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Authorwhy i find myself banned all the time?
yesterday i said on forum that i will not miss you and got banned from it, i find it Diguless and like to ask is it really wrong to not lick every single ones somethink^^ if your want tell your toughs. or is it just that mods ban me for fun:p
Maybe if you ask nicely why you were banned and change after being told why, it won't be so bad next time.

And maybe if you read through the Forum and General rules, you won't break any rules that are listed:

Basically. Be good and nice to everyone; don't say anything that is wrong, can be misconstrued, mistaken or taken in a poor light; and be helpful and not unedifying.
Yesterday it was your insulting way of saying it that awarded you a ban. Normally that would just have been a short one, but since you are a repeated (massivly!) offender the length of the ban is longer.

In most countries you get a couple of "strikes" before you are heavily sentenced. Third time for a small misconduct could net you prison-time for instance. You're on... 31... Various offenses. Most of them have to do with insults, curses, and generally foul language.

Of course it is allright not to like everyone, but keep it to yourself. It's like your mother told you: If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all. ;)
I believe in speaking my truth....but...sometimes our truth is coloured by high emotion, and anyway it is only a facet of the truth that we see.

Always the truth has consequences, as does withholding it. Its a strange world, virtual and real.

I think we should try to do noone any real harm, and be prepared for the consequences of our actions if we choose to speak out.
I believe, it our right to speak out. The point, though, is where we are talking what..

We don't have any right to say something the game mods don't think appropriate at their game - cause all that matters is what they think- it is their space.
Hence, you better talk nothing at this place that they consider wrong.. You may, at your discretion, talk about your likes and dislikes at other places where the people who matter don't mind it. But well, this is not the right place to express all your likes and dislikes unconditionally.

I have read the rules and I think that every rule has a reason to be there. But whether there is reason or not I don't think any of us should be able to do anything about it. Again, all that matters is what the mods think is appropriate.

Speaking what you consider is not wrong as long as you write or speak in places where it can be done. You can't use other people's space for writing/speaking what they think is inappropriate.

The greatest problem with democracy is people forget their duties while exercising their rights!

"duties" and "rights". All is a bargain. We give up individual freedom of expression for the illusion of a safety and we do it because we are born into the "rights and duties". We have no choice as to what they are.

In that, the game is like real life, and the game of life is to tread the obstacle course carefully and retain our integrity. Blindly beating our head against a wall of "rights and duties" usually gets us nowhere. I know. I've done it for years.

How Naapa has made me think today. I thank him for it.
for naapa92: I didn't read the post because of which you were banned. But seeing the no. of times you have been banned and the reason given for your ban, I think, be a bit polite next time??? :)
ageleage when you talked with my mom? could you stop pls its scary:D 31times banned and one of those 1year ban well i am what i am have fun beating my talks down i try hide my insults to not see without better looking in future;) i also think insults should be used by mods to morons instead of banning inconnect national heroes like me.

yours: official national-hero world widely Naapa92
Speaking the truth is one thing, insulting people another. Depending on the insult, it's even illegal in some countries. (Like UK, Sweden, France, USA to mention a few.)

Most mods are actually not total tools, and me for instance doesn't think about insults much. Rilin is a perfect example actually. Things in a few mails long ago could have been forwarded to the secretary and horrible things could have happened. Personally, I don't mind being called whatever, and my real life language isn't quite as clean as how I behave on the forums.

Different countries also have different views on what is considered "foul" as well. I remember long ago that certain words in English was totally taboo. The S-word for instance... Here in Sweden that wouldn't even register on a naughty-scale, while it apparently is one of the top 5 foul words in America.

*Adds naapa to the insult-list, and will make sure to insult him in every ban hence-forth*
for Agelage:

Yes I was very bad Agelage. I have learned my lesson and thank you again for your forbearance on all occassions when I have lost my temper.

Although naapa has made me think today, I think also "national hero" is a little grand a title for him:)
@Rilin- "Duties and Rights" are very different at different places and I personally find a lot of choices that are present. I do not refer to what is written down as "rights and duties" and as you say when you do follow them, it usually gets nowhere. Society generally has different sets of "rights and duties" that they follow with respect to their own style of life. You choose the ones(societies) where you want to be in and move there(whether physically or otherwise). So, like real life, it is your choice that brought you into the set of "rights and duties" of this game. Well, then you can't obviously complain here that you don't have what you deem to be freedom of expression.

Well, the only catch with the choices is that you may not (infact you never will) find any that fit you 100%. Well, that is the choice you have to make, like real life, compromises. (In my opinion, any multiplayer game would reflect more of RL than we really think it does because humans have the nasty habit of adding the real element. I would consider the game very much real :P)

"We give up individual freedom of expression for the illusion of a safety and we do it because we are born into the "rights and duties"." - Really how? You mean freedom of expression means shouting insults at everybody who crosses your path- I certainly dont consider that freedom of speech, i consider that an infringement upon others personal space... Well, I dont think any mod would ban if u PM these insults on somebody amongst ppl who would listen to you or create a private forum on some other server to discuss this...

