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AuthorThief hunting - evil or not
for Liuker:
plays at 0:00-12:00

10-10-11 04:30: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of barbarians
10-10-11 04:20: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of knights
10-10-11 04:10: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of wizards
10-10-11 03:49: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of demons
10-10-11 03:27: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of wizards
10-10-11 03:13: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of knights
10-10-11 02:45: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of dark elves
10-10-11 02:30: • Liuker[15] vs Caravan of wizards

8 caravans in 2h...
I may add to latawica's #18 post to raise awareness against the blatant lies:

#13 1. Pay 1 million gold for the privilege to "rob" others.
All thieves get TGI back which they sell it. This million gold comes back, is not "pay"-ed, but *invested*.

#13 2. Super long ambush waits.
See #18. If you'd have had something better to do with your life, you wouldn't wait...

#13 4. Even if you do manage to win you only get to "rob" 40-80 gold from your victim.
What non-thieves maybe don't know is that the robbery gets multiplied by your thief guild level. So while you rob 80 gold from an innocent traveler, Pantheon actually gets a whooping 8*80 = 640 gold per victim!

Elfpride, you seem to be aware of the side effects of thief-hunting, so bottom line is this: if you enjoy it, do it! There is no evil-ness in it, and there is no wrong nor even less illegal thing about it.

Thieves with equal arts are in a position of advantage on the battlefield. Often times, thief use more than minAP anyways...
The only reason they ask for you to travel naked is to have an easy life, easy money income, easy thief guild increase, easy etc... *at your expense*

PS: I am a member of the thief guild, level 3 and keep on thieving...
Just to see how much a "hard life" thieves have:
Pantheon [15] [Dark elf] 2,606,258 gold...
Disclaimer to post#22.
For those who don't know navi's rep or his grudge against me. You pretty much can't trust whatever he's saying. Even if he says everything that Pantheon says is true, I would still suspect his words. :)

for naviron:
If you'd have had something better to do with your life, you wouldn't wait...
I guess your thief guild is so low because you actually stare at your screen trying to ambush. Just cause I'm waiting for an ambush, doesn't mean I'm not doing anything else :p

All thieves get TGI back which they sell it. This million gold comes back, is not "pay"-ed, but *invested*.
Can I use this line the next time you support those who say that TGIs are too expensive? Do you have any comeback lines against your future response to this quote? Actually don't inform me. You can finish the argument within your own head.

Pantheon actually gets a whooping 8*80 = 640 gold per victim!
And Navi gets 3*40 = 120 gold per victim! Nice! How much does your arts cost again?

The only reason they ask for you to travel naked is to have an easy life, easy money income, easy thief guild increase, easy etc... *at your expense*
I never did that; I'm with the group that are mad about such people since we don't get much exp and fsp.

And while you're trying to take down my post. Go back and address all the other points you couldn't find responses to :p
ambush wait times are much better (shorter) than 1-2 year ago - except very low hours of server.

Definetely disagree for removing PvP from thieving, some simple changes to thief mechanics can encourage full art ambushing hence ending many problems, one of them beeing ElfPride's reason to start this post.

Unfortunately my ideas (or many of players ideas) are not important for admins, most of ideas are simply banned before posted - see local rules of I&S. Admins probably see a bigger picture than me. Only picture I see when I look at player numbers is a constant decline over time.

About morality of thief-busting with full arts (even with enhance) :

if a player choses to do so, its his rite. no worries, keep going :)

What I hate (and despise) are those who spend LOTS of time to plan their moves, try to play absolutely perfect - although they got just a min art thief against their mighty arts.
Just to see how much a "hard life" thieves have:
Pantheon [15] [Dark elf] 2,606,258 gold...

That's from:
Laborers' guild: 9 (13387) +3613

Next navi will tell people that his:
Thieves' guild: 3 (284) +116
Got him these 2 estates:

If I had never done TG, I'll be at least 2million gold richer. I lost 100k on TGI resale and I used a ton of enchanted arts.
heya ElfPride!
You successfully hunted me today :) Honestly, was I a little irritated when i saw i got a player in full ap rather than a caravan? Well yeah i was, no thief is going to be happy to see you! If i am going to duel a player I would rather do it in CG where it's a balanced fight.

