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Thief Guild quests


AuthorThief Guild quests
I'm seflish and chilish:):)

At least this idea will never be implemented here buhahahahahahahahahahaha XD

u need to grow up
You should probably stop posting now...I don't have a TGI, nor am I likely to have one in the near future but I still know this is a very good idea.
Get back to topic... it's not about me:P
@23 Agreed. Some posts were getting very close to earning a ban. No insults. It is fair to ask someone why they think the idea is so bad. It's also fair to give opinions such as "you don't like it because you don't have a TGI". Please keep out terms like selfish and childish.
Get back to topic... it's not about me:P

Yeah your not worth a topic
[Player banned by moderator Barbarian-Fishy until 2010-09-12 12:20:16 // Insult]
for Screamo_Fan:
and you shouldn't post with your multi -_-
Still we are not back to topic... it's not about me:P

I think some banning will be implemented here:)
get back on track people..its an easy +1 or -1.

+1 for me.
I change my vote...
+1 (cus I might just be able to get a TGI after all:)))))))) )
nice idea
really great
but a.) the player from being ambushed by other players who have lower TG than them. (experienced thieves should be able to avoid inexperienced thieves)
no agreement
(experienced thieves should be able to avoid inexperienced thieves)
yeah that wasn't part of my idea :)
Feel free to expand on your idea. I was just trying to add some creativity. Sure a thief art and a 1% init bonus is nice, but after the first few TG levels the reward gets a little stale plus when the next TG level changes from needing only 50 wins to 800 wins, you sort of want something else.

As for the idea itself on avoiding other thieves I have seen complaints from players about thieves ambushing them, wasting their time, etc. And I thought it was strange that there's nothing players can do to avoid (or reduce the chance) thieves. Who would be most qualified to avoid thieves? Of course the answer is better/experienced thieves.

Thief Quest Samples:
1.) Go to Ridge of Hope and ambush some dragons and steal a dragon egg.*
2.) Go to Seraph's Tears to ambush some dwarves.
3.) Go to East Bay Inn to pickup text quest (new one for thief quest only) and complete text quest (which may also involve an actual ambush as well).
4.) Go to the Pier to steal a shipment.*
5.) Go to the Lighthouse to investigate some shady activity. Discovers some gnomes smuggling crates. Steal the crates and eliminate others using your territory.*
6.) Prevent players from completing their MG quests.**

* All stealing type of quests you don't need to kill all enemies on the battlefield (in some fights it would be like the survival tournament). You can just kill the guard next to it, the nest holding it, ship it is on, etc. Maybe add in the part where you need to have a stack use an ability (steal) which takes 1 turn, and then you need to move all the way back to your hero. And if you don't kill all enemies on the battlefield, there is an X% you may be ambushed by the enemy while going back to SH. Your troop level would be the same as your surviving ones from the first quest battle. (like the MG Army quests except you are the Army).
** Brigands. Instead of Brigands preventing the player from delivering the cargo, you may ambush the player and steal their cargo.
Vanguard. Instead . . . you are the one to kill . . .
6.) Prevent players from completing their MG quests.**

this one may be a bit hard to do. first, they have to be your level, next, you have to get lucky that they will get this MG quest (which is bout 1/20 probability if not more) and then, you have to guess correctly which road they will take so it may take days to complete a quest like that,
That one might be made slightly easier. For example the thief only gets that quest if another player just got the relevant MG quest in the past 1-2 minutes. Also the thief would know the ultimate location of the MG quest.

Or if that still proves too difficult, maybe the thief quest refreshes with the next potential MG quest victim if you fail to catch the first one in time.

Or they could have the thief quest trigger the MG quest. For example it tells you to go to East Bay to cause a Knight invader merc quest. Once you are there, a player of your level would receive that MG quest. And when that player starts their Knight invader quest, you would take the place of the computer.
for Pantheon:
well still, a lot of times i just accept a MG quest and leave, then come back in a couple of hours and finish it. so if a thief got a quest to take the place of the computer. he can be waiting for quite a while :)
for Ghost_Face:
No one said the quest would be easy. :)

Or the quest would allow the tracking of multiple MG quest holders.

All this is just adding some creativity and variety into TG. Some of the complaints I see in the forums is that players are just losing to the same old caravans over and over again.

The TG quests could be declined just like MG quests or hunts. You don't have to do them at all. Also as per some of my other ideas in a previous post, there could be certain rewards for completing a series of quests hence there's incentive and story behind the game other than just 1 single combat.
there could be certain rewards

ah i see, like in MG there is a possibility to get an element, maybe we could think of something that can be received from TG. +1 :)
As per #5

Advanced quests (TG6) would have a chance to give some sort of special thief art, X free rentals of special thief arts from Thief Leader, etc. (regular thief arts are level 6; by the time you reach TG6 players are much higher level and gotten the great TGI reward. So what's a high level player with gold (from selling TGI) need? Special arts. Minimum combat level 13 [just because there's no level 13 shop arts].)
like MG a chance to get something.

TG7 would give some sort of special series of quests, which upon completion would enable:
a.) the player from being ambushed by other players who have lower TG than them. (experienced thieves should be able to avoid inexperienced thieves)
b.) when traveling the player can reverse ambush other thieves (who are waiting for ambush) with lower TG than them.
c.) overall faster traveling, 3min travels take 2min, etc.
d.) choice of only 1 of the above or gives player all of the above.

a reward that's tied to completing a series of quests / combats. I guess could be of something like the Army quests.
+1, great idea (and breaks the current monotony)
and breaks the current monotony I know rite? i win 1/15 caravans it is soo boring -_-
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