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AuthorAlert! Elite Warrirors attempts to skirt the rules

I agree its better however pick some1 to duel rule is also discriminating since as barb i would pick closest wiz as my sparing partner however this wiz surely wouldnt pick me as his primary target but more likely knight next to him :)

btw u were in EW just a month ago. Dont u count as ex-EW too? :P
hehe mark ^^ I am ex-EW indeed. But was never in EW MC xD

Just be careful in your battles (everyone, not just EW). It is always tempting to coordinate with your buddies (clan mates). But be weary that a lot of folks are watching...if you break the rules, or bend them, you'll eventually be punished. There is a natural 'tendancy' to gang-bang stronger (sometimes weaker) players, but when it is an un-natural coordination it is quite different. Someone mentioned Skype...that is coordination.

I have been in enough battles to know when something is 'natural' and when something is just blatantly coordinated. Most pro-players know this as well. So if everyone plays honestly, there should be no problems :)

But I still think that Level 12 EW players need to return to their clans...I'm not saying this because I'm level 12 (soon I'll be 13) but because there are over 95 level 12s on this server...most of them not in EW.

So it is OK for you to gank with your friend someone that has no Military Clan, but is not OK if 3 friends gank you and your friend?

Let me explain something to you so you can understand. I know Cipa and his builds because we are in the same clan. I also know Cipa would never stack all his orcs like that other barb did. We have a limited number of barbs in LOS at that level and it isnt hard to figure out that the lower barb wasnt one of us. I did not want to attack either of my neighbors for obvious reasons and didnt want a fireball from the lower wizard so that left one safe place for me to begin my attacks. After the wizards started blasting me I attacked them as well. Do you think if we were co-ordinating we wouldnt have BOTH attacked the top wizard together? In these battles you try to make silent allies by your actions. Sometimes they work and sometimes you get burned. So you dont know what you are talking about here.
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Off-topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Off-topic and accusatory]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Doesn't address problem]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Off-topic and accusatory]
for Omega22:
Modi: On your last remark, basically I would agree with you if it werent you who always goes public with "shocking news" with sole purpose of discrediting other clan(in this case EW) or player before trying to sort out your opinions in private. But OH, you cant because your usual pm communication is just "insult people and blacklist them quickly to have the last word because no reply = Modi is right."

Er, first of all this is as off-topic as your other post. What you think about me has nothing to do with this thread. What GB clan did has nothing to do with this thread. Your opinion of me matters not. I have a valid reason to be alarmed and every right to let others know what is happening. You have no business using this forum to slander me. You want to defend those who left the clan, do so. Keep your opinions about me off the thread. You are in EW and would in fact benefit from this move should you choose to be involved in it. To claim this subject is an attempt at a forum bomb is ridiculous. Now leave my name out of it unless it has something to do with this thread.
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Just do it, no need to announce it.]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Irrelevant post due to removal of post above]
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // Sorry]
Ok. As duly noted, the thread has reached a point of Off-topic and flame.

Both side's points are all said and clear now, I believe. All that's left is for Arctic to come back and resolve the issue.

I do not know what he would do, but whatever the decision, it'll definitely set a precedence.

I'll close the thread to prevent more flaming and fighting. If anyone has a good reason to want to change that, PM me. But it better be a good one.
Unlocked to add this:


Admin has removed the 2 player from a Military clan restriction. Issue has been resolved.
closed by Lady Takesister (2009-12-04 11:56:00)
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