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AuthorEaster Eggs?
If an artifact is enchanted, then if you click on that artifact, it will bring you to a page which shows not only the enchantment, but also its current durability, ie: 4/79 (80)

i think that the Leather hat looks diffrent now .. right ?
sorry my mistake, i think its a whole new item, cuz i just saw a Leather harness .. so new arts.. (for level 3 players)
i think now there are some sort of taxes on the transferring of gold
its already listed on the grand update 2 page
List so far:
-More (or in some cases less) troops are available for recruiting.
-New Shop and inventory transfer interface
-Shift in durability for "Leather Armor" (25 to 18)
-Bold forum topics
-Night and day at castles
-MG quest rewards have decreased
-Better AI for certain units
-New level 3 nature magic spell (Earthquake)
-Adjustments of the spaces available to work at certain facilities.
-New "types" of caravans (not just new units in them)
-Special look for heroes (possible future update for all player to buy, already on .ru
-Changes to smith page view
-Clicking on artifacts mow shows the current durability.
More rogues .. :) Nice .. :)
No "sell for" button for enchanted arts in inventory page.

uh, well
somebody posts this battle in another forum
the ,uh, "Hamster Monster"...?
List so far:
-More (or in some cases less) troops are available for recruiting.
-New Shop and inventory transfer interface
-Shift in durability for "Leather Armor" (25 to 18)
-Bold forum topics
-Night and day at castles
-MG quest rewards have decreased
-Better AI for certain units
-New level 3 nature magic spell (Earthquake)
-Adjustments of the spaces available to work at certain facilities.
-New "types" of caravans (not just new units in them)
-Special look for heroes (possible future update for all player to buy, already on .ru
-Changes to smith page view
-Clicking on artifacts mow shows the current durability.
-Hamster monster for special numbered battles (25 million)
I fighted a necro, and when i attacked his infected zombies, there head cell off
how about that mighty hamster?
srry didnt see somebody post it already.. :"
gnoms near. =)
khm, topic on .ru server
second photo (gnomes` Talents)

one-two hour ago this character was without image of hero and without image of first talent.
List so far:
-More (or in some cases less) troops are available for recruiting.
-New Shop and inventory transfer interface
-Shift in durability for "Leather Armor" (25 to 18)
-Bold forum topics
-Night and day at castles
-MG quest rewards have decreased
-Better AI for certain units
-New level 3 nature magic spell (Earthquake)
-Adjustments of the spaces available to work at certain facilities.
-New "types" of caravans (not just new units in them)
-Special look for heroes (possible future update for all player to buy, already on .ru
-Changes to smith page view
-Clicking on artifacts mow shows the current durability.
-Hamster monster for special numbered battles (25 million)
-Dwarf previews

for yoshyegg:
that was an easter egg from last grand update xD
-Special look for heroes (possible future update for all player to buy, already on .ru

Slight typo, me think. Not a 'future update'. Already here. :)

Dwarf's talents wheel
The hamster battle

And also it seems that even before the update wierd things happened on every multiple of 1000000



and so on
they all seem to just die
Can u show me link of new carvantype?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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