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[Post deleted by moderator Pang // non-english]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2010-03-04 09:47:06 // non-english]
Actually... Draconic or not, the punishment should according to rules have been higher.
I never denied that, I simply pointed out that the rules are just plain greed from the administration and have nothing to do with what the game needs.

As for the others: well, I'm glad you like to live in a dictatorship thinking that "it's just a game", but for me it's impossible to disregard my freedoms "just for a game". Good luck being told how to play :)
I was of the misbelief that the rules where there to form the game and discourage cheating.

Freedom is in the eye of the beholder. Some may concider that forming your own rules or just break them, without reprisal is freedom. To me, freedom is to be able to play a game and if I do, follow the rules within that game, or chose not to play the game. To me, the absence of rules/laws has nothing to do with freedom. I do not equal freedom to anarchy, but thats me.
I think if u steal a Car, and if you steal a teddy bear, bot are called stealing . . . the same goes with cheating, does not matter what you do, all you end up with is cheating! xD
ahh man someone's mouth still sealed by mod..and he cant retaliate at here until tomorrow...what he can do is reply in pm..but sadly when i put him into my block lists...at the end he still can't reply..hahaaa

too bad..cheater still a cheater you can't change the truth..i think ur'e the one who need 'FACE THE TRUTH' like you mentioned..
Even in democracy there are rules,.. that can not be broken, I am living in a democracy, but I can not kill anybody, or I will be punish for that, also I can not stolen one bank, car, shop, I will be also punish for that.

There are rules that has to be follows in everywhere. If you breack the rules you should affort your responsability.

He broked several rules (at least non asigned multi and financial asistance) he takes advantage doing this, law found him. So he has to paid for.

Others in real live got as sentence "dead conden" and also claim its too much, but so is the law.

This player has accepted the rules of the game when he create one account and he knows the punishment for broken the rules. If he has only received 10000 gold punishment will be 20000 and he will be not crying but he recived a lot so munishment was higher (just because he bought a TGI) he can not affort the punishment. Will he also cry if he has not bought one TGI and he has still some gold ??

Easy way,.. create a new account and play following the rules, it will take some more time to reach level 8 but you will enjoy the game much more and you will have no fear or claim on rules
After processing many reports, we did find that in the past, some players were fined 1 gold for illegal transfers. Did that stop them? No. They must have laughed at it because there wasn't even a stop in cheating for a single day.

It would be a dream to see all the cheaters brought to justice and it would pick the spirits up for the rest of us who don't cheat. Sometimes the cheating is because players didn't read game rules. Mostly, cheating is blatant and deserves the harshest penalty. That's my opinion.
for Modi:

Thanks for your work Modi, I really appreciate what you and your mate are doing! I would really like to have the time to help you, but I barely find those I need to make a couple of battle a day.

Don't give up even if the "mountain" is still soo high to climb.

Now, how do you suggest he does repairs without money? And even if that was possible, what gain would he have at repairing at "a small fee"?

I didn't suggest that he do any smithing, especially while broken.

The problem is that the penalty was assigned for // Financial assist, Smith assistance

Financial assist has been punished (part of the fee)
But Smith assistance while temporary stopped (=no gold) will presumably resume as soon as he get a positive total amount of gold.
What he can do immediately is CHANGE his offer on his profile (but leave the out of service note).

I was just trying to help him address that problem.
for Vonemar:

Wish we could claim responsibility for this but we didn't do the report on him. I have reports from October that have not been taken care of. Shame that there are willing people to clean the mess up but with zero power to do anything. I see new reports all the time in the forum and I would love to take care of them. Some people have done a great job tracking down the cheaters and deserve to see their time not wasted. I'm over being frustrated at it. We all pay the price for the lack of oversight here, including the game creators.
hey lets place bets about if he will make it
As for the others: well, I'm glad you like to live in a dictatorship thinking that "it's just a game", but for me it's impossible to disregard my freedoms "just for a game". Good luck being told how to play :)

You still have every much bit of your freedom, as long as it does not infringe on the freedoms of others around you.
You have the freedom to travel around without arts or full arts.
You have the freedom to enroll as little as you like.
You have the freedom to not combat at all if you so please.

Of course while you are free to do so, there are some reasons why it may be advisable not to do so. Still, you are free to do it if you want to.

Hell, you are also free to leave this game if you so please.
You are free to join/create a game where you can play in anyway you like.

There is so much freedom around. Just do not impose your freedoms on others as others are entitled to as much freedom as you are.
reply to post 8: chausinho
go join some english classes retard, if u dont know how to interpret the meaning of this simple language.
reply to post 10: Perkalov

yes i consider myself as a rather intelligent human being. i took my chance to gain tgi, and i got it. i never did whin about nothing, and i still am happy for whatever i did. its just that my risk taking capacity is far more than probably all u ppl here criticizing me for this, because u ppl have learnt to live in misery and be mechanical to do what is taught to be done, nothing more than that, nothing less. i chose my way and got rewarded with tgi and 13 smith guild points. i m still at the winning edge. and as per post 5 by moro88, yeah, lvl 8 with labourers guild 4 is not a bad time to earn gold. and ill make it.
reply to post 12: moro88

u r one complete nervous breakdown case, may god bless with you with some good sense of humour and a better hold over language. if u were me, you would have buried yourself deep down in some lonely corner, if thats what u r trying to say, i pity you. because a true intelligent person never does pity on himself for his own acts. he would rather be more modest to admit whatever he has done and face all the consequences in the trial of finding solutions.
no hiding and running around like u my dear foe.
and thats what i did, i was atleast bold enough to face the world and come publically on the forum even after doing all this, unlike some cowards (probably including you as well as per your own words).
you think i have insulted myself in doing so, i think i ve extracted some valuable mixed feedbacks of all the readers of this post. its just the perspective, u would run for something wrong u did, i ll admit for whatever i did.
reply to post 13: ExDeath
i believe u too stand in the same court as moro88. get a life.
reply to post 14: Sven91
i appreciate that u took out time to calculate if it was a lucky or unlucky day for me. but i guess ive already made my concern clear to you via pm.
reply to post 22: Wurmtog
well it sure is my game as far as my account is concerned, so y dont u please keep your focus off from my issues and not try to poke your nose in.
reply to post 23: Elven_Lord

1. dont teach me what to do, i know what i am doing and with how much amount of risk.
2. u r sick, go and see a doctor or may be gynac whichever suits you. dont crib here.
3. and u r not my idol or father or any damn person i would consider to follow, so better keep it that way.
reply to post 31: Wurmtog

i think u too need to attend this language school once again. my very first line clearly states that i agree upon getting punished for doing something wrong. but u too seem to be the similar case of breakdown as of moro88, go with him to see some doctor or may be neurologist.
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