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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
for coolahed:

Sorry mate, this is the video of the Lebanese woman who went to Israel.


for coolahed:


Show your buddies these videos and they can make their own decision.

You know what's wild? The videos tell about the Palis trying to take control of Lebanon, who took them in because Jordan kicked them out....for trying to take over Jordan!

And look at the support here on this thread these little darlings get. Amazing, isn't it?

Time for a look at how the Palis treat their own people...because they are Christian.
Israel doesn't need you. YOU need Israel though. Israel struck what is said to be the largest natural gas reserve in the world. What timing!

Gee, I guess you've never heard of the Gorgon Gas Project, located right here in Western Australia.

While none of the individual discoveries amounts to the same size the total Gorgon Gas Project far exceeds that of the Tamar Gas Project to which you refer.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorgon_gas_project (35.3 trillon cubic feet estimated reserve).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamar_gas_field (8.3 trillion cubic feet estimated reserve).

Guess Australia doesn't need the gas quite as much as you would like to believe.

Australia wasn't affected by the recent Global Financial Crisis nearly so much as most other countries (such as the United States).

Modi, you have shown that you believe that criticism of Israel = hatred of Jews. This is simply not the case. Especially since there are many Israel Jews that protest the treatment of Palestinians. I have stated again and again that one of my biggest influences growing up was Isaac Asimov, who is every bit as Jewish as you are. Asimov had issues with the state of Israel, as did Einstein, who was once offered the position of President of Israel, but turned it down because he never supported Zionism preferring a bi-national solution (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,817454,00.html). Also see http://www.rense.com/general59/ein.htm

There are plenty of Jews that oppose Israel as it currently exists, preferring instead 2 separate states or a single combined state, rather than the segregation that currently exists. You choose to ignore this because it doesn't fit your world-view. There are also other options considered viable but that you don't want to acknowledge.


Why are your arguments so easily and regularly countered Modi? Is it because you are expressing your beliefs without having actually looked at the other sides of the story?

Have Fun

Slight correction, Einstein did favor the creation of a Jewish State at one time.

However after the advent of Israel he found it to not be the version of the Jewish state that he had wished for and did not support the version of Zionism that was became enshrined in the State of Israel as it is today.

Have Fun


Gee, I guess you've never heard of the Gorgon Gas Project, located right here in Western Australia.

That's not why you need Israel, it was just a throw in comment to show you Israel needs nothing. But you need Israel for many other things in your society that you have no idea come from Israelis.

As for your bias about Israel, clearly you and the other lefties ignore the treatment of gays and women in the Middle East, which covers an INFINITE more people than the whole Pali population but don't allow that to get in your way.

Na, your concern is fraudulent and it is as Dr. King said, cloaked.

Jews who support the Palis are lefties like you and of course jaded beyond belief.

Its all about Jerusalem and when that issue is raised, the Jews reject it in a large majority. You know it.

You skipped right over all the Pali kids shows supporting murder. Why? Because you are trying to frame Israel as the bad guy and Pali as victim.

I'm happy to provide those readers who aren't well-versed in this issue with plenty of information that they didn't have before.

I know the West doesn't like to show it but thankfully you have me and I certainly don't mind.

Women's rights? Hahahaha yeah.
Readers can view the real actions of the Palis if they choose to do so.


You can find plenty of information of the persecuted Pali Christians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


thanx mate
"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness." "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

While political activists on the other side of the spectrum have made similar observations, Rossiter boasts professional credentials and a life virtually free of activism and links to "the vast right-wing conspiracy."

For more than 35 years he has diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter says the kind of liberalism being displayed by the two major candidates for the Democratic Party presidential nomination can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do," he says. "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do."

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

* creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;

* satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;

* augmenting primitive feelings of envy;

* rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.

"The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."
Let's put the original quote from Modi back out there.

Israel doesn't need you. YOU need Israel though. Israel struck what is said to be the largest natural gas reserve in the world. What timing!

That's not why you need Israel, it was just a throw in comment to show you Israel needs nothing. But you need Israel for many other things in your society that you have no idea come from Israelis.

Oh dear! What an unfortunately obvious contradiction Modi has exposed himself to. Why is it so easy to show that Modi is prone to contradict himself?


"Far right politics commonly involve supremacism — a belief that superiority and inferiority is an innate reality between individuals and groups — and a complete rejection of the concept of social equality as a norm. Far right politics often support segregation; the separation of groups deemed to be superior from groups deemed to be inferior. Far right politics also commonly include authoritarianism, nativism, racism and xenophobia."

Considering the apparently supremacist beliefs Modi has displayed (post # 471, 473, 475, 495), is unable to provide any counter to the segregation that currently exists in Israel (that he would therefore approves of?), and an obvious example of racism (see post # 449).

"The ideologies usually associated with the far right include fascism, Nazism and other ultra-nationalist, religiously extreme or reactionary ideologies."

Well, we've seen enough of Modi's stated religious beliefs for it to be fairly obvious that he falls into the "religiously extreme" category. Doesn't look like being so far to the "Right" of politics is a good place to me.

It should be said the extreme "Left" side of politics is no better than the extreme "Right". Extreme leftist views include communism and Anarchists and it's rare for anyone to claim such positions these days.

What gives me pause and a chance for a bit of a Lol of my own is that Modi is trying to advocate for Israel on the position of being on the side of women rights compared to the surrounding Islamic nations. This is true. However Modi's personal beliefs on the role of women have already been presented on this server and aren't quite up to the standard that Israel holds.


I'm sure he likes to imply that he is fighting endlessly for womens rights off the back of the fact that Israel is doing so and he believes in Israel. Pity his other professed beliefs make an obvious mockery of that.

