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AuthorAll about Wizard faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
hi, i want to ask.

is there any suggestion to beat 1st CG Challange?
because i'm doomed :(
cg advice and example
cg advice and example

thanks, but already solve by reading your clan forum :D
The battles are outdated, due to merge. The tips are still valid though, so I'll put them here in a new post, with the correct links:


This was my battle in CG. There is some important points, for wizard, which can bring the victory for you :P

First of all, your enemy don't know how to use rise spell, take it in your advantage. I'd say for you don't take magies(or take few of them), they can change the battle if yours don't go before the enemy's one. So, my tip is to use max grems.

Put +1 speed for your genies, and put them in 1 side (corner), and the grems in the other, in the second line. Then, you can hit enemy's grems with genies, while his just cast spells, and still attack with yours (grems). Use few mana, 30 should be ok, because when your mirror run out of mana, he will use normal attacks instead of wait. (so you recover mana faster than him)

https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=497290564 (as might wizard)
https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=538393732&lt=-1 (as magic wizard)

I think, if you do it, you can win your mirror. =)
this one how i beat CG Trial with might build.

it's very easy, since you just need 2 enchanted weapon for high damage dealt
why is wizard faction is too weak compare to other faction?example i have been ambush my dark elf,elf,dwarf,necromancer,barbarian and knight.the result is i always lose even their have very min art same as me.most of them only used swords not more than tht but i lose when i fight wit them:(.i already try my best strategies to defeat them but totally useless.
Wizard is not weak, it just as strong as any other faction. But, when you are ambushed, the enemy always have the upper hand, because they can hit you from all sides (and even reach your troops in 1st turn), your settlements space is lower + gargs and golems don't have a good place to hide. So, to defeat thieves, you will probably need more AP than they have.

pretty much what 307 said!
ambushes are what they're called! ambushes, so you're always in a disadvantage.
although, there are some things you can do to make your chances better. build up some faction resist. getting fsl 3 or 4 on all factions is not that expensive at your level, so i suggest you do it!
also get used to the fact that wizards are slow, so they're in a disadvantage in 1v1 situations against most factions, except knights and usually necros. against other factions you're either doomed no matter what (DE, tribal, dwarf) or it's gonna be a close fight. instead, wizards are great in teams!
how good is sphnyx guardians?i see sphnyx guardians is very slow initiative and what should i put it on?i mean mini artifacts.one more questions sphynx guardians is good at what?pvp,hunt or group battle?
sample min wiz art vs Full art (tribal)

enjoy :)
For wizards at ST's in low levels like 3-5
4 defense is better or 2 HP?

and for lvl 3-4
Is 3 defense better or 2 HP?
for wizard lv3-4, personally I feel 2HP is better cause in ST, there are always orbs, like orb of defense which increase your defense and also there's an orb that incrases HP by 30% so if your mini art is 2HP plus the 30% you'll have a larger pool of HP.
309: Sphynx guardians are good as tank and can do some damage too. I am using defence + attack + morale miniarts and like it, but i see a lot of players use defence + attack + speed. Its up to you, what would you prefer.
Agree with 313.

Moral + Attack + Def. (Unless you're trying a might build perhaps?)
this is what i mean wizards is very weak especially in ambushed.even i wear full art or full enchanted i can't barely beat elf.see the elf just hit me 4 time then bamm all dead.not only elf but all faction very easily beat wizard in ambushed even pvp so if u tell me to split my troop same condition dead!!

for warrior100:
The elf had medium ap, and you min ap, did you really expect to win?
If you get full ap (and thus more defense), his hits wouldn't be so strong. Still, an ambush is an ambush, the thief will always have the upper hand.

By the way, wizard is balanced, here are the stats for level 11:

i think elf luck will easily penetrate wizard defense even if u have 40 defense then elf got luck plus favorite enemy wizard will get kill as a piece of cake.
317: Its only one point of view. Try to play other factions and you will see, that its not so easy. Each faction has its own advantages and weakness. Wizard can win against elf, but you cant expect it much in ambushes, when he has advantage with initiative and can reach you better than in "normal" fight. Another story is luck and morale. It can change result of any battle. But be rely only on luck is not always the best idea, because its not 100 % probability.
Can someone do the math on
Dominion of Tempest vs Basic/Advanced/Expert Sorcery
against a high ini target (say 16) and low ini target (7)?
on level 14 facility defense is better the fire talent or the air talent?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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