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AuthorA vote about current "blindfold" tournament
it just turns out for you

it just turns out worse for you.

knight, wizard, or necromancer

or even DE or barb... or maybe elf. Demon is just sooo bad:

1. Few demons. Factions tend to leave each other alone because of faction resist
2. Gating. Works well for battles where you cannot reach the enemy on the first turn... here, well if you do not strike, you are hit. And offensive build vs. offensive build, the first strike usually wins. And without gating, demon troops are sub-par.
3. Shooters. Shooters are much better than melee in this tourney, at level 11 demons have only 1 shooter, and it is not upgraded.
I only played 5 battles in this tourney (and watched many more), I stopped as I personally wont stoop to the tactics which some have used. As has been said before in this thread, they dont feel they are good enough to win without their "tactics". Have pity on them not anger.

My feeling on this is play with honour or dont play at all which is why I am not playing my remaining matches.

Will the BEST fighters win this tournament? No.

Will the BEST clan win? No.

Can players who are not in a large MC win? No.

This is not a blind-fold battle as it is very easy to see who your opponents are.

This is not a FFA.

What a fine sense of humour you have, I love it.
er.. guys can we just stop this nonsense?

It is true that almost all battles of the tournament happen to be groups of 2-5 players against the remaining.

Basicly as soon as one player does a strange move, all others go for it, then one comes out of the groups and does a backstab on another, and tries to take advantage.

Sincerely, i didn't yet play a single EW member, and yet often found 3 or more players shooting at me ^^', mainly because i didn't join the slaining of another player and started attacking my neighbour (who usually gets far too close to me, with an air of "tweety-tweet, just passing by" - yeah right :D ), and specially with my alt, who is a lvl 7, i couldn't yet get past the 5th place.

But say: why does it happen, if so many people are so ashamed of such a behaviour?

I'll tell you that: because we are all ashamed of this behaviour when it is against us, but we do accomodate it very well in our inner self when it is in our favour.

All in all, if you want to have a normal battle, where people fight in couple and then the survivors meet each other, it is up to you, all, to do it.

Eventually you can even write to some of your level-mates and say "hey, shall we all join the tournament together, and do it each for one self?" and in this way, no matter if one or another player will be in your group of 6, the majority will keep the fight clean, and eventually if some try to make a smart move.. well, you all agreed to do it clean, but you can still unite a minute or two to punish the culprit ^^

But this will not happen.

Simply because of the usual fears that everybody feel wich are enough to make everybody a copycat of a minority..

"blindfold" is a very good name, actually, for when you loose your sight, these fears start to influence your behaviour..

It would be an interesting study for a sociology student.

Now, everybody please, stop making pointless new threads for whining.

What happens is your fault, reader, yours and not the administrator's.

Look in a mirror and tell yourself that if you want a better game, no rule will bring it, but only a firm, steady will of playing it clean and honest from *YOUR* part.

Then go and enter the tourney ;)
er.. guys can we just stop this nonsense?

I'm a girl. ;)

You make the same fault like the people who say "This clan is bad, that clan has only cheater members": You generalize.

but we do accomodate it very well in our inner self when it is in our favour.

But this will not happen.

Simply because of the usual fears that everybody feel

these fears start to influence your behaviour..

Please don't count me in your view of human kind.

Look in a mirror and tell yourself that if you want a better game, no rule will bring it, but only a firm, steady will of playing it clean and honest from *YOUR* part.

The best part of your writing. I don't feel adressed, because I simply don't join this tournament (and no, I don't have fun if I have advantage before the battle starts, seriously), others should read this again and again and ask themselves, if their self-centered behaviour really helps this game.

Now, everybody please, stop making pointless new threads for whining.

I agree, one thread is enough. But with such a little community there
obviously need for discussion of this situation, so why forbid anyone to speak (in a chilled manner of course)?
er.. guys can we just stop this nonsense?

I'm a girl. ;)

Definitions of guys on the Web:

* Plural of guy; Persons, irrespective of their genders; A form of address for a group of male persons or a group of mixed male and female persons
Oh yes, you're right. Thanks :)
Please leave any personal attacks outside of this thread. All you guys (and girls) have been warned.

Yes, you can try to call a vote about your opinion, but no personal attacks on players or clans.

If this thread continues along these lines, its history.
^^ 4. It's good in exp and fsp. I will just grasp them
>>> Although i think its very interesting fact that war finally found a way sooner than anyone expected.
at No. 40
At least you are standing up for yourself and say your are staging everyone of your battles. The rest of your clan is still in denial!!
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-12-08 08:41:55 // Don't accuse or flame any person or clan here. Ban 1 hour]
I understand that you think it is "immoral" or "dirty" that players team up. The only problem with ur argument is that the admins clearly state that alliances are fine. So along the technical terms, EW or any other clan is doing nothing wrong. I am not saying that i approve of it or that i think it is right. Now, with the anger spewing in the tourney, if i don't team up with another member of my clan (i haven't ever) than i get annihilated for being a member of EW. It is a snowball effect, the amount of alliances goes up as the amount of antiEW goes up...
for diversecity:

