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AuthorThief Guild Invitation (how to get it)
I think Kotrin and Latawica were deceived into thinking they were helping out a new(ish) player by selling them a cheap TGI.

I notice that coolahed, previously a member of WGW (easily seen by the Military Clan Logo on his earlier posts), is now in another clan. This after receiving relatively cheap TGIs from both Kotrin and Latawica, then reselling them to darkelf84.

09-15-10 10:03: Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from Kotrin . Transaction price: 1100000 Gold
09-15-10 14:45: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to darkelf84 . Transaction price: 1120000 Gold

09-15-10 09:58: Transferred 1 Gold to latawica : TGI disscount 100k to be used instantly
09-15-10 10:02: Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from latawica . Transaction price: 1100000 Gold
09-15-10 10:03: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to darkelf84 . Transaction price: 1130000 Gold

I also notice that coolahed has engaged in a recent flurry of resource selling. Possibly to conceal his involvement with TGI reselling and profiteering. Could also be to conceal the negative coomments in the transfer log when trying to enter other military clans.

TGI disscount 100k
Does that mean the real price is 1200k? I am sure kotrin and latawica can't sell TGI price 1200k easy. So why can we consider they gave coolahed discout 100k while we don't know real price?
I guess coolahed thought 1100k is not a price with discount.
If i sell TGI 1180k, can i say i gave disocunt 40,000 gold to help buyer?
No, that means the price has been artificially inflated by TGI resellers.

Wonder who those could be?

No, that means the price has been artificially inflated by TGI resellers.
According to Adam smith, the price depends demand and supply. I can only keep 2 TGIs, so i can't make it inflated artificially.
According to you the price will be lower if there are no resllers. This means in real life, distributors make price inflated artificially because distrubutors are resellers too. Your theory is very great because if it is right, we can make the price of food on the world lower.
I agree that speculaters make price inflated artifically because they made supply lower and demand higher.
Who are speculaters? Not only me, they are kotrin, caligulax, God5end ... because they bought TGI with cheap price long ago and have kept it for a long time. Supply will increase if speculaters sell their TGIs ==> then the price of TGI will decrease. I don't think i am speculater now because i have not kept it for long time. I often buy and sell TGI in short time. I am a TGI distributor, you can call me TGI resller. No problem. It is not a shame.
Most of you do not seem to know price of TGI.
That is the reason why i can do but most of you can not do like me. There were many players who want to resell TGI to get profit but they have failed.
1/ binhuo
BTW, you think about element resllers
i agree with darkelf84, he buys it and then sells it instantly for a 30k-40k profit, but those people that bought a TGI half a year ago for 300k-400k gold and now sell it (or CAN sell it) for 1200k gold make a HUGE profit. not some 30k
I don't see anything wrong here. Business is business.

But this is actually very small business or no business at all:

1) from these two transactions we can see that coolhed earned only 20000+30000 gold (25000 is only 2% of one TGI price).

2) If he sells it in the market then he looses 1%, i.e. his profit drops from 50000 to 25000.

3) Joining other military clan isn't very cheap.
Transfer log of coolahed:
09-16-10 08:54: Transferred 10000 Gold to Patrickou : joing the military clan:)

4) BTW, he was evicted:
09-15-10 17:40: Received 1 Gold from Slynky : Evicted from WG/WGW on 9/15 for dishonesty and unethical market trades
And not all clans accepted him:
09-15-10 19:24: Received 1 Gold from limustudotcom : APPLICATION TO #153 REJECTED due to shady nature, and for breaking honor code

So, no business here at all from my point of view.
speculators: those who trade because they are betting on price changes (whether short term or long term)
resellers: those who trade because they can make a markup, commission, or other-wise inflate the price for profit.
distributors: those who sell to retailers (retailers far out number distributors)
retailers: those who sell to the end users (end users far out number end users).

Players can be both speculators and resellers. There is nothing preventing one from being the other.

No one here are distributors because no know buys in bulk and then sell to retailers. One might argue that some are retailers, but no one here buys from distributors to sell to end users. There are really only speculators and resellers in the market. The other parties are end users and a few producers (those who receive a TGI from TG).
According to Adam smith, the price depends demand and supply.

