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Dwarf petition


AuthorDwarf petition
we wait so long... where dwarfs? when they will come to us???
who wait dwarfs, just write "+".
maybe admins will see...

to hell with dwarves...i am still not done fighting these ceatures :-p
- cant afford buy em so no need:p
Im waiting since december 2009 :P

But now i spend gold on other things and can't afford them anymore.
Need 220k more :(
for Sven91:
i wait too. and dont build others castles)))wait and wait...
i wanna real answer by admins, like "you will not see dwarfs", or "next week(month/year) will add dwarfs faction"...
but no... just wait and wait....

not interested in that faction, but interested in the Event :)
they give us dwarves i donate, they don't, no donation :P
#6 same for me... Pfff
I don't need them as playable faction. I just want the war :p
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