I don't think many are trying to do that. I check your clan page because I won't join battle when more than 2 lvl 10 players in your clan with full art and ready to join. I'm just simply avoiding playing with "teams" from your clan.
So don't worry to much. Most of players should do the same because we play
for fun.
Even someone does, it's still nice to have 3v3 battles while I will try my
best not to involve in such situation.
It is very interesting to see those who complain most are basically nec, wiz or knight -- The 3 most powerful factions in this tour IMO. Easy to understand that their winning chance is reduced by the existance of staged battle. Well, I personally face the staged battle once as well: Uliss and samlonewolf from DA, who grab many 1-2 place in this tour and seems winning the game in lvl 11. It is a little bit annoyed, but no so much. Why? Because I do see this common in blindfold tour: people all want to win, which is the fundamental thing in any tournament. Fair play? As long as not against the rule, it is always considered to be second place. Ask yourself if you have enough time and a powerful friend, will you do the same thing? I doubt only few will reject the tempertation of the prizes.

Why we elf and DE almost not complain at all? The answer is simple: because we can never win it anyway. The main objective is fsp and exp, and also enjoy the fun of conspiracy and anti-conspiracy. It is just one type of tournament and no one is forced to join, so if you don't like it, why not just ignore it and keep patient. EOFO battle itself is not created to be fair and we do see many coopretions and backstabs here and there, even without clan based alliance.
I understand that you think it is "immoral" or "dirty" that players team up. The only problem with ur argument is that the admins clearly state that alliances are fine. So along the technical terms, EW or any other clan is doing nothing wrong. I am not saying that i approve of it or that i think it is right. Now, with the anger spewing in the tourney, if i don't team up with another member of my clan (i haven't ever) than i get annihilated for being a member of EW. It is a snowball effect, the amount of alliances goes up as the amount of antiEW goes up...

This is not a subject of anti EW feelings and I don't believe single EW members are hunted :-)

No-one broke any game rule but there are also moral rules ;-)
This is what actually happened:

EW started members departure without a notice initially (could not be a problem imo for high levels with an early notice in place)

When people complained empire removed MC restriction - 100% wrong decision

After restriction was removed, most of Elite members went in tournament in teams and practically destroyed the fun of other players with a top show of staging at Friday and Saturday

LOS gave a statement that allow their members to do the same having seen how Elite worked

WGW issued the opposite statement asking own members not to team up and stage battles.

Having finished lvl 10 with just a modest 55 without preset teams and although have been staged few times, I simply say:

WGW was able to fully control easily 7/24 at least level 10 having one third of players but we didn't do it
This is a sign of respect to other players, shows some moral ground and I am proud we didn't use this method although I might have won a prize the other way ;-)
Think about it...

Military Clans are an instrument to introduce war between clans. If all the MC are beloved friends, how a war can occur?

Now we have some hatred and we better know each other behaviour. Isn't it the beginning of something?

PS: I know a lot of EW's players and I know you are good guys and girls. I've nothing against you.
This is a tournament of individual performance, not a clan war.. I see no reasons to bring clans into this in the first place. Greedy people team up to increase their chance of winning which in the mean time spreads bad sportsmanship. That's all.
This was to be a tournament of individual performance, not a clan war..

In the facts the initial pourpose is missed. There are 1+ clans that are playing the tournament as a clan event. You cannot think that this could be forgot after the torunament ending.

for GGGG:
You know why so many wiz are so sensitive to staging in the tournament?
Wiz are still very weak in face-to-face battles. If an elf or barb decided
to wipe a wiz out he/she won't lose more than half of his troops. Don't
mention that the knight and nec has advantage over every factions.
The situation for wiz is that their troops are valueless to attack and hard
to wipe out and that's why wiz are doing good in this tournament. But with
staging, the situation is broken and there is no fun for wiz to play.
The staging hurts every faction but hurt wiz mostly.
There is also no need to dispute on factions. You see which faction I am?
I'm faction-free. I just pick up the most suitable faction I need to play
for a battle. The wiz is not overpowering in this tournament. I picked wiz
only for that I can play with minimum cost art as wiz while other faction
will be wiped out in seconds with min arts.

Ok, since I have finished my tournament. My suggestion for DE/Demon/Elf.
If you target an wiz without any hesitation. Most of time you can surely
wipe the wiz out before he or some others wipe you out, if only there is
no staging. Don't say elf are weak. Good elf player may be hard to finish
as 1st and 2nd but not hard to finish as 3rd or 4th. Use your unicorn better. Split your bows wisely or go defensive build and don't forget sprites. They will give you surprise in this arena map.
lol, as you said, wiz is the faction that hope all others kill themselves first and then come out to wipe the battlefield most since their troops are "weak", so of course they hate the staged battle strongly.

Personally I only finished 4 tours as an elf, and the worst case is 3rd place. So really a lesson is not needed here and all I want to do is pointing out some "facts" :) In fact, if it is just a 1v1 situation in EOFO, elf doesn't fear anyone after the major updates for my level, but simple aggressive attack won't let you gain 1st or 2nd place in this tour anyway, with or without staged battles.
I definetly vote 1 ... and already stopped playing this tournament after the first 6 battles ...
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