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AuthorBlocked and Penalty
I admit to having had three characters, all different factions.
And through some research (now that I have been blocked and penalized) I realize that part of the problem or all of it was doing smith work for the others - no problem, didn't realize it was an issue, but I should have read rules prior to doing it, still my fault.

Here is my problem. Both my main character (penalized) and my second character (blocked) I had purchased diamond upgrades and still had a balance of unused diamonds. Doesn't paying at least give me the right to have the second character penalized and not blocked? Or at minimum have my paid for diamonds balance on the second character transferred to my main one? Any chance I could get some Admin feedback on this?

Definitely reverse the payment if it was done via paypal. it will mean the characters in question will go into negative gold (I have seen that when a paypal transaction is reversed the admin deduct 5000 gold per diamond), but you will get your real money back, and no matter what you did in the game you deserve your hard earned money!
Payments were made a long time ago and I believe I paid credit card - good thinking though.

But my thinking isn't to penalize LOWM for enforcing rules, I just think that once you pay for a service on two separate occasions, that maybe they should make concessions when something like this happens
drop a message to Dealer and explain the situation. you should get reimbursed, especially if the diamond get stuck at blocked account!
especially if the diamond get stuck at blocked account!

the admins already got the money, i don't think they care about us, so you might not get ur money back.
Please keep in mind:

This service does not suppose repayment.
The operation of donating (exchanging) funds (electronic, real, virtual) is a one-way process.
The fact of donating funds does not grant Administration's patronage nor gives you rights to violate rules of this game.

This is from the bottom of the donate page. Read the third one, Im pretty sure your out out of luck with getting your diamonds back.
as i said, the admins already got the money they don't care about players
I just think that once you pay for a service on two separate occasions, that maybe they should make concessions when something like this happens
You want admins to show favoritism? O.o
There are already a few characters being favored here, we don't need more ;)

Sorry about your diamonds though :(
for those saying you give your money and kiss it goodbye:


04-23-09 14:01: Player was imposed a penalty of 300000 gold. // PayPal 60 EUR refund

Payments are NOT always a one way thing. Paypal have rules and the admins must follow those rules!
that guy tried to trick the system :)
Appreciate the input all, I'll try messaging Dealer and see what comes of it.
[Post deleted by moderator Straws // Just read the local rules.]
Hi All,
I was till now a very loyal player and WARRIOR OF THE EMPIRE but I was blocked forever by moderator LEXA but THE PERSON NAMED Kim_LoO who reported me for illeagal transfers to my friends and others who were asking me for loans was blocked for few days only why????

Second check my private mails Kim_LoO has threatend me of ban if i dont give him
more gold .

Third is admin working for Kim_LoO.

Forth after spending more than 3 years in LORDSWM.COM and promoting it vigoursly
a player should be blocked without a warning or a reason and if its a rule remove transfer button from game.

Fifth This is for Admin BE FAIR and unblock me.

MY real id is "samlee" and samleee is my younger brother's id.
s99s and s9470 are my two nephews.

I hope for a positive response from you.

Your Friend,
First: 4. Questions regarding penalties, unblock requests, and other kinds of communication with Administration are made with the help of Secretary (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4). If your combat level is below the 3rd and you can't use the private mail - either raise your level or ask your friends or clanmates. Contacting the Administration via "Queries & Help" is SENSELESS.

Second: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5
1.5.1. The Administration has a right to cease access to the service for users whose in-game behavior is a dedicated assist to another character or group of characters.
3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("multichars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or enrollment) are forbidden. All multichars found will be banned, and the owner will be subject to penalty.

Third: No admins dont work for Kim_LoO, nobody does since he is about 12 years old. If you have proof in mail Kim extorted gold from you resend it to character "insults". That should do the trick.

PS: Since Kim_LoO is blocked, admins are definately NOT working for Kim_LoO, lol.

But with your transfer log, I wouldnt keep my hopes up. Good luck.
@ samlee/CZARBARB
Maybe you should take a look at your own transfer log here:

Now tell me, if that isn't financial assist then what is it? None of those 'this is the LAST loan that I give you' loans have been returned, and you gave a LOT...

Sorry, but I don't think you'll be getting a lot of positive responses, especially from admins >.>
if transfer log is there than only we are taking money from freind as a loan.

what is the purpose of transfer log if we transfer is illegal.

we are returning loan regularly and clear the account as promise i.e. 0 credit from my freind.

now plz unblock our account s9470

ty in advance
Hi ,

I have been playing this character of samlee for so many years now.
people like Kim_LoO thrive on one's genrosity, ABOUT TRANSFER BUTTON should be removed so that all so called illegal transfers wont exist anymore. I am 40 years old.

Ok Hi this is my third chracter yeah it is my main got blocked also my second account got blocked is the someway or how long the block lasts?????if i get my harri860 account back and superharri i will delete the two and i will play only with sec so admin's plz unblock my frend even sended a letter to the secretary but it's been like 2 days alredy!
Right... Since this seem to become some sort of "randomI'vebeenblcoked-thread" I'll just close it.

Topic-starter should PM me (or any sage/mod) if he want's it opened again.
closed by Lord Agelage (2010-10-08 20:55:05)
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