But it never crossed my mind to pm you and complain, after all it's a part of the game, and as long as you don't specifically target me it's all good. Bad luck for me that you caught me today! I will just hope i slip by you and trigger a caravan instead next time :p

(#22 - the gold is only an investment if the thief paid in game gold and didn't donate diamonds. Real life money is definitely paid and getting 1 million game gold back isn't the same - that's just some numbers on the screen.)
please guys stay on topic and don't start too flame
dear ElfPride!
I wonder why you are asking yourself this question... if game mechanics allow thief hunting and there is no rule against it you should not worry about catching thieves. They were the ones who set up an ambush ;)
I think:

1. There is nothing morally wrong with hunting thieves. You should continue to do so if you feel inclined to.

2. However, not only you can get better results from CG but hunting thieves can be quite expensive. It may be more beneficial for you to spend your money elsewhere. Consider saving for a TGI or perhaps just acquiring enchanted weapons.
#26, Thief saying: I used a ton of enchanted arts.
Entirely his choice. So if thieves have no scruples of using enhanced weaponry in chopping up innocent travelers, how do they dare to scream "fault", when a humble player loads up a pack of guns while traveling to put a decent fight if *attacked* (note, the traveler never attacks the thief, but the thief is the aggressor!)

#27: Nothing in this game is paid. People may join the **privileged** thief guild by donating diamonds, and by doing so you give real money to enjoy and have fun in the game from the perspective of a thief.
That you have donated money in real life, doesn't mean that I should let you rob gold from me in game, or that you have any preferential status in the game and I should let you increase your guilds easily at my expense.
You get what you donate for: entrance in the thief guild. And that's all. Beyond that, you have to fight for more...
#31 - i never said thieves who donated real money had any special privileges, i was simply correcting your mistake when you said paying for a TGI was an investment - it isn't always so :p Calm down!

So if thieves have no scruples of using enhanced weaponry in chopping up innocent travelers, how do they dare to scream "fault", when a humble player loads up a pack of guns while traveling to put a decent fight if *attacked

Well I know you say this kind of thing just for the sake of argument. Of course, the odd thief who chooses to wear enchants isn't hoping to catch a player and beat him up, he is hoping to catch a caravan and win it.
If you want to get people worked up and arguing with you, you need to do better than that!
I personally don't enojoy thief hunters, but I'm not gonna lie I probably would do it if I couldnt theive
#32: The moment you decided to donate diamonds (real money) into the game for entertainment purpose, then that becomes a game-investment, i.e., numbers on the screen. You can think you exchanged 1.000.000 gold through diamonds. And that million gold will come back. It's the same.

he is hoping to catch a caravan and win it.
The thief doesn't care if it's a player or a caravan. All he wants is to win it, regardless what it is...

I've never heard a thief to express sorrow for catching a traveler in minAP. Never! Instead, it is much more common for them to brag about how they caught yet another min arts player they've easily ripped the gold and thief guild point off...

(by "heard" I mean colloquial talking with others, in chat, etc...)
Instead, it is much more common for them to brag about how they caught yet another min arts player they've easily ripped the gold and thief guild point off...

I also know a lot of thief hunters who brag about how many thieves they defeated by full arts, do you need me to give you a list?

the traveler never attacks the thief, but the thief is the aggressor!

if you are innocent travelers who gets caught 1 time or less everyday, then I would say yes, however if you are thief hunters who travel in full, then I would say the traveler is the aggressor.

I've never heard a thief to express sorrow for catching a traveler in minAP.

are you kidding me? don't you know a lot of thieves return their gold to travelers in min ap or with little troops when traveling? or is that just because you don't do it so you don't know anyone doing it?
Pfft. Go ahead and hunt them! This server is so extremely boring without events (yeah, throw stones at me, believers of a better future), that I have a sick feeling of getting thrilled if I catch a thief hunter. Haha.
Oh and yes, koloja had a good point, the more thief hunter, the easier it is to trigger a TG, so maybe it's not quite a bad idea to hunt thieves
It all sounds funny, I think.

I am a thief, and a thief hunter sometimes. I always travel with full ap, and if I meet one thief in my way, I will be happy because I will have some fun.

But when I am the thief and meet a thief hunter, I will be happy too because I will be some fun...

Anyway, dont matter what I am: the thief or the hunter, I will be very content with the fight. It's costy? Yes, it is. But in my "role playing" vision of the game, I am greed, very greed. So, I do not care in take money from other players, but I will be very angry in lose money to other player!
See I'm a thief and I love thieving and I don't mind losing to a thief hunter since I ambush in min AP.

It won't be unethical until and unless you don't purposely delay combats.And,try to do theif hunting by yourself.

2 thief hunters on a single thief is not what I call a good challenge.
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