't defeat some minimum-caravans, for example of barbarians. but that's not too bad just do it at min ap and learn to play, then you can thieve like all other factions.
You should do it at minimum arts only? Why is that? Cost?
because when you use arts, the enemy caravans only get stronger after each win you make. after a few hundred wins, you will win just as many % of the fights, as before you started doing them in full arts. that's because your continious winning made them so strong.

example.. min arts:
caravan consists of 10 devils, you win, then 12 devils you lose, then 10 devils you win.. and so on... 12.. 10.. 12.. 10..

full arts: caravan consists of 10, then 12, then 14, then 16, then 18, then 20.. then you lose, so next consists of 18, then you win so next is 20 devils.. and so on.. 20.. 18.. 20.. 18..

the mathematics are not correct but the principle is.

given that only around 10% of the fights are pvp, and you can win most of them in min-arts too, the pvp content doesn't affact your choice much.
but with less arts you spend much less money. that'S a big deal.

only exception: if you keep losing on 10 devils, and this is the minimum caravan strength.. (there is a minimum or else people would reduce the strength so much that they could get insane FSP-ratios).. so if 10 devils is the minimum strength at your level, and you can't beat them, a little more arts might be useful.. but full-arts is definitely not needed for this. but as far as i know most factions can defeat all minimum caravans with minimum artifacts.. only wizards can't always achieve this.( i can not :( ) but i still use min arts, because i can defeat MOST caravan types in minimum arts..

does anyone has suggestions?
well as far as i have seen, you play as though you were a might/magic hybrid.

some small things i noticed:

you repeatedly raised the 1 gremlin engineer. the only purpose it served was to waste an attack of a small, useless stack. you didnt even use it to remove a retaliate. waste of 9 mana imo. also, when you raised the sphynx guardians, hp was severely reduced and they did less damage than you would do with a magic arrow. instead, just use wiz magic and run with enchanted gargs like you did later.

several times you didnt attack the last stack but waited for it to hit you so that the retaliate killed it. im guessing you did this so that your chance would come faster, but in some cases (eg. rogues) i feel it wasnt worth the damage.

one instance: you attacked 300+ stack of imps with genies. they then retaliated and slaughtered your genies. then you lightninged them to kill the stack. instead you should wait with genies (since high ini they get turn fast), lightning, and then finish stack with genies. of course, if the genies would have been killed by other stacks if you waited, then your way was better.

if you use less raise dead and more holy + chaos magic, you can take less knowledge arts and equip more attack/defense arts.
alternatively, keep same amount of mana, but be more liberal with spells. less raise dead (which is not worth the mana) and more magic arrows. eg. instead of waiting for succubi to use up shots, just kill it with magic.

last thing: sphinxes have no retaliation: use the ability! sometimes you just wait with them instead of attacking, and i fail to find a reason. even when defending, instead just attack. the number of the stack goes down, so less damage. just as good as defend, and also kills some stacks.
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hey, please stop follding!

for 626.

thanks for your advice =)

First of all,I had to wait in certain waves,because the next one got dangerous units.In old AI system,all enemy would come for genius first,while genius seem have less arractive in new system =s.I haven't gotten used to it.

Secondly,if I had had choce,I would not attack imps before weaken them.However,they got morale boost and gargs are in their range,so I can't take the risk of them smashing my gargs.

For the holy and raising,I would try to cast less next time.These really consumed a lot of mana.

Once again,thanks for your help.
no prob... watching your battle gave me some ideas for strategies as well :P
Hiya all,

I have just switched to a Wiz, and as I have utterly no experience on how to play as a Wiz (it's so different from all other factions), I have a few questions.

I know I'm weak and really can't compete on an equal footing with other Wizs of my level, and I don't intend to. I just wanna gain as much fsp/exp as fast as possible, and maybe get to racial 3-4.

I will be mostly doing quests, hunts, ambushing and survivor tourneys to gain the fsp/exp.

So, I have a few basic Qs,

1. What is the most important troop in a wiz army, in order of importance? From what I have noticed, I know Enc Gargs seems to be a must, and is always maxed. So

a. Enc Gargs,

From: Gremlins (no upgrade, Golems (no upgrade), Lorekeeper, Genies and Sphynx G.

