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AuthorA vote about current "blindfold" tournament
where you get such numbers
Kusika - From your spreadsheet and from reviewing the combat logs of each of your clan members.
Here's a more interesting way to look at it...

The battle count is based on total possible individual battles (sum of members x battles). This does not take into account that 1 fight may have accounted for 2, 3 or 4 members at once. Here's how the total battle count would look if that were accounted for:

155 - (32 x 2) - (17 x 3) - (3 x 4) = 15
So a total of 15 battles that did not involve multiple clan members.
Percentage fought as a group = 90.3%

340 - (38 x 2) - (14 x 3) - (4 x 4) - (1 x 5) = 191
191 battles with only 1 EW member
Percentage fought as a group = 43.8%

300 - (32 x 2) - (6 x 3) = 218
218 battles with only 1 WGW member
Percentage fought as a group = 27.3%

My math could be wrong, but I believe the above is accurate. If someone more talented at math than me would like to check the numbers, that would be wonderful.

I already wrote this post, then found out the other thread was closed. Since my post has strong reference to this thread title, and pretty similar in meaning to the other thread's title (about how the going-ons of the tourney and the reactions and opinion of many members), thought I would post it here instead.

The content are mostly copied and paste from other pages of this site that are accessible to all members, and questions posed, so no assumptions and accusations to anyone are made.

From the leader of a clan:
..there's not a single battle that you were a victim of EW, if i stand correct. So why do you even complain of unfairness to us because you watch other? because you heard other?

..especially comments from the victims of EW, not by people who merely watch battle. If you're not in it you don't know what it's like. To me, those people are just a bystander's view, those i don't treat as serious as from people who were victims of our clan.

Maybe your English is not your native tongue, but seriously, the 'reasons' you come up with is beyond unbelievable.

Since when in our civilized world do we have to be a 'victim' to have an opinion of an event that took place(??). You honestly is gonna tell me if you (a "bystander") saw one of your family members/friends etc, got beaten nearly to death, molested/raped, robbed, etc, you are gonna tell yourself, "Oh, I'm just a 'bystander', and not the victim, so I'll just keep quiet."? If we take your post purely on face value, then it's exactly what you are implying.

If your 'reason' is anything to go by, a judge (or any other person for that matter) can't actually form an opinion based on what he saw/heard? Hell, then killers can never be punished coz all his victims are... dead, and 'bystanders' aren't allowed/supposed to say anything! Seriously, your 'reasons' defy logic.

Don't make assumption about us.

In reference to this reply in that particular post. - The person who said what he did DIDN'T make an assumption. They are enough posts from your clan members who ADMITTED they teamed. WHAT assumptions?

Need I remind you that you personally and openly defended your clan member who admitted he teamed? Fact.

And did you forget that merely 24 hours later, you asked the community here not to make assumptions and accusations about your clan members teaming? Fact.


[Player banned by moderator FaithBringer until 2009-12-12 00:11:30 // Please don't throw with personal attacks, warning.]
Well all gave their point of view in this topic and it there have been enough warnings about personal attacks and that kind of stuff.

So I think the points are made clear and if you like to argue with someone please sent him a message.

So I guess this thread can be locked, if you have a good reason why I should reopen it just sent me a message and maybe we can work something out..
closed by FaithBringer (2009-12-12 02:50:26)
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