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The Numbers Game


AuthorThe Numbers Game
To be honest .. many of new players here .. feel bored with this game .. too long to get a new level, long time to wait for the next battle .. :)

And one more : at .ru .. they are all dedicated players .. :) not like at this server .. :)
at .ru .. they are all dedicated players .. :) not like at this server .. :)

I dont believe all those 20k players (actually way more than that since not all players will be online at the same time) are dedicated players. Also we have many many dedicated players here too---those who reaches level 12 and higher---we dont need to worry about them, they are all dedicated and will keep playing since they kept playing in the most "boring" time.

The point is, the more interesting a game is, the more "dedicated" players there will be, people become "dedicated" to sth. just because they are interested in it or feel obligatory to do it...
@ Liuker : Yeahh .. :) And .ru has more features .. :)
Some suggestions that come to mind (some are things I read in our chats, so credit doesn't go to me :p):

- The gatekeeper and the "Did you know that" box in the beginning of the game (forgive me if they do this already, haven't seen them in a long time :p) should tell people about the most important rules (no more than 2 multies, no illegal transfers, ...), should inform them about the slow pace of this game, should inform them that at higher levels you get more exp per battle, so that it's not impossible to get to high level and should tell them how they can build a solid financial basis. Also they should warn about traps that lead to moneyloss (roulette, fighting in full arts, ...), instead of advising people to play roulette :D. Also tell them that there are other ways of fighting besides pvp and hunting, which they can do at higher levels.

- Make illegal transfers and gifts impossible by coding. Of course you won't be able to stop all illegal transfers, but a code that prevents you to loan or give more than you can legally do can prevent a lot of blocks (and a lot less work for secretary). Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea that when registering you can add if a character is an alt or main and what the main account is. And then automatically restrict the alts to all what they should be restricted.

- Make market partially open for level 1 & 2. When there is shortage of a resource you need to buy it on the market (or be quick and know how the factories work, which I doubt a lot of those low levels know), which they can't, so they can't buy certain arts they need.
Also they should warn about traps that lead to moneyloss (roulette, fighting in full arts, ...), instead of advising people to play roulette :D.

Given there're certain people who exchange diamond for gold, this suggestion will likely to give the admin less profit =P

Just kidding, but I think people should figure out how important saving money is---in another word, they will find out that they need to save money by themselves

Very nice idea, but that's way too much work to do...

Actually, since it's a standard PM meant for all newcomers, sending them would take only about 10-20 seconds per player.

And since the average number of new players should be about 10, maybe 20 per day, it wouldn't take more than a few minutes a day for the 'Helper'. If there are more than 1 Helper, than it'll probably take each Helper less than 5 mins each day.
.. it's actually the easiest and fastest to implement among all the ideas put forward so far. And don't take anyone a lot of time to perform as well.
the average number of new players should be about 10, maybe 20 per day

well I thought there is way more than this number so I thought it is a lot of work

.. it's actually the easiest and fastest to implement among all the ideas put forward so far. And don't take anyone a lot of time to perform as well.

the easiest and fasted apparently is to reduce the price for TGI =P
We don't have more active players because (unfortunately) we can't keep new players long enough to play this game :( Of course, there are many reasons which can be the root cause, but one of them is the "learning curve" is very steep. Too many rules, too many unknown basic strategy, etc.

That's why few months ago (when I was active playing) I made a suggestion to automatically assign new players to a special clan (Training Clan). Sage are members of this special clan, and from time to time can send a mass message to all new players to remind them about the rules, give them basic strategy etc. Even better if Admin can make it so level 1 can send message to Sage and ask question.

Let's put ourselves in a new player's shoe. We just register, and barely know anything about this game. We don't know anybody yet. We can't ask in forum (there is a level limitation). We start to hunt, and win !! wow.. this is cool!! And then (according to the "you know who" guy) we have to win a duel, so we try it.

