Author | Getting Ambushed |
Let's say I travel from Great Capital to Yellow Lake and this takes 120 seconds. Which of the 120 seconds am I vulnerable to possible ambushes? If there's any time frame within this 120 seconds that I am 'immune to thieves' it will be very useful to know. |
No such thing; During traveling you are always vulnerable to an ambush unless you have:
1. Lost an ambush within the last 3 hours.
2. Have less than 40% health.
3. Is lower than level 6. |
4. Have a drake mount. |
Someone could correct me, but in the last 30 s of travel you cannot be ambush. |
Do you remember that guy who was so successful in ambushing other players? His success rate was something like 80%. I believe that there is a trick to it, and that it involves knowing when you're most vulnerable. |
He also got fined for some of his battles. |
With mounts you can be ambushed upto around 20 seconds AFTER you arrive at your destination.
You can even sometimes have time to do various things (complete MQ, change inventory, enroll, etc.) before the ambush triggers.
Already reported at least a couple of times and is still happening: |
2. Have less than 40% health.
is this still worl ? i think i read someone in forum that say we are vulnerable to ambush, no matter how low our health percentage. but im not sure too.
and this mean mount (decrease travel time) dont decrease probability of being ambushed.
You can even sometimes have time to do various things (complete MQ, change inventory, enroll, etc.) before the ambush triggers.
how about we playing card or do hunt ? |
2. Have less than 40% health.
is this still worl ? i think i read someone in forum that say we are vulnerable to ambush, no matter how low our health percentage. but im not sure too.
For player vs player ambushing, as written in the "About the game" article about Guilds (, it is a required condition.
To not be confused with doing a brigand mercenary quest (the one where you need to transport some cargo and you get ambushed) where you can't avoid the ambush by traveling with less than 40% health. This is where it doesn't work. |
how about we playing card or do hunt ?
I have been wondering the same thing as I often move to assist in a hunt and start that battle almost as soon as I arrive.
Dont know if I have just been lucky the 3 times this has happened to me that I did not start another battle or if this is taken into account but am sure if it can happen then someone will be able to confirm this if it has happened to them? |
for cakur:
Let me clarify that. Having less than 40% health doesn't mean having less 40% at the start of traveling, it means having it throughout your entire travel time. If you reach 40% health while traveling, you become vulnerable to ambush in the middle of your travel. |
With mounts you can be ambushed upto around 20 seconds AFTER you arrive at your destination.
That's weird. Wasn't aware about that. Seems like a bug, probably. But not one that will be rectified quickly.
Someone could correct me, but in the last 30 s of travel you cannot be ambush.
This is what I'm wondering too. Do you remember where you heard this from?
To those who use mounts (other than drake), do you find that you get ambushed less than if you didn't use mounts? |
in the last 30 s of travel you cannot be ambush.
not true. at least it doesn't work for me. many times i looked at the map, when there were just a few secs left till the destination, and then the battle began.
sometimes it begins right after you start your journey, but could be in the middle on the way as well.
i would say you are vulnerable to the ambush throughout all the way, unless you are below lvl 6, have a dragon mount, have no health points or got caught less than 3 hours ago. |
With mounts you can be ambushed upto around 20 seconds AFTER you arrive at your destination.
That's weird. Wasn't aware about that. Seems like a bug, probably. But not one that will be rectified quickly.
That could easily be lag. Or be one of the bugs that prevent combat from starting. |
Or be one of the bugs that prevent combat from starting.
Could be but you can still do most of the things (e.g. recruiting, change inventory, etc). which are normally restricted when it the combat screen not starting bug? |
sure, give it a try.
But if you ran out of luck your character will be stuck and the admins have to manually solve it. That could take weeks ... |