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AuthorJokes about Vovochka :)

i love 40 and 59

nice dirty jokes :D
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-09-21 08:45:58 // FR#1.7//Additional characters aren't allowed to post in the main Forums
lol 59. cool !!!
for virtual_vitrea:
I'm still trying to understand why I made her get on her kness though ... maybe I had other things in mind and rephrased the joke ahhaha (talking about bicycle joke)
The teacher tells the children to write a small essay for homework on how children are born, to check their imagination.

Vovochka is bored to imagine how children are born, so he asks his mother. His mother says "Leave me alone, when you grow up I'll tell you how children are born". Vovochka is now angry and persists "I'm not just any kid, tell me !!". Vovochka makes a mess after the heavy argument and his mother decides to bluff to him and get done with it. She goes to the kitchen, picks up a potato and shows it to Vovochka saying "Children are born with this". Vovochka picks the potato and goes to his room, but he is still bored to write an essay, so he just puts the potato in his pocket and decides to show it to the teacher. The next day the teacher asks for the kids to read their essays on how children are born. The kids raise their hands to say their essay, but Vovochka is impatient and shouts "teacher, teacher may I show you ?" and he slides his hand into his pocket. The teacher sees Vovochka's hand going under the desk and since she knows what kind of kid Vovochka is, she panics and says "not you Vovochka, wait". When the next student finishes his essay Vovochka is again impatient "teacher teacher, may i show you ?", the teacher acts calm and ignores him. After the next kid says his essay Vovochka stands up with his hand in his pocket (which is quite large, containing the potato) and shouts "teacher, let me pull it out and tell you how kids are done please ! All these kids have no idea, their essays are bad !!". The teacher is now very angry on Vovochka's behavior, so she says "Vovochka, that thing is very bad to be shown in the class, sit down and don't talk again or I'll punish you !!" but Vovochka feels it's unfair to be ignored like that so he complains "Yeah, but when you eat it everything's fine, right ?".
haha lol :p
for virtual_vitrea:
I'm still trying to understand why I made her get on her kness though ... maybe I had other things in mind and rephrased the joke ahhaha (talking about bicycle joke)

Yup, being good at telling jokes/story is a skill. The way i would say it couldn't possibly be any fun to listen. It just doesn't seem to create pictures for other people, haha.
lol man cant stop laughing at 64. awesome man !!!!
Vovochka stands in the yard shouts:
Sleepy Nataly's father pops from the window:
-What do you want? She already went to sleep.
-No. I need Nataly as a woman.
Five minutes after Nataly comes in a mini-skirt and transparent blouse ...
-You know, Nataly,- Vovochka says, - my ball rolled into lady's washroom
lol man!!!lovely !!
Who cares about the ball, just enjoy the view of Nataly !
Zoology class. A new yiung teacher explains children different kind of eggs.

- This one is chiken's egg, that one is pigeon's egg and this small egg is sparrow's egg.
After a while she mentions that Vovochka doesn't listen to her and asks him to the board.
She shows an egg and asks:
-Whose is this?
-I don't know, -Vovochka answers
The same questions and the same answers for the rest of the egg.
-OK, you got D. what is your name?
Vovochka takes off his pans and says:
-If it is so easy to identify eggs, look and try to guess my name
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2014-09-28 21:02:34 // FR 1.7 / Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums".

btw at 70. from reading 68 i see nataly is ready for more lol
Vovochka's family is having dinner.
Mother: Vovochka, give the bone to daddy because you are not a dog!
Vovochka's uncle was visiting Vovochka's family for dinner. When the dinner starts Vovochka asks "Uncle, may I tell you something ?". His mother doesn't want Vovochka to ruin the dinner with his known rude mouth, so she interrupts saying "Vovochka, how many times have I told you, we don't talk while eating, it's bad manners !". When the dinner is over his Uncle asks Vovochka "so, what did you want to tell me ?" and Vovochka answers "I wanted to tell you that there is a fly in your soup".
lol man !! nice
It's the school's ending week and children receive their grades for the passed season. Vovochka returns home and his parents ask him "So, Vovochka, where are your grades ?", but Vovochka doesn't have them "I gave them to Maria, I don't have them with me". His parents are confused, so they ask "to Maria ? Why did you give them to her ? Isn't that girl the best student in your class ?". Vovochka answers "Yeah, that's her. She'll give me back my grades tomorrow, she just wants to make a prank to her parents".
lol man !!! more more
lol man !!! more more

some of them is difficult to translate. I'll try to find more )
mary is a not the best student in class. she usually sleeps in class. the teacher was really inquisitive to know whether she listens of just sleeps. so while taking class she asks mary "who is the creator of the universe". little vovochka finding her sleeping to help her takes his pencil and pricks her back. mark shouts 'GOD' and mam says right answer. after a while again mam gets doubt and asks her "who is the son of god". again vovochka again finding her sleeping does the same and she jumps and shouts 'jesus' and mam is quite satisfied and tells her good. but third time mam really doubts mary if they were guesses or was she really listening. so she asks "wat did eve say adam after their 36th child". mary is still sleeping. vovochka trying to help again sticks his percil on her back. this time mary gets really angry and shouts "Next time u stick that thing up my back i am gonna break it". teacher faints !!!
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