1st attempt -> fail. 2nd attempt -> fail. 3rd time -> Fail. We don't know what's wrong why we can't win. Feel bored, quit playing and find another game :(

Don't you think it will be nice if you are a level 1 and just registered and you receive a message from a Mod (something like):

Hi (your name)
Welcome to "Lords of War and Money". I am one of the game's moderator. My
nickname in this game is: xxxxx

My job is to help and guide you to understand and enjoy this game. If you have questions about this game, feel free to ask me. I will try my best to help you. This is my profile link : http://.............. If you want to send me a message, you can click "Write a message" on that page.

But first of all, I would like to remind you that this game has some rules.
If you broke the rule, you can be banned or even be blocked.. so I recommend you to read these rules first.


If you still need further information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for playing Lords of War and Money.


The above message can be automatically sent. Admin just need to assign Sage's name as the author.

When the new player reach level 5 (decided by Admin), they can graduate from the Training clan and join the real clan.
Liuker comment 22:
"The problem is the admins need to invest money to recruit programmers and artists to design the events/do all the debug and maintenance, so it's just the matter how much they care about this server."
i can agree with you but i think not i am the only one developer who would like to help became this site better and better. of course somehow admins/developers/etc should find out who is able to help.

- multilanguage: good idea and not very difficult programming it. almost just create a table and type there texts. (i have created multi languages applications...) -> i can help in hungarian ;)
- migrating .com and .ru: intersting idea but i wouldn't prefer, only in that case if it is multi language site.
- reduce hunting time. i don't like after a hunt have to wait approx 50 mins (don't remember by heart)
- ambush time should be same like merc. missions. if you win then waiting time reducating but will increase if you lose...
- was good idea to make a survival guild instead of tournaments. survival tournaments are very good but takes too much time each fight.
- why not possible to be in more chat room in same time?
- TGI is extremly expensive, almost not possible to buy one.
- penelaty system: my opinion is in first mistake don't block player. watch for example lordmexx. he is blocked on lvl14 because made a mistake. why didn't tell it is not possible and your penelaty is 150-200k golds and next time will be blocked or something like that.
- we need more events like this war. was really good.
- when will we have dwarf faction?
- good idea is make a Offical helper clan. but then should create a helper chat room too.
- if you change faction and have got more arts than default then don't lose them!!! -> we wanted to make low faction tournament with Patrickou but was not possible because many of players didn't want to change faction because of it.
- on high lvl change faction is extremly cost but it is not bad. but my problem is if you are good in hunt, merc. ambush etc then after change faction can almost do nothing.
- somewhen will happen highest lvl player can not play well because they will reach that point when can not kill anymore or just extremly hard. what will they do? leave the game because not possible to kill more? i think for those players like petitoth who doesn't really play duel or group battle.
- decrease encroll time from 1 hour to 30 mins or something like that. i think golds are critical problem in the game. for a while i couldn't play normaly because i didn't have enough golds to change arts. it was that time when i wasn't 90% smith. i don't say make everybody millioners but i think right now with normal work (without roulette and card game) very hard collect golds

many thanks for developers, designers, owners and not latest Arctic for this good site.

i hope we can help to make it better ;o)
We just register, and barely know anything about this game. We don't know anybody yet. We can't ask in forum (there is a level limitation).
Not for Queries and Help, level 1 players can post there.

- if you change faction and have got more arts than default then don't lose them!!! -> we wanted to make low faction tournament with Patrickou but was not possible because many of players didn't want to change faction because of it.
huh what?
If you have 43/45 artifacts and switch to another faction you will have 43/30 artifacts. You will not lose anything....
Not for Queries and Help, level 1 players can post there.

Really? I thought only level 3 and above can post there. My bad.. I was inactive for a long time and didn't remember.
Another possible way is to reduce the price of TG invitation by...probably half. I believe there will be way more people buy it if the price is only like 40 euro
That's all well and good, but what about all those players that have already BOUGHT the TGI at *this* price and is hoping to get back *this* amount of gold when they get the TGI and sell it. If you decrease the price, then they lose, what, 500k gold?
- decrease encroll time from 1 hour to 30 mins or something like that. i think golds are critical problem in the game. for a while i couldn't play normaly because i didn't have enough golds to change arts. it was that time when i wasn't 90% smith. i don't say make everybody millioners but i think right now with normal work (without roulette and card game) very hard collect golds
See this (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1891761) thread.

