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Korzika, please, don't provoke me... You can call the people in question simple with the term "teamers", which is actually not offensive.
nope, skinny, weak men unite to beat up kids.. maybe girls.. really sad situation :(

i feel sad about it, even if it's age discrimination..

this is a game, everyone is equal reguardless of age/sex/religion and therefore irrelivant

and also:
Definitions of rat on the Web:

* desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage

None of EW did this, and if you're referring to the animal, then it's offensive

i was told otherwise. anyway, i won't call them like that. i will use the term "teamers" (suggested by Luckas) since you feel offended (i can only imagine why)
Because rats are usually referred to illnes, dirtyness, and so on. They carry disease, bring various form of pathologies. I would be not so happy to be called in this way.
They carry disease

well, teaming up turned out to be an easily spread disease.. but this is so off topic..

my point is: teaming up isn't fair, it isn't ok, it isn't nice. it is cowardly and pathetic, and overall it is sad that so many were involved in it. especially from EW and DA.

am i wrong?
well, teaming up turned out to be an easily spread disease.. but this is so off topic..

teaming up would take place reguardless of if clan members were in the game or not, it's the way of the blindfold (noone really goes in and starts trying to kill all 5 opponents at once now, do they?)
for lcorndogl:

really, do i have to explain what others have explained so many times? is that really necessary?

ok, than.. one thing is to play in temporary alliance based on the situation, and other to unite with your clan mates and coordinate your moves over skype..

when i said teaming up i meant the other situation. if you want i can explain it again :)
To 123: -->> Back to post 118 for explanation. You seem to only hear what fits you.
1 battle is not enough to generalize our lvl 11 and EW.

sure, i wasnt aware on the battle before that. but, after i saw someone post on public about the gang issues, i checked back the log and found out EW and DA did the same thing to me.

yet, i didnt complain much. i just found some same points with other logs.

guys, try to stick with topic. off topic wont be tolerated :)
Again, no clan mail was ever sent telling our members to play unfairly so you need to check yourself. But while you bring this up, I notified YOUR leader Binghuo minutes after the whole nasty affair started and although I like him personally, where was and is he? He runs on the war clans and was silent while things were flying unless I missed his opinion and then I will apologize. So Mr. Shadow, you need to redirect your disappointment to within your own clan in that area. We are always ready to face problems head on and are vocal, making us the enemy of many players. Don't attempt to throw us into the mud where the battle stagers wallow. OUR clan actually does checks before we take in players and any obvious cheaters are quickly rejected. Maybe you should do the same and I wouldn't be so disappointed in your clan, eh?

Mr. Lion

As you like, please feel free to report any staged combats done in DS or past illegal transfers of our members. I, personally don't care at all, I won't defend cheaters even if they are in my clan, I can even give a helping hand if you ever need.

If all this wall of text is directed to the word clan mail I can imagine how lion keepers with spelling difficulties will have a hard time dealing with you.

Guess what, I recieved a threaten mail from our "lion" telling me all that crap. I live in a democratic country, I hope you do too. If you live in a dictatorship country where people get imprisoned for saying bad things the leader dislike, then I would kindly as you to become a part of the modern democratic country, namely LWM.
This thread is going to a complete nonsense! Probably a ban is near.

@all EW guys : Please note that, this is cacaphony and there is no way to win it. Showing facts, reasons etc are only for people who really want to listen, understand, elaborate and improve. You can't convince people who only want to complain, whine or insult. Look at the posters. Most of them had never faced a group of EW players in their game. But it is very easy to follow the crowd and complain, provoke, insult etc. All inevitable in a worldwide online web-game.
The best thing that we can do is trying to arrange some duels or group battles to those whinners and pound them heavily on the battlefield. If they can beat you fair and square then give respect to them and listen what they say. Even put their epic win to this post, or just open a thread in gratitudes forum. This only improves you, there is no shame of doing it. And if you beat them fair and square, just keep this in your mind and just laugh at their forum posts about your cowardice, bad temper etc.

At this stage I really want to gratitude and congratulate the Polish Elite team of CL12 (RADO, mieciutki83 and PLas) who decided to fight for their non-military clan and gave us some real competition at this level (YAY Kusika, your excel table doesn't show this detail, they seem as EW but they fought against EW)
Even more gratitude goes to Geryon of DS who unfortunately outnumbered at least twice (as far as i followed) but joined to games again and again, rather than just complaining at the forum and stopping to try.

Alas, the rest decided to complain and quit playing. At CL12 63 players joined 20 of EW (but 3 were fighting for PE), dropping EW to 17, and if all people would stop complaining and play the game there were no possibility for EW to join more than 2 players into same battle, and we could have more fun and more fsp and more fights and more victories. I know that this is blunt, but it is also a fact. Neither EW nor DA destroyed the fun. It's you guys, the whinners, who destroyed all the fun!
For everybody, especially the "teamers" .. go and read these:

maybe you will stop defending yourselves and all those who played unethically and can have some fun about it!
I can confirm your words, no problems at lvl 9 as at higher levels.
Then I should ask you to check winner "jogamen"'s log and look through all the combats he had together with Vieen(shared 12th place) and poito...
ok, than.. one thing is to play in temporary alliance based on the situation, and other to unite with your clan mates and coordinate your moves over skype..

I never "coordinated moves" over skype with clanmembers, not sure if anyone else did though
slynky: i check your combat log too, there's not a single battle that you were a victim of EW, if i stand correct. So why do you even complain of unfairness to us because you watch other? because you heard other? Don't make assumption about us.

It is only an assumption if I lack firsthand facts. In this game, as your statement itself proves, one can be a firsthand witness after the fact merely by reviewing combat logs. No assumption whatsoever is required. I did not have to "hear" it from others, I simply had to do a little research.

To your point, Level 9 combats were mostly fair and lacking the obvious staging that occurred at higher levels. I have stated this multiple times in multiple posts. Simply because I was not victimized directly by the blatant staging that occurred at higher levels does not mean I should have to sit mutely by and watch... or worse, have my opinion on the matter discredited because I wasn't personally harmed.

These actions harmed the whole community, all of us were victims and we all lost something. Our sense of right/wrong, fairness and morality were all victims. MC clan reputations in general took a hit because of the actions of a few people acting poorly. Imagine the players who were unaffiliated with any MC who were ganged up on and unable to compete well at higher levels. Imagine what their overall impression of MC's is now that this has happened. It doesn't matter if it was EW, DA, LoS, WGW that ganged up on them, they will very likely view all MC's in a negative light now.

In this sense, we were all victims and thus have a right to voice our opinions. I care not the least if you wish to hear my opinion, or if you value it. I have the right hear to post it and I will do so, loudly and frequently. I will happily debate any of my or anyone else's points wiht you, but you do not seem to be inclined to address any of the points. You merely wish to either discredit the statements of others based on their presence, or dodge the issues altogether.
well, i guess this thread will spread even more hatred later and potential flaming.

closed by Pang (2009-12-11 17:00:09)
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