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The Numbers Game


AuthorThe Numbers Game
+1 to 74
I think giving bonus to the new player seems fair, as the old player have already received a lot of privileges that new player can't get (cheap TGI, higher LG rate).
Let's see what happens after Arctic has to leave again. If we have to wait until next fall for him to return else nothing is done here, I wouldn't suggest this game to anyone to play.

The game jumps when he is here and when he is gone it gets hopeless pretty fast. I have been through it twice already and am not looking forward to a third time.

When he is here, there is the anticipation that any time, something new will appear.

Still waiting for the idea section blitz we had to be discussed with the community. Unless I missed something, they were supposed to comment on our suggestions weeks ago.

Am I wrong?
we need skill games no more dynamic eq.

I dont get the point. Skill games has nothing to do with dynamic eq. If one want to be "skillful" like what you said, just go ahead using your best art kill whatever amount of monsters, get your name on the top list, have fun. You dont need to worry about the dynamic eq.

If you feel like you dont want to do it anymore, just relax, keep losing for a while until you can beat them with min AP. And pick them up whenever you want to challenge yourself again. Isn't that a better way? We should give players "freedom", not forcing them to do challenging or almost impossible hunts.

The result for no dynamic eq. is: eventually at high level, before the new units were released, very few ppl @ lvl 14 will do hunt: too hard, too expensive compared with TG, and it depends on how lucky you are. Apparently that's not what is supposed to be like. This game is not "Lord of MG and TG"
I don't belive you can't find duels or GB if you try a little bit.

Well for your time zone maybe yes, but I really dont see ANY GB or duel when I play at night. Everytime, for at least several months. Even last minor tournament I can barely do 1 battle everyday at that time.

I think this is all about cant keep high level players from quitting. I knew a lot of high-level (top 100 at that time), skillful players (really skillful), they all get addict before, but they all quit. If they had not quit, they'll all be level 15 (or clost to it) by now. Some of them still log in often to see what is new, but they just have not come back yet...
If we have to wait until next fall for him to return else nothing is done here, I wouldn't suggest this game to anyone to play.

Have to agree with this, although it sounds sad

I think this game is good enough for attracting people at low level. The biggest problem is we can't keep players above level 7 from quitting the game. We dont need to worry about those who register and quit before reaching level 3, this game is not for them. But those who have the patience to reach level 7 and above (there are a lot!) should be taken care of so they will keep going even if the leveling up process is slow.
It's actually watching countless cases like this -


that prompted me to start this thread in the first place.

Many illegal transfers, 100s of hours spent setting up the multi network, and they eventually will get caught, and all their characters are either blocked, or heavily fined.

And the sad fact of the matter is - Some are probably young kids who are totally ignorant of the rules (that illegal transfers are forbidden in this game etc). Imagine their surprise when they log in one day, and BAM! All or almost all accounts blocked!

What do these people do after finding out that all their 'hard work' is down the drain? We are already know this game is a 'grind' and it's really hard to start afresh with a lvl 1 character after spending gazillion hours building the old one. So... they leave the game.

I'm sure some of them really loves the game and would have stayed for a long time.

Like I said, they deserve all the punishment they get, but I believe more can be done for the few who would not have broken the rules if they knew about it.

Just like a pyramid of multis, saving 1 player from the 'block trap' can having a pyramid effect - 1 player brings in 1-2 friends -> these 1-2 friends brings in another 1-2 friends --> these 4-5 friends brings in.. well, you get the idea..

So I really hope this thread don't go in the way of some other threads (Townshall thread comes to mind), and hopefully some of the better ideas here gets implemented.
Many illegal transfers, 100s of hours spent setting up the multi network, and they eventually will get caught, and all their characters are either blocked, or heavily fined.

Do you honestly think these people don't know they are cheating when they do this sort of thing? I do.

Yes, MOST do, but you can't be 100% certain that ALL do.

It's not the 99% I'm referring to, it's the 1% (or whatever the percentage is) that can be saved. :)

Like you said, I'm the eternal optimist, remember? haha.. :)

To try and fail is one thing. To not even try and give up the cause, well..