- reduce hunting time. i don't like after a hunt have to wait approx 50 mins (don't remember by heart)

Remember, there's still the tavern. Card games can always be played to pass the time, or like me, just go to the forums and read the new posts and participate in discussions. Besides, playing card games gives an advantage, after winning enough of them, you get a free luck drink!
Oh, and I like the idea of helpers sending PM to new players. And the training guild.
That's all well and good, but what about all those players that have already BOUGHT the TGI at *this* price and is hoping to get back *this* amount of gold when they get the TGI and sell it. If you decrease the price, then they lose, what, 500k gold?

Well that's true...but the thing is: no TG = getting bored at high level = quit

and I wonder how many players really buy the TGI? If they thought it's not fair because they lose gold, admin could absolutely give them some refunds, just like what they did when they change the wizard mini-artifact
increasing the number is well !
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // English only please]
Many of my friends have left the game due to this reason:

1st level is very boring and does not have many features like private mail. I think options like Private mail should be opened to players of levels even below lvl2.
1st level is very boring and does not have many features like private mail. I think options like Private mail should be opened to players of levels even below lvl2.

I dont really think this is a problem... how much time does it take for u to level up to 3? 2 days?

Is private mail that important for beginners?
I dont believe all those 20k players (actually way more than that since not all players will be online at the same time) are dedicated players. Also we have many many dedicated players here too---those who reaches level 12 and higher---we dont need to worry about them, they are all dedicated and will keep playing since they kept playing in the most "boring" time.

The point is, the more interesting a game is, the more "dedicated" players there will be, people become "dedicated" to sth. just because they are interested in it or feel obligatory to do it...
I dont believe all those 20k players (actually way more than that since not all players will be online at the same time) are dedicated players. Also we have many many dedicated players here too---those who reaches level 12 and higher---we dont need to worry about them, they are all dedicated and will keep playing since they kept playing in the most "boring" time.

The point is, the more interesting a game is, the more "dedicated" players there will be, people become "dedicated" to sth. just because they are interested in it or feel obligatory to do it...

To be dedicated there needs some stable system to be. Thief guild system is stable, so most high lvl players are dedicated in it. MG is semi stable, still a lot to be able to complete, so some high lvl still doing that. HG is not a stable system, which needs continuous updates from admin. As we all know, the admin often forgot .com so the stability of HG is broken.
I still remember one or two years ago, the elf who ranked #1 quit due to the hunting is incompletable, since his dedication laid on HG.

Simply if the admin can build more stable system in, either interesting or not, which is up to personal favorites, there would be more dedicated. One more good system, one more group of dedicated players.

This game is a long term game. Most of ideas in this thread which intends to attract new low level player may only succeed in attracting new, however the key for the prospect of this server (so as for .us) is how many stable & interesting systems the admin could develop and maintain.
the stability of HG is broken

Cant agree more. To be honest, I think the extension of HG level table without introducing new monsters for hunt is a big joke in our server. Sorry about the aggressive word but that's really what I think. Take a look at the player with highest HG pts, maybe it's Brilliant? (correct me if I am wrong) He still have 700+ HG to win to reach HG 8, which means he need to beat each type of monster at least 6-7 times... HG 9? who do you think can reach that impossible level?? You may argue that you can earn HG pts from ST, but even if you earn 15 pts every 2 weeks, you still only get 450 pts every year, and how many people can do that?

Why cant people get reduced amount of monsters after a HG defeat like what we got as the TG? Many people quit at high level, why? Simply because HG and MG is too hard, and doing TG everyday is too boring. They loved the game a lot since they've reached high level, but they really cant find anything else to do. What is wrong with making people's hunting easier?
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