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Author | 4 New Classes, Dozens of Items, And Over 100 New Monsters! |
NEW LEVEL 4 SPELLS (available at level 15.)
Shadow Cage
Darkness level 4
Mana cost-15
Imprisons the targeted stack within a prison made of pure shadow. For the target to resume moving, it must destroy the prison (other allied units may help) Shadow Cage also deals damage while you're in it.
*150hp/10 sp 15dmg/turn/3 sp
**250hp/20 sp 20dmg/turn/5 sp
***500hp/40 sp 50dmg/turn/7 sp
****1000hp/75 sp 100dmg/turn/10 sp
Holy level-4
Mana cost-10
The targeted unit suddenly becomes lightning quick, covering open ground unnaturally fast.
*+1 speed 1 turn/.2 turns sp
**+2 speed 2 turns/.3 turns sp
***+2 speed 4 turns/.4 turns sp
****+3 speed 5 turns/.5 turns sp
Chaos level-4
Mana cost-20
the whole field writhes and twists, sending all units sprawling. You'll find your troops moved around, and a bit shaken up.
*moves unit up to a maximum of 2 tiles deals 10/5 sp
**max 3 tiles deals 30/10 sp
*** max 4 tiles deals 50/15 sp
****max 4 tiles deals 100/20 sp
Nature level-4
A vine snaps out and catches the enemy in the stomach hard. They fly backwards from the force of the impact, and don't land too gently either.
*knocks back 1 tile 20 damage/5sp
**knocks back 2 tiles 30 damage/10 sp
*** knocks back 3 tiles 50 damage/10 sp
****knocks back 4 tiles 100 damage/15 sp | Ive thought of some new terrains that can be added to the map as well as some options and abilities that can be added.
Large boulders that take up 2x2 area on the map.Because of their great height, they can't be flown over, but can be teleported past.
As explained earlier with the marshmen, the bog is a stinking-festering pit of muddy water and vegetation. If its deep enough, it can slow down walking units (see marshmen for more details on it.)
Large, flat rocks jutting towards the sky, with no obvious way of getting up their. Only flying and teleported units can stand on these tiles (1x1) and are only effetected by attacks from rangers, fliers, and teleporters. Although, if the unit on top of the plateau attacks a unit, the unit still retaliaites.
Similar to a plateau, but only by the fact that one end can be climbed up (it takes up 1x2 tiles.) The unit up there is immune to non flyer/teleporter melee attacks, but can still be attacked if the enemy makes it up the pathway. Although, if the unit on top of the cliff attacks a unit, the unit still retaliaites.
A tile that slows down movement when passing through it (20%.) When caught in a fire spell (fireball for example) the forest is burned down and removed from the playing field. A forest takes up a 1x1 space, and reduces ranged damage to a stack standing on it by 25%, but increases melee damage (except for ranger and elf units, as they are accustomed to the woods) by 10%, due to lack of maneuverability.
Whether dirt or cobblestone, roads are good at getting you where you want to fast. There's not much special about roads, except they speed up walking troops by 10% (may not seem like much, but if you move over three road tiles, that's a 30% speed boost :p.)
Because of these updates I think that the playing field should be expanded from its standard 10x12 (at least that's what I have and I'm level 7. Might be smller for level 1's, but I don't know) to a 15x15 field. Of course though, the filed would increase in size for larger armies, up to possible 25x25 solo for level 14, and about a 75x25 for 3 on 3 (for 2 on 2, it would be about 50x 25.) A larger field with more obstacles, unpredictable variables, would require more skill as well as giving more of a challenge and forcing you to use skill and strategy to survive (you can't run straight forward and attack with your shrews now, you have to work your enemy into a vulnerable position with your skills :p.) I personally think that at the beginning of battle, the armies shouldn't be so close a 8 speed or 7 with tactics) can get a hit in in the first 5 seconds. (oh, and if the game moderators ARE going to do the updates they have planned, and add ammo carts and etc., expanded fields would be a necessity.
You should have an option to zoom the camera in more, and be able to scroll around the battlefield, rather than looking at a zoomed-out overview.
Option to move number in stack above or below creatures head.
Ability to display total health in a stack as well as the number (useful to determine how many in a stack you will kill when using magic.) | I find it strange that every ranger has the same 6 range, unless it has no range penalty. I think every unit needs a max range, as well as its own range in which it does increased damage in. Here's the list I thought of. (higher tiers tend to have higher ranges, as they are more powerful) Also, there will be no limit on how far magic attacks go, simply because, they are magical :p (Note: mage damage may have to be slightly reduced to prevent mages from becoming overpowered.)
Within range (the double damage range. That range is six)/ Max range (anything further away cannot be shot.) With this I hope to bring in some diversity. Some rangers may have a HUGE range, but a small critical strike zone.
Critical range/maximum range
Skeletal Bowmen-5/15
Skeletal Crossbowmen-6/17 Weak shooters with semi-short range and strike zone.
Skeletal Arbalists-6/20
ArchLiches-6/25 Liches are long range units, with a small critical zone.
