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AuthorMore from: The Chronicles of Skunder!
hey Skunder, you planning to translate in Russian language?
this game is so famous in Russian and neighboring countries.
[Post deleted by moderator Lexa // ]
I have just written an order for the two books to the SF bookstore here in Sweden. With some luck they will order some more and sell in their stores.

This might be an even more effective way to spread the word about them.
@42 I suppose if there was a translation Russian would be the one to do. Know anyone up for the job? Or even to translate/post these links on .ru? ;)

@44 Much thanks STBs and good initiative. Honestly I never thought of the Lorekeeper taking Sweden by storm but if you can make it happen all power to you! =D
hey Skundy, do you know where can we order your books using PayPal?

Never used paypal myself, but createspace and amazon are the only places you can purchase the books presently. No way to get a hold of a card otherwise?

I'll have to look more into this.
...well, not sure why post 43 was deleted where I posted the links as Arctic told everyone I would... but instead I'll just post the link to Arctic's new thread here in creative section.

Arctic has also paper-clipped the thread for readers to check out at the top of the Creative Forum at any time.


Have fun and enjoy the read!
Lexa's reason for deleting such a post probably is this
3.5. Advertising in any manner not concerning the game process is forbidden
go go go Skunder.
go go go Skunder.
go go go Skunder.
go go go Skunder
Just a heads-up. The first two books in the series will be created as ebooks (for those of you who don't like the natural feel of paper). As to when, we're looking at a number of weeks until they are formatted properly.

In the meantime, I have completed the summary of the third in the series and started it earlier in the week.

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