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AuthorLWM Legal Scripts
Does that mean I can link to other scripts who are not yet approved by admins but don't go against 2.1 and 2.2?

Definitely no. Lexa deleted such a topic in GGF some time ago.
Does that mean I can link to other scripts who are not yet approved by admins but don't go against 2.1 and 2.2?

No you cant post links to them, rule 3.24.1:

3.24. There are currently no official clients, patches, scripts and other wares for this game. By downloading and installing any that pretend to be, you take a risk to lose all property and access to your character. The Administration will not claim responsibility for using such wares and recommends to restrain from their use.
3.24.1. It is forbidden to post links to any programs and scripts except those by LazyGreg, xo4yxa, HapblB, and Antviolence. Beware of forgery.
Warning! The Administration is aware of the above-mentioned players' productive works and does not prohibit their usage. However, the scripts are unofficial, we do not take responsibility for any issues that might occur during their functioning. Use them at your own risk.

and in admins words, using them is not recommended.

But as I understand it, as long as they comply with section 2 of the rules they are not illegal.
Does that mean I can link to other scripts who are not yet approved by admins but don't go against 2.1 and 2.2?
You cannot publish any links to scripts other than scripts by LazyGreg, xo4yxa, HapblB, and Antviolence.
However, other legal scripts exist that comply with section 2 of the rules. They just can't be advertized.
Ok, that was also what I thought.

I do use some of the scripts that is legal but not yet approved, and think it is a shame that I cannot advertise them since they are free and just as good or better than the approved ones.

Hope that Arctic can approve them if he finds the time someday, so more people can enjoy them
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Army Sets script is not working for me.. why?
but other scripts are working fine(example: Talent,Guild Time etc)
Army Sets script is not working for me.. why?

Where is your problem, can you see the talent dropdown menu on top?
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47) Check below Picture

it is not working after Christmas themes !!!
Yes, it is because the blue christmas banner.
Either install an older version of the script or wait until we get the normal banner back :)
weird I have a pretty new script. Just installed it with new computer in november and mine works fine
hmm. for the people who prefer google chrome... go here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/grease%20monkey?hl=en download greasegoogle and install it
and adding script procedure is same given in wgw forums
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