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AuthorSuggestions and Imrovements aka In the head of a nub.
Ok, so I've only played this game for like 2 days and Im finaly allowed in the forums (yay!).

I want to give some tips to make this game easier for new players.

1, Make a table/list/map of the diffrent units the diffrent factions have and all their stats, sure you can do like 7 new accounts and check it but thats not noob friendly. If you say something stupid like "check the faction forum thread" you should punch yourself its often +20 pages full of crap.

2, I have noticed that people go afk alot, and when I say alot I mean OMGWTFAFKAGAIN?!?!-alot. Why not put in a function so you let the computer take over your troops if you go afk?

I played a groupbattle where 5 out of 6 players when afk and then got dropped, I got no exp at all eventhough I won the duel. Ok I didnt do much but whatthehell if I stay in a fight to the end I should get rewarded.

3, According to the online counter there are 916 ppl online atm. I usualy count like 20-30 max doing duels and other stuff. Where is everybody?

4, The forums, omgwtf they are such a mess. Make some basic sorting, if it is a suggestion put it in the suggestions part, if it is a guide put it in a guide part and so on.

5, Maybe its just me but omg how slow the leveling is, I mean ya-mf-wn. It took me forever to even get to lvl 3. Why not have more lvls so ppl dont get so über sensetive about the lvl ppl are in when dueling.

6, Waiting, so sriously what are we all waiting for? We wait 2 minutes to move to a new location on the map, we wait 15 minutes if we loose a fight, we wait atleast 5-10 minutes if we win, if you use mana it might even be more. And ofcourse inbetween we sit and wait for idlers that are afk most likely because they get fed up by waiting. Speed things up would most likely result in a quicker game with less idlers and thus making the game even quicker. (ofcourse you should get your penalty if you loose a battle and all that good jazz but ffs 15 minutes?!? make it 22 minutes and I will be able to squeesse in some good shows between lost battles :P)

7, Make it easier to find AI opponents, I have no idea of often they spawn but if feels like its like every 10-30 minutes or something like that. This slows down the game like crazy, I find it a decent way of lvling and earning some money when there is noone to duel with. Make it easier to find those AI controlled opponents especially for noobies since "learn by doing" and its not as hard to beat the AI as it is to beat a normal person.

Some last words. Im sorry if I have broken any forum rules, I am a passionate person so I write things for what I see and dont like to suggercoat things. I hope the admins dont delete this and instead make small adjustments to my choice of word :).

I have given each suggestion or question a number, please write the number first in your reply and then your actual reply.

Keep it real <3

1. Welcome to the game ! :)

2. Please read all General, Forums (including Local Rules for each forum section) and Chat rules before posting to avoid unnecessary bans/fines/block.


3. There are already answers to some/most of your comments, so I'll move this to Q&H.

Have fun and Merry Christmas ! :)


Since you are 2-day old, 2. Please read all General, Forums (including Local Rules for each forum section) and Chat rules to avoid unnecessary ban/fine/block when playing the game.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
computer taking over troops will be probably even worse .
also AFK is a problem solving of which is the -2 luck penalty.
of course there are AFK people simply ending the day with AFK battle. those should be kicked in the...
detention block?
anyway. some suggestions are ok some not so ok. about leveling, it's fast to get lvl 5 and more if you sit at the game like that. just duel and group battle much and there you go.
it's fsp that needs neitrals and loses and stuff.
you have problems when gold becomes a must.
the 1 hour mines and sites and everything simply kills the game .
1, Make a table/list/map of the diffrent units the diffrent factions have and all their stats, sure you can do like 7 new accounts and check it but thats not noob friendly. If you say something stupid like "check the faction forum thread" you should punch yourself its often +20 pages full of crap.
I could probably link you to more, but I'm lazy today =)
2, I have noticed that people go afk alot, and when I say alot I mean OMGWTFAFKAGAIN?!?!-alot. Why not put in a function so you let the computer take over your troops if you go afk?
Suggested many times, and the admins know it. Wait for them to implement it, or never. Not our fault, don't blame us :P
3, According to the online counter there are 916 ppl online atm. I usualy count like 20-30 max doing duels and other stuff. Where is everybody?
enrolling, reading the forums, waiting for health and mana to restore, doing other stuff...
4, The forums, omgwtf they are such a mess. Make some basic sorting, if it is a suggestion put it in the suggestions part, if it is a guide put it in a guide part and so on.
There are subsections of the forums and mods DO move posts to where they should be, just not as fast as others I suppose...
5, Maybe its just me but omg how slow the leveling is, I mean ya-mf-wn. It took me forever to even get to lvl 3. Why not have more lvls so ppl dont get so &#252;ber sensetive about the lvl ppl are in when dueling.
It's supposed to be this slow. Enjoy playing the game at your level, learn your unit's abilities and how to use them to the fullest, then you are ready to level up.
6, Waiting, so sriously what are we all waiting for? We wait 2 minutes to move to a new location on the map, we wait 15 minutes if we loose a fight, we wait atleast 5-10 minutes if we win, if you use mana it might even be more. And ofcourse inbetween we sit and wait for idlers that are afk most likely because they get fed up by waiting. Speed things up would most likely result in a quicker game with less idlers and thus making the game even quicker. (ofcourse you should get your penalty if you loose a battle and all that good jazz but ffs 15 minutes?!? make it 22 minutes and I will be able to squeesse in some good shows between lost battles :P)
Let me address your problems 1 by 1.
We wait 2 minutes to move to a new location on the map,
This is for theiving and vanguards in the MG. More on that if you decide to continue playing this game...
we wait 15 minutes if we loose a fight, we wait atleast 5-10 minutes if we win, if you use mana it might even be more.
This is to prevent fight spamming and for godly characters (who keep on losing) for appearing all the time. Also, you need to rest. Don't just fight fight fight. Get bored? Read the forums. Play card games. So many things you can do in the meantime.
And ofcourse inbetween we sit and wait for idlers that are afk most likely because they get fed up by waiting.
Afkers reduce drastically at higher levels. And if they do it's probably because of connection problems. You could also join a guild which says "no afking" like Warrior's guild.
Speed things up would most likely result in a quicker game with less idlers and thus making the game even quicker. (ofcourse you should get your penalty if you loose a battle and all that good jazz but ffs 15 minutes?!? make it 22 minutes and I will be able to squeesse in some good shows between lost battles :P)
And then what? You reach level 15, end the game with nothing else to do. Besides, at level 5 and above if you battle every second you won't last a day with your gold draining like that... The fact that you have to wait is in preparation for those levels.
7, Make it easier to find AI opponents, I hav
7, Make it easier to find AI opponents, I have no idea of often they spawn but if feels like its like every 10-30 minutes or something like that. This slows down the game like crazy, I find it a decent way of lvling and earning some money when there is noone to duel with. Make it easier to find those AI controlled opponents especially for noobies since "learn by doing" and its not as hard to beat the AI as it is to beat a normal person.
They spawn every 40 to 60 minutes(random). The time is halved if you pass by. The time is halved if you are below level 3. Nobody asked you to level up :P
[Post deleted by moderator Patrickou // no third comment please]

For level 1-3 its 20-30 mins I guess . . .

My biggest problem with the game is . . . The waiting time between two hunts! :D
If there ain't no waiting time between hunts, then this game can be played NON-STOP!!!
But for as of now, those who dont like dueling, have to like sit and watch the screen like Zombies! haha!
I would like to suggest you this chatroom : https://www.lordswm.com/frames.php?room=0

The inquiery room will allow you to have answers in real time and meet other players to help you with this game.

Welcome and have fun.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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