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AuthorDemon faction, Tipps and Tricks
Can someone please post a link of a previous survival tournament game

Dont forget to bring the popcorn. This battle lasts longer than the average movie.
I tried to copy the setup and the strategy of Elfren-RUS, I got better points than with my initial setup, however I am far away from the top, if I should believe the 80k+ scores mentioned in the tournaments forum... however, I do not worry, getting 140k exp and try to improve my strategy is not a bad return for the price of the tournament:)
sometime you just cant copy the whole strategy of the past tournament since the creature is totally different.

try to analysis the creature(shooter/melee/caster) by checking the forum and move your troops to counter them.
What talents are good for a lvl6 demon? Also , Recruiting>?
current talents nice!!

bring spawns soon.......

btw,is battle fury better than cold blade?

Spawns will be there soon :P
it is useless
because even with the striving speed talent (mass rapid, advanced holy magic level) it will only last for 0.5 turns.
Demon should have max 1 point on knowledge
then you have 10 (and sometimes another 10 from spawns) mana
which is enough to cast disruption ray and it is all you need.
what does disruption ray do?
battle fury is definitely better than cold blade since cold blade could be resist by magic proof and enhanced art.

dark magic that reduce enemy defense till the end of the battle(could not be dispelled)
you will get the spell at lvl 8.
dark magic that reduce enemy defense till the end of the battle(could not be dispelled)
you will get the spell at lvl 8

how much defense
how much defense
-3 without any talents
per casting. If you have 2 knowledge, then it is -12 defense after the 4th casting... sometimes it is handy.
-3 without talent -4 with basic darkness, think advanced does -5 and expert do -6

only test till basic darkness.
You can see in the Help menu Spells section:
Disruption ray 5 (Level 2)
This spell disrupts target enemy creature's armor, decreasing its Defense until end of combat. It can be cast unlimited amount of times stacking up the effect, but cannot reduce the Defense lower than 0.
-3 Defense
-4 Defense
-5 Defense
-6 Defense

And sorry, it is 5 spell points per casting
Let me tell you something stupid I did...
I waited for the primary parameter distribution after I leveled up to 10.
I realised it right now... with it I would be maybe more successful in tournament, etc...:)
Hi, just want to share something with all the demon players here.

I always thought that dark build demon would be impractical to use in hunts / MG quests. That's true most of the time. Against creatures with small def, our damage output will be very low (as you can only lower the def to 0). It's quite different when you're dealing with creature with high def or low init, as disruption ray and delay works really well.

Even so, I still think that dark magic build is below-par compared to might build; its could be as good as might in some situation but not better (I'm purely speaking for PvE here, in PvP I think both are good but against different opponents).

Today I realized that it was not always the case. Usually It takes me at least 2 tries (minAP, might build) to beat army of knights {10+}. Today I managed to do that in 1 try (minAP, dark build). Turns out confusion and delay really shines in this kind of battle (enemy are relative slow, the archer are boxed in 1 corner only).

Check the battle for yourself, it's against army of knights {14}. I can't imagine how I can beat that in minAP, might build in just 1 try.
Im still learning play with demons, but yeah thats a very funny faction to play...

Look this battle => https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=498400998

I give no chance xD
well demons are always good in duels.
so enjoy!!
But wizards are more powerful in duels in all levels :P
Not in that one xD
dedengkot: nice tactics and nice idea, maybe I'll try the dark build against them:)
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