You joking right? Demand and supply huh? It's called fixing prices, adam smith is a theory nothing else and can't be apply here as only few players are selling TGI. Your success with TGI ressling only due other players not engaging that market.
There were many players who want to resell TGI to get profit but they have failed.
1/ binhuo
BTW, you think about element resllers

Failed, how is that? Both of us not taking that market too seriously, ain't got cash, and now when updates to be implemented it's just too risky to buy when price can drop 400k in one day. My personal thoughts on TGI is that it ain't worth even 400k, most players got it for 2 thief arts ~ 80k before the grand update.

You are using your wizzard account to findout prices players willing to buy TGI, is that the reason to call your price "best", you ain't telling the price.
now when updates to be implemented it's just too risky to buy when price can drop 400k in one day
what will happen if admin upgrade, will the Emprise fill 100 TGIs in the shop?
I really want price of TGI to be lower now
You are using your wizzard account to findout prices players willing to buy TGI, is that the reason to call your price "best", you ain't telling the price.
You are in under a delusion. I know some players were in under a delusion that i used script when ambusing players too.

what will happen if admin upgrade, will the Emprise fill 100 TGIs in the shop?

Unlimited amount of TGI will be available from the production facilitites. TGI would not exist, not big deal, only 2 players currently in that business.
According to Adam smith, the price depends demand and supply.

The recent economy bubbles and the birth of the new economy theory known as "behavioral economics" have largely proven that Smith's theory is applicable only in a perfect world of robots where really everybody is only trying to maximize its own profit ... this is not the case with humans ...so forget about perfect economy ...
I actually do not care in the least whether people resell TGI's to make a profit. That's business and they are entitled to do so. This is not the reason coolahed was evicted from WG/WGW. He was evicted because he made a deal, committed to the terms of the deal, and then immediately broke the deal he had made. It wouldn't have mattered if that deal was for a TGI or a wooden sword, the end result would have been the same.

Does that mean the real price is 1200k? I am sure kotrin and latawica can't sell TGI price 1200k easy. So why can we consider they gave coolahed discout 100k while we don't know real price?
I guess coolahed thought 1100k is not a price with discount.

The point is that he agreed to the deal, in writing. If it wasn't a good deal, he should have renegotiated the terms before committing to it.
According to Adam smith, the price depends demand and supply.

There are multiple exceptions at global economy that prove otherwise: Oil prices are fixed, telecommunication and financial services - supply and demand??, etc.

Prices stop to follow simple supply/demand rules when one(or few) corporation starts dominating the market and is involved in lets say 60% of the sales of the product worldwide. Lets call them darkelf84 industries from now on. :-)

Not that it is something illegal of course. Hats down for knowing the market. Hats back up for bugging people through pm like an insurance salesman. :-)

That is the reason why i can do but most of you can not do like me. There were many players who want to resell TGI to get profit but they have failed.
My guess would be that binghuo and force have too weak stomachs to become telephone salesmen(you must know the type of people: "Hello mister, I have a perfect offer just for you..")

Hi darkelf84, for clarification purposes, I would like to inform that I got both my TGIS at TGI levels 2 and 4 (I bought my first TGI through gold though). Therefore pls kindly refrain from calling me a reseller.
Well i have seen prices of 340-380 K on TGI. Those prices are "private" and not on the market place though. I think these 380-400 is what you can get for it.

Before rules i thought that you still had to sell/buy to market prices. But apparrently you didnt.

Barbarian-Fishy : The shard can be for the rent of the TGI. = 3000 gold. So increases in prices are upped by a factor of 100 in reality :)

So this rule also splits the game into those who started with a TGI and those who dosent.

But the best way i have seen is still ppl just taking cash from clan and buy it.
Well i have seen prices of 340-380 K on TGI. Those prices are "private" and not on the market place though. I think these 380-400 is what you can get for it.

If now someone would sell TGI for 350 000 gold, he would be blocked. 3.33 rule applies from 1.12.2009. But you would know that if you could just stop for a while, took a deep breath..
for Nullby:
can u tell me where u saw prices of 340-380 K on TGI
TGI disscount

Lordzik must feel happy. But someone thinks he is a victim of TGI scammers.
I did not say him that is a discount, I just said "you were lucky".

09-18-10 05:01: Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from iwen . Transaction price: 1200000 Gold
09-15-10 16:13: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Lordzik . Transaction price: 1180000 Gold
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