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AuthorQuestion regarding 3.16
sure, lets just add this question to the townhall meeting
i am sure they ll answer it soon
everybody is so much cryinh how nobody can proof alyna havent done anythink. BUT why he havent show us any reason why he was away if this was wrong call!! its just becose he is so big player donating and etc so i'm not rightful to be punished
there are two problems with thief ambush:
1. You must wait unknown amount of time. You can go to other room and battle can be started.
2. MAIN PROBLEM: if i start ambush and go to page what is not refreshed (like other player stats page, your inventory etc), battle will never be loaded.
1. You must wait unknown amount of time. You can go to other room and battle can be started. its enough you keep gb btl page open and go see it every 10th min like i do, i dont sit either and wait it to trigger but i observe frequently if it is triggered.
There are 2 things I find interesting about this topic.

1. Afaik,

- the rules regarding 'bad sportsmanship' has not changed since time eternal.
- keepers have been dealing with afk complains in C&A since time eternal.

That being the case, circumstances for punishment (or not) regarding AFKs should be common knowledge to all players, especially the higher level players who have played here since the stone age of LWM.

Common sense would suggest that intentional AFK is impossible to catch unless it's in the battle log or PMs of the involved players, or if one is physically in the home of the AFK player.

Then there's the other scenario where a Keeper/admin is physically watching the live battle.

Strangely enough, threads regarding punishment for AFKers only started appearing in the forums pretty frequently since around end of last year, and quite a few of these threads are made by very high level players, which basically meant that this whole 'punishment for AFK' issue is pretty new to them.

I have played this game for over 2 years, and I'm a frequent visitor to the forums since I started, and I don't recalled even viewing a single thread on punishment for AFKers (I'm sure there were, just not that many that that it left an impression in my mind), until late last year. And the recent circumstances when a player can be punished for AFK surprised me a little too.

So it would seems that the 'bad sportsmanship' rule may be interpreted 'differently' by one or more of the present Keepers compared to the past ones.

Maybe it's time for the admins to better define the 'bad sportsmanship' rule.

2. I'm a frequent thief and I have done somewhere like 6000-7000 ambushes, and I can honestly say I don't recall ever going AFK in any of my ambushes as a thief.

However, I would say that about 30-40% of the thieves who ambushed me since I got to lvl 14-15 had AFK, if not for the whole battle, then at least the troops settlement part. And it almost always seems to be the same players over and over again.

I have never files a complain against anyone for something as 'minor' as AFK and don't think I ever will, coz seeing others lose their hard-earn gold is not something that thrills or excites me. But that's just me, and don't expect anyone to follow suit.

Usually I don't even mind it, but there were times when I was really pissed coz I was in a hurry and just wanted to do a fast quest and report back, before setting off to do some RL stuff. What is supposed to be a 2 minutes travel turned into a 20-30 minutes wait for/battle with the AFK thief(!)

And except for the rare occasion, almost none of these thieves sent a PM to apologize. It's as if making another human being waste 20-30 minutes is their God-given rights. If a thief can make another player wait 20-30 minutes while he AFK, can't he take 20-30 seconds to send a PM apologizing?

to be continued..
i think there are means to check whether it is a genuine (technical) or intentional afk.

In RL life, if you are late for something and made someone wait for whatever reason, it's common courtesy to apologize. Why does some AFK thieves give the impression that it's OK to waste someone else time here, and an apology is not required?

Also, a simple apology may go a long way to appeasing the ambush victim and eliminate unnecessary filing of complains and punishment/fines.
Also, a simple apology may go a long way to appeasing the ambush victim and eliminate unnecessary filing of complains and punishment/finessure it helps but if you are wearing fulls jsut cheesy apologyes aint enough
reading this topic again, it almost looks like you are travelling with full arts on purpose so you can report them and hope they get fined
sure it helps but if you are wearing fulls jsut cheesy apologyes aint enough

So... give 'em an art refund. I'd happily pay 1500 gold to another player instead of a penalty of 5k gold.
So... give 'em an art refund. I'd happily pay 1500 gold to another player instead of a penalty of 5k gold.yep but ofc if you purpose afk this isnt option:)
Also, a simple apology may go a long way to appeasing the ambush victim and eliminate unnecessary filing of complains and punishment/fines.

how will i say sorry if i was already complained and fined?

battle happened and fined gap is like 6 to 7 minutes.
reading this topic again, it almost looks like you are travelling with full arts on purpose so you can report them and hope they get fined i walk on fulls becose i like killing thieves, on lvl 14 i walked specific routes to catch thieves witch i know are ambushing some route. killing thieves is 1 part of game
battle happened and fined gap is like 6 to 7 minutes. true this is becose there isnt evidence unless you ask keeper watch comabt he cant see afterwards disconnects
did you try to contact the thief before reporting him?
Maybe he wanted to refund you, but you never gave him the oppurtunity
Maybe he wanted to refund you, but you never gave him the oppurtunity well sure comes next time when catches me again and doesent seems like i get apologyes this time either hehehehe
I have never files a complain against anyone for something as 'minor' as AFK and don't think I ever will, coz seeing others lose their hard-earn gold is not something that thrills or excites me. But that's just me, and don't expect anyone to follow suit.
This is unfair to lose armor durability with zero profit, we all agree in this matter.

And - we cannot define, that this AFK is intended or not.
This is possible only in admin side - to track that thief ctivity - check attacked troops, do any move in game before battle, in battle etc.
eh... #77 cont'ed:
thanks for telling me not directy that looking at others losing 5k or so is excitong or thrilling to me, thanks its not true oO
Taqq has been doing afks in TGs too often to let it slip, i just want him/her to stop making others lose their time again.
alynas question: is every afk in an ambush punisable as bad sportsmanship?

answer no

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