Mind you from what I have been reading the divisions of "Right vs Left" in the US are different from that of other countries. It's more about "Liberalism vs Conservatism"


"what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism.

I know I'm *not* what would be described as a US "Conservative".

"Conservative voters tend to oppose abortion, gun control, and homosexuality."
"Other modern conservative beliefs include opposition to a world government, skepticism of the importance or validity of various environmental issues, the importance of self-reliance instead of government reliance, support for the state of Israel, support for prayer in the public schools, support for the right to bear arms, opposition to stem cell research, opposition to illegal immigration, support for a strong Law and Order policy, strict enforcement of the law, and long jail terms for repeat offenders."

From what I have seen Modi is definitely a Conservative. Opposes environmental issues, supports Israel. Also I have other corre
From what I have seen Modi is definitely a Conservative. Opposes environmental issues (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1875749), supports Israel. Also I have other correspondence that inclines me to believe that Modi is opposed to homosexuality (Apart from his obvious religious beliefs, he has used a homosexual term as an obvious insult, which an obvious inclination to opposition to it).

BTW, any answer to the question of publishing those PMs and other correspondence? After all you shouldn't have anything to fear from what you have said privately, right?

Incidentally, most Muslim governments would definitely be classed as Conservative.

Have Fun

Modi, you love your soap box.

I do not support the other country or peoples. I know they do messed up things. It's useful when we have a god botherer argument about atheists being immoral to point to the immorality of these god fearing people.

I expect less of the other countries as they aren't democracies, they are dictatorships who for decades have been shafted by the West and have been taught that one has to look out for yourself.

For a society to work, you have to believe that the police, the government admin, everything, will work normally and properly. You'll get a fair days work for a fair days pay. You make a deal, it will be kept. The US and Britain kept dealing with brutal dictators and supporting them while the society crumbled, and now the world is reaping the whirlwind.

A criticism of Israel does not equate to supporting their enemies. I'm holding Israel up to a higher standard I admit. I expect more of Israel because of "Never Again". I.D cards are reminiscent of armbands. I can see parallels to the Warsaw ghetto aswell. I just think that Israel should be the "better man". In 2 generations it's gone from victim to villain.

Theocracys and Dictatorships tend to be a problem. North Korea is a huge problem so is much of the middle east, but if you take your blinkers off and look at the rest of the world's perception, only 1 country has ever used nukes in anger and that Country has had in the highest level of government within the last 10 years people who advocate using nukes in a war situation still

http://www.themoderntribune.com/project_new_american_century_pnac_and_the_greater_middle_east_i nitiative_-_bush_cheney_wolfowitz_kristol_rumsfeld_iraq_iran_next_syria.htm
It seemed that link is buggy. Here's a different one about Progressives for the New American Century (PNAC). They are another group of terrifying religous nutters, but this time they are American.
Israel doesn't need you. YOU need Israel though. Israel struck what is said to be the largest natural gas reserve in the world. What timing!

Did you forget to show the boycott Israel video I posted? You know, the one showing why YOU need Israel? Thought so but don't you worry, I'll post it again.


Ah, we can see that again, Australia does indeed need Israel but Israel surely doesn't need Australia. lol Thanks for playing and turn off those cell phones!
On a side note, take a look how much time Grunge spends looking into me.

It's hilarious, the fascination. Ironically Grunge would hardly be known in this game if it weren't for me(a Jew).

As you can see in post 509, liberals have been clinically diagnosed with a malady so it isn't quite his fault.

Women's rights? We have more than enough here in the States and Israel so it really isn't a big topic for me BUT when watching the hypocritical bashing of Israel, while ignoring the women's rights issue across the Middle East, you can see there is more to Grnuges concern about human rights.

Clearly he doesn't care about human rights. He is too focused on his fantasy that Israel is bad.

Again, a malady.

Please do continue with your twisted logic though and attack the only real democracy in the Middle East because it is entertaining.

We can all see the obsession but you.
There is a recent history of racism in Australia as we can see from this video.


My my, looks like a pack of rabid animals there.

Hindu temple attacked in Australia

Australia 'lied' to India on attacks?

101 East - Australian attacks

Indians allege racism in Australia

There are plenty more videos showing that Australia has a deep deep racism problem. Now I wonder why Grunge and Fishy have concentrated on Israel when there is so much racism in their own country?

We have our own brand of racism here in the USA as we all know so that's why I don't worry about other countries problems in this area.

In fact, the ONLY reason I bring up racism or human rights is to defend against the lies being spewed about Israel here.

Hard to believe people when they claim they are unbiased when there is a 2000 year history showing hatred for Jews in their very DNA.

When its all said and done, Israel will do as it pleases and because the USA has an infinite amount of power in comparison to Australia, it doesn't really matter what Aussies here say.

Modi's voice here in the States(calling Senators and Reps) actually helps to protect Israel. Grunge and Fishy? Looks like their combined voices aren't being heard. That's really too bad.
I expect less of the other countries as they aren't democracies, they are dictatorships who for decades have been shafted by the West and have been taught that one has to look out for yourself.

Typical liberal nonsense. Ah yes, before the West, the Ottoman Empire was passing out gumdrops and teddy bears.

I mean, the Middle East was just about to "break out" with all the freedom they had bottled up for 1300 years and it's the West, who actually brought wealth to the Middle East,that gets blamed by leftists. Again, a malady.

There is good news for you though, Fishy. Some leftists do finally take the blinders off(usually when they age or have children) and see how ridiculous their ideas are.

I wonder how anyone can watch the poison being taught to the Arab children in the videos I posted and not be horrified? You would think they MAY reconsider what they believe after seeing them.

I'm still waiting for the equivalent to those videos from Grunge or Fishy but I have yet to see anything posted.

I will wait.
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