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AuthorLWM Legal Scripts
By popular demand I provide a link to this ad free original source to the legal LWM scripts, approved by Arctic and legal in the eyes of the administration. Feel free to discuss and ask questions and I and the rest of WG will be very glad to help you and the LWM community.

1. install firefox
2. install GreaseMonkey plugin for firefox
3. download script file
4. unzip/unpack/extract script file
(must have installed any packer/unpacker - winrar/7zip etc., right click on *.zip sricpt file, when context menu pop up click unzip/exctract)
5. drag the script file (extracted *.js file) onto any browser window. Install it
6. refresh the page to see changes the script made.
for the people who prefer google chrome... go here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/grease%20monkey?hl=en download greasegoogle and install it
and adding script procedure is same given in wgw forums
Army Sets script is not working for me.. why?
but other scripts are working fine(example: Talent,Guild Time etc)

Yes, it is because the blue christmas banner.
Either install an older version of the script or wait until we get the normal banner back :)
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