So, infact, unlike real life you have far more freedom :)
[Post deleted by moderator Agelage // This isn't the post you're looking for. It certainly wasn't Rilins alt...]
or escutcheon:

I am getting a little philosophical I admit, but thinking of the Plato's cave scenario...or the Emporer's new clothes story scenario...telling the truth is dangerous, That is why the little boy on the bus gets a slap for saying that the lady opposite has a fat bum. Its true, but we agree that it is not to be said.

That is what I mean by "illusion". We agree by common consent to a reality that doesn't exisit in real life, we also do that in a game....therefore I would say that it is not "more" freedom...it is exactly the same...reality is virtual :)

However...someone enjoying insulting someone else is also a lesson in consequences in the insulter and in retaining self esteem in the insultee.

and yes....in my total enjoyment of and enthusiasm for this topic I AGAIN posted as grrrargh my alt character for which I again again again apologise
Ah Rilin,

Well, in my view, our thoughts are much more real in life than the physical realm in which we live.. So, a tool to express these thoughts become far more a reality to us than the "virtual" life we lead. Physical choices would be finite even if the world is big but in the virtual world the choices are actually infinite - this further leads me to conclude its a far better means to achieve perfection in terms of choices we would like to have. Since we can form virtual societies that we want to be a part of and live there for sometime, I consider this place very much real. Much more than this, it is far easier to get in and get out of these virtual societies and even more easy to switch between them.

I often think we will have far more whining of real life than in this game, the fact is more whining seems to happen here because of more freedom of expression and availability of time and all resources to do so..lolz..

"That is why the little boy on the bus gets a slap for saying that the lady opposite has a fat bum. Its true, but we agree that it is not to be said."
- I know of societies where the boy gets ice-creams instead :P
Well, at the least this type of speech is quite common in some societies...
:) I may not like my skeleton because of it's rigidity, but without it I could neither stand or walk

A very enjoyable exchange escutcheon

I found a Plato's cave song on youtube


leaving it there for now

and naapa...good luck with the not getting banned
good luck with the not getting banned thanks but we know its very unlikely that i wouldnt get banned in next 2 weeks

and ageleage i live in finland insults is illegal too but its not like i call few times someone with names would be enough for judjment and we btw dont like you swedens and i guess you swedens from finish peoples either:D

i am bit suprised from this many replyes(this rly wasnt point to turn talk just bash me down) well its clear i am talking way under the bar compared to these other post. i think you can say what you want to who you want but you need to be ready to take 4of his friends kicking you in the ground instead of running like rabbit yelling sorry that i called you mother... well lets not get ban for naapa today:)i dont know how womens handle their insults but in finland we go with bigger group thretting and maybe few time throw in the ground or like me run like a rabbit yelling more insults and hoping i wont run them at home door:DD
we btw dont like you swedens and i guess you swedens from finish peoples either:

What you have just said has a very negative tone and seem racially targetted or challenged at others even though you may not have the intention to. U might have to be careful of comes out of your mouth. What you have said can spur unwanted resentment or conflict. There is nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts or views. However, given the quoted sentence above, you are not giving your views or thoughts but more like quarrelling with Agelage after he has pointed something that may not be pleasant for you to read.
I actually like most fins. There is a natural hostility between our countries though, since we're neighbours. All the sport-events are fun too. Hockey-Finnkampen is a great example. When Sweden wins, we paint an old volvo the good proud yellow and blue and drive through Happaranda singing "Du Gamla Du Fria" at the top of our lungs. Of course, retaliation is expected.

Philisophical issues apart, someone mentioned a kid on the bus getting a smack by a parent. In any game or forum, the users can be considered "kids", and the admin/mods parents.
In the beginning random people drop in/kids grow up.
They read the rules (or ignore them)/kids are told what to not do.
They test their boundaries and try to see how far they can go.
Mods bring out the banhammer/Parents bring out the real hammer.

I'd actually encourage more people to join this thread and post their attitude towards "cursing" and "foul language". The general question is answered though (Why does Naapa92 always get banned? Because he's a douche! :p ), but the philosophical question stands: Are the rules/mods too tight about insults/curses/foul words/similar things, too lenient, or does some other change need to be made?
U might have to be careful of comes out of your mouth

Correction: U might have to be careful of what comes out of your mouth. (or what you have typed.)
Actually, I got no idea why you should be banned if you are posting like you did in this thread. Instead, you should be voted the funniest poster in LWM and given some honorary forums title, and treated like a server treasure..

It's a unique ability to make others smile/laugh over a monitor screen. Your posts usually put a smile on my face and make me forget about RL issues for a while. :)
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