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Author[News] The Spider weaves again
I want to Bilir do some nasty work for once
Next part: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1990804&page=0#31149600
wow awesome new entry..thinking of any possibilty makes me dizzy.So much could come off this.Maybe Feurlis retaliates .ru by spying their guys or worse.
Mr. feurlis is going to recruit some warriors from the past and try to attack the new empire?? just a mild guess :p as feurlis is a bad tempered guy..
u forgot the possibility of new empire getting impressed with feurlis and redesigning the .ru spy system with ferlis in position just like he got his undead army possition :P

u know spyders= spies being weaved again with new spies :o
sry for double post but it seems I was partially right :D
new post - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1990804&page=0#31149600
Another one: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1990804&page=0#31150247

I wonder what Feurlis' true plans are...
de coup
Oh man! we've been blabbering for 4 pages to conclude that Feurlis does not stinketh anymore...
i think the alt is going to be a nature necro.. The stinketh follows the necromancer.. but billir used some nature herbs to take off the stinky smell.. so probably the new alt is going to be necro's
Oh man! we've been blabbering for 4 pages to conclude that Feurlis does not stinketh anymore...

Character went offline at 08:42, 2012-06-17
Feourlis was ofline almost 10 month. how can he speak about spiders? :)
So, basicly Councilor Fuerlis is a eunuch? (For GoT fans) ;-)
One post left to conclude the news block (expect it most probably tomorrow morning).
To Lord Fosgeen:
More like white walker :-P Except he is black as an afro-empirean :-P
It is in all probability Alt-grade of Necro because:
1) in HOMM V, the Necromancers worship the Spider Avatar of Death named Asha.
2) in HOMM VI, Necromancers have troops which are part spider and part undead humans, I forgot the name of the troops.
for Santremus:
2) i think you say about "Fate Spinner"
Eunuchs, and a stinky black white walker spinning webs. The empire finally got its mastr of whisperers!!

Game of thrones ftw!!
1) in HOMM V, the Necromancers worship the Spider Avatar of Death named Asha.

But don't dark elves also have some link with spiders in HoMMV?
Couldn't fit it all in one post, would be too much to read =) One final post to go to finalize the block.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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