2. I have about 10-11 parameter points, where should I put them?

3. I have 45 talent points. What talents should I take?

Really appreciate it if you pro Wizs can give this noob some advice. Thanks in advance. :)

Enc Gargs(always max)>>Genies>=Lore Keeper=Sphynx
forget about gremlins and golems if they are not upgraded

2nd and 3rd

at least 50mana and no more than 75mana with min ap
and the rest points go to spell power

suggestion 1(standard)
Intellect+Mana Recovery+Basic Chaos

suggestion 2(for group battle or fast enemy)
Expert Sorcery+Mana Recovery+Concealed Knowledge+Basic Chaos

suggestion 3(strong spell damage,with more sp arts)
Intellect+Adv Chaos+Basic Sorcery
Expert Erudition+Intellect+Graduate
Expert Chaos+Mana Recovery

or you may try other combinations and find your favorite one =)
Do lots and lots of mercernary quests, especially conspirator quests. NEVER decline those. Just go in with min arts and you ll always get 0,5 fsp (also when you lose ) And ofcourse, do lots of ambushes. Wizards dont depend on racial that much for it, only the mini artifacts.

Or you can also try to play as a might wizard until faction level 2 and then switch to magic wizard. Lorekeepers with through shot and 30+ attack can be very effective too.
(A.I. targets genies before magi, not sure what they do with lorekeepers)
633: My advice for lvl 12 wizard (or my playstyle :)).

Recruting (miniarts):
95 gargs (def, hp, speed)
16 genies (def, attack, morale) -> usually in one big stack
5 sphynx (def, attack, morale)
19 lorekeepers (def, ini, morale) -> split to max stacks (4, 5, 5, 5)

+4 to knowledge and rest of points to spell power

Mithril staff (Ruby quarterstaff) + defender shield work good for me. From staff you will get +2 knowledge and +2 spell power. With basic 4 knowledge you will get 6 knowledge (60 mana), what is usually enough mana for hunt and mercenary. But of course, with low racial it is very difficulty.

My "common" talents build, which i have used for almost all pve fights is:
Advanced chaos magic, basic sorcery, mana recovery, basic erudition with all point from erudition to spell power.

With racial 0 is the best way for you do caravans or/and pvp (gb). For caravans you can use the same arts and talent build as for pve. It works good and with 12 ap you can have 0,2 - 0,7 sp (when you lose it), depends on type of caravan.

Better way for me to improve racial is full arts pvp. You can use support talents build with expert sorcery, basic chaos magic and dominion of fire. With share exp you can earn nice exp and sp.

Till 4-5 racial are hunt and mercenary very hard, so focus more on pvp or TG.
Did you guys realize that if you single stack more magi, you do more and more dmg than the magic punch thing?

11 magi --> normal = around 127 dmg
--> punch = 103 dmg
Jedi i would recoment you switch to might wizard . The damage output is higher and more useful in caravans . Any way you will do more damage then in case of magic wiz .

Thanks all for the suugestions and advice, much appreciated.

Yeah, I always thought that knight is the only faction that is dependent on racial level.. boy, was I wrong! Racial level is just as important for Wiz. ppfff...

Well, I actually made the switch from knight w/o buying a PoO and thought how silly of me to play Wiz with all my parameter points on attack. So I didn't do much then I can switch back to Knight (didn't buy Wiz castle upgrades for Inventory), buy a PoO, then redistribute all my PPs to Knowledge and SP. Now, am told (which I kidda agree) that it's better for me to play might coz of my racial. haha... 1 big merry-go-round. :)

Again, thanks all for input. I really enjoy playing Wiz, more than any other factions, besides Knight. The slow and tedious struggle to level up continues.. :)
Hmm. so according to this - http://www.warriors-guild.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24

it says -

Wizard PvM Bonus
These bonuses work only in hunts, mercenary quests, etc. and never in group battles or duels.

So what about ambushes? Bonus works.. or not?
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