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Hello i need advise on how too make gold i enroll and do hunters quest but it isnt enough any ideas that could help me?

Keep using light axe and defender shield instead of loosy leather gear, and watch your gold increasing.

I don't know if you're buying some buildings for all the factions you play, but only the most hard working players can afford to play every factions. lvl 5 is one of the most gold consuming ones, as well. You both level up quickly, and have to afford many buildings.

lvl 5 is a bit early for mercenary quests too, but you will get more gold out of it than hunting, especially once you get a few levels in it (you will get more expensive elements).

next time post in Q&H
see this site for item cost detail


and this one (site in russian, google chrome recommended) for LATER building costs when you level up.


but only the most hard working players can afford to play every factions.

your labor level is on the weak side for a level 5.
either go a long time with 10 enrolls 1 hunt (personal time investment to game) or start buying diamonds (real money investment to game)
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
The main ways are enrolling more and using the cheapest min arts.

Since I see that you are already doing so and the above posts have good advices for you, I'll only add this:
You can try the East Bay Inn text quest. Although it only gives up to 1000 gold, during the time you're trying to beat it, you'll be able to enroll a few times to build up some gold.
your labor level is on the weak side for a level 5.

whaaaaat? i was lanning to start pushing level 5 once I hit labor level 1!
yep dude thats how this game works... start enrolling every day and in a year or so so u can finally start enjoying the game... (and by enjoying i mean have gold to buy decent arts)
wth kind of grinding game is this? I thought this would be fun!
Enrolling gives more than enough gold for min arts. But it's good to save up a little bit of gold first for cushion. This is why before level 5, min arts aren't required. This is so that new players can play around and save up some gold first.
for Desent:
A level 5 should have about Labourers' Guild 2 or 3 by then
I have plenty of min arts. but holy cow, that's a lot of enroll
I don't think you "have to" grind, unless you have some kind of goal in mind or you just don't have a lot of time to play so you just spend less than a minute to sign in and enroll before continuing work of some kind. Grinding is boring, but as long as you enroll a little more than the amount of combats you have, you should be fine.
The main benchmark to be financially solvent is to be able to afford min arts. So as long as the player always have enough gold to buy min arts (and maintain them), then there's no need to resort to any extreme measures to grind.
wth kind of grinding game is this? I thought this would be fun!

You don't have to. If you stick to cheapest min AP set, you *will* win gold. That, and stay away from most survival tournaments. Well, try it from time to time if you enjoy it, but doing it brakes economy. That, and sell stuff you get from hunts and mercenary quests.

I wouldn't call it grinding; unlike most other online games, you can fully benefit from the game even without spending a single euro. Some things are hard to achieve, but, again, with a few basic rules, you can do it without feeling gold is really a strain. Just make sure you apply the right rules.

for BeerDude:
Why scaring out new players? I have more than 1 fight per enroll, and yet, I've already afforded all "luxury" features I wanted. I've never understand why sometimes people recommand to fight only once each 3/4 enrols.
Play in roulette!
Enrolling gives other benefits.

When I first started the game I enrolled regularly for the extra Defense points.

Every little advantage you can get in battle helps.

Have Fun

to Slust:
im am not scaring the new player, it is the sad true of this game. is like selfist said :either go a long time with 10 enrolls 1 hunt (personal time investment to game) or start buying diamonds (real money investment to game) .
ofc he will have gold for min arts,but and if player only have access to pc a 2 to 3 hours per day, then he as only option to donate.
either go a long time with 10 enrolls 1 hunt (personal time investment to game) or start buying diamonds (real money investment to game)

I fight as often as I can (always have), have less enrolls than battles, dont buy diamonds and like most other players (who dont want to build every faction's castle or to give their gold to the Roulette God) have never had much of a problem with gold.

Dont see why you should try and scare new players.
Doing 1 enrrol per hunt or per pvp fight

You can effort min ap, and all constructions for your faction, but only once faction, maybe two if you do more hunters and enrrolls.. But still expensive...

MG also give a very nice extra boost of income, when you start selling all elements...

You still can pay half full ap, or full ap, i'm almost doing it with my multis and guess what?

I got full ap for my level, all castle upgrades, and i'm almost cover for futures levels buildings + upgrades + full ap.

Just try not spend your money on everything, also change your min ap, youre only WASTING MONEY!!!

For level 5 keep with steel sword + defender shield
Level 6 Reprisal sword + Defender shield
7-8 Reprisal sword + defender shield + medal of bravely.

Money ins't problem when you know spend right.
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