Crossbowmen-6/20 Balanced ranger with decent range and critical zone.
Clerics-8/16 The holy rangers can't shoot far, but if shot, it's lethal.
High Priest-10/20
Gremlin Engineer-4/17
Gremlin Scientist-5/20 Small strike zone, but has a large range.
Gremlin Mathematician-5/25
Lorekeeper-12/12 Extremely short range, but every hit is a critical shot.
Titan-18/40 An immensely powerful titan, with huge range and critical zone.
Elven Bowmen-7/14
Grandmaster Bowmen-7/16 Short range, but huge critical zone.
Rangers of the High Wood-9/18
Anchorist-10/10 Look at their attack. It's a little flying green thing from their staff, which would appear to be magic (which is why I gave them a range similar to magi.)
Orcs- 8/12
Orc Chiefs-8/15 Throwing axes don't go very far....but they hurt...a lot.
Orc Shamans-10/15
Cyclops-18/18 Hey, a giant rock thrown at your opponent is gonna hurt no matter how far he runs.
Cyclops King (I think thats the name, don't remember from the tourney :p)-20/20
Dark elf
Poisoner-5/12 Rather weak at range, but has good melee capabilities.
Dark witch- 12/30 Balanced ranger (for her level.)
Dark somethin somethin (:p)-15/35
Mistress-7/17 Pretty balanced rangers.
(wow..that's all the demon archers? I always thought they were kinda range strong lol.) | Nomad
Dart Thrower-9/9
Knife Thrower-10/10 Small range, large strike zone.
Blade Thrower-13/13
Desert Devil-15/50 Just plain awesome =)
Phormean-15/32 Pretty balanced.
Phormean Queen-18/35
Manticore-15/30 Balanced ranger.
Drider Alpha-8/15 Small range, but high critical zone.
Beholder-12/12 Another magical ranger.
Beholder Overseer-16/16
Crone-18/30 High critical zone and average range | TWO-HANDED WEAPONS
Two handed weapons are a lot more powerful than normal swords, but cannot be equipped with a shield.
Berserker Axe- A huge, fearsome ax with quite a few bloodstains on it...
Level req.: 12
durability: 100
Attack: +20
Defense: -5
Initiative: +4%
Increases melee damage by 20%, but increases melee damage delt to you by 15%. Increases berserker units berserk effect by 25%.
cost: 65,000 gold 30 mercury 30 crystals 30 gems
Steel Greatsword- A massive blade forged from pure steel.
Level req.-8
Durability: 80
Attack: +10
Defense: -1
Initiative: -2%
cost: 30,000 gold 40 ore
Rusty Two-hander-Ew. Try not to cut yourself on that.
Level req.-4
Durability: 25
Attack: +7
Defense: -2
adds 10% chance for your hero to poison enemy on attack (15 damage/5 turns.)
cost: 4,500 gp 1 wood 1 ore | Whew.. I think that covers it all! I hope you guys enjoy it, feedback would be helpful, especially if you're an admin. =) All reasonable ideas and suggestions are welcome, I may even think up something else to post here for you guys to look at. Thanks for reading this, now post away!
-Blade |
Some spells here
And 2nd Upgrades:
No barb | #27 Please don't post links to other sights here. I am well aware of heroes of might and magic, but to copy them would be copyright. Not to mention, I like my ideas better. =) | You really did some work! | I see you tok some epic items/creacutes from the FF series,nice originality ;) | #29 Thanks.
#30 What in the blazes is the FF series?
I DID NOT COPY ANYTHING FROM OTHER SITES. Everything here I created. Any similarities is pure coincidence. | I really disagree with skelatel crossbowmen.Be cause knight specialibility will loose becauses of that | | Nice work. I like the maps and epic hunts although i would stick them to Merc guild and the lower the durability or relate it to the lvl of merc monster. | impressive work, Rendingblade
if only they could be in the game...
btw, how long did u take to make all this??
:) | #34-I actually didn't think of that. =) I suppose an epic hunt could be assigned from the mercenary guild, but you would only get it if you had the requirements (level 14 and level 9 hunter.)
#35 Thanks =) The things here that I wrote probably took up 5-7 hours, but that was spread out over a couple days. Copying the stupid thing and posting it took longer thanks to my retarded internet. =) | minotour | really??? copyrighted???????
OMG! XD | for dark elf level 5
cutting men
attack 20
defense 15
hit points 50
damage 14-15
abilities split (splits enemy stacks into 4 groups)
immune to range caster
casts fortification increase the hit points of ur own stacks by 100 for 2 turns)
mana cost 5
mana 40 | #37-What about the minotaur?
#38-I beg your pardon? What about copyrighted?
#39=Tier 5 for the Dark Elves is the Hydra, and your idea is...odd. Splitting enemy stacks would help them, so I don't see the point in aiding the enemy. The fortification and immune to range/caster is WAY overpowered, and you didn't even bother to say the creatures initiative and speed. Sorry, but I doubt thats gonna happen. |
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