I agree that new players should be more informed about the game rule

But this still doesnt solve the problem that many people stopped playing after level 7 or higher =)

Let players have something more to do other than HG, MG and PVP(which is hard to find at high level) is the best way to save people. TG was a good candidate, but it's too hard to join. 80 euro high price will not force them to buy it, but will force them quit the game.
today i talked with Pedro76 and his idea is why don't we have group ambush possiblitly? like group battle.
1-3 different hero + 1-3 caravan or player
i think for example it is not a bad idea too. i am sure Arctic read this forum and collecting good ideas and suggestions ;)
yup, i think dimonds-prices are too high! if the tier 1 upgrade cost only 5 diamonds and TGI about 30 ore 40 bucks, LWM could be earn more real money.
If you have invested in your acc, you will play more and go straight to the next level with the next upgrade and you will buy it too. tier 2 upgrad maybe 7 diamonds, and so on.
next problem, how to pay?
paypal is cool, but not every one has a credit-card.
web-money? whats this? i cant use it in germany and other countrys.
but there is a lot of pre-paid versions on the international market, something like paysafe.
if buying diamonds is "easy" u will buy and use it!
I have a math's formula too.

Arctic + LWM = Amount of fun :)

So my question now is, what happens if one of element is gone?
@87 I agree. Anyone using a tiny bit of logic can work out you can spend real world money to buy diamonds which give you in game cash. If you could make multiple characters and funnel cash all to one character, then how would the developers make money as not many people would buy diamonds?

Anyone saying they didn't know, is speaking complete rubbish.

Anyone saying they didn't know, is speaking complete rubbish.

You are being presumptuous here. You are using your mentality as an adult to analyze an issue.

Like I said many times, 99% would probably know. Can you say without a shadow of a doubt, 100% certain that EVERY single person who has made an illegal transfer knew about it? There are kids as young as 7-8 years old playing ehre, you know.

The issue is not with the 99% (or whatever percentage) that knows the rules and broke them. It's that small minority who didn't know the rules when they joined and broke them.

No offense, but anyone who makes a sweeping statement like that can also be said to be speaking... :)
@94. An occaisional flawed transfer, gift to a mate when leaving the game, etc, I can accept that.

I'm taking about the multichar networks. They aren't that easy to put together. If you have the intellect to set up a multichar network, then you have the intellect to know it's wrong.
Yep, I totally agree. If it's a network of multis supporting a main, then they should be blocked, and deservingly so.

But if you were to look at the history of some of the posts here. The suggestion is to help the few who got block coz they did a few (1-2 is enough to get a character blocked) illegal transfers.

I'm actually referring to those characters (including secondary ones) who were blocked coz they didn't know that say, signing their character was mandatory, multi can't buy/do certain stuff that their main can, etc. Not every character that was blocked was coz of a network of multis supporting a main.

It's this small minority that we should try to educate. Quoting from post #39 -
If we can prevent even 1-2 newcomers from getting block for doing something illegal, sustaining their interest per day, we would have another 100 regular active players every few months. Every little bit helps, and we should try to attract/keep new members from all angles.

If the time needed is not a lot, why not at least try? What harm can there be? :)
If you have the intellect to set up a multichar network, then you have the intellect to know it's wrong.

Sometimes people violate rules not because they dont know the rule, but just because they think they will be lucky enough not to be caught.
@96 - So we agree. Yes. I think small infractions, Especially taking a gift from a mate who doesn't like the game, or similar small things, should just get the money taken away and a solid good friendly post from someone explaining what has happened.

I just wouldn't want any of this perceived leniency if it was granted, to open the floodgates to "But I only had 9 multis funneling me their cash, I thought that was O.K.".

My concern about your suggestion is: usually cheaters will quit a game if they know that they cant cheat.
If you have the intellect to set up a multichar network, then you have the intellect to know it's wrong.

Sometimes people violate rules not because they dont know the rule, but just because they think they will be lucky enough not to be caught.

100 % Agree.First hand experience at that.

My concern about your suggestion is: usually cheaters will quit a game if they know that they cant cheat.

To hell with cheaters then ! If they think they can use cheat codes...then they arw wrong !

If people can't/won't red rules by their own will,then force is the way !
As someone suggested..there must be some knid of tutorial in which players are forced to read rules..not all,but atleat main ones like about Adds & Multis.
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