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Authormage guild lv5 give barbarian first blood skill
are you asking for magic guild level 5 for shadow barbarians when they dont even have level 3? xD
Would have been amazing, if combat school has also reached lvl 5. :D
11:15:24 [Arctic] to Fallen Atheros: By the end of summer. Yes, barbs will get their combat school lvl 3 and shamans will get MS lvl 3

Since it's combat school, it probably won't be a "passive" ability like first blood.
for Lord Hallion91:

so far the combat school level 1 and 2 both bring passive abilities...
+1 to post #13 and#21
You do have a point, what I mean is combat schools are like spells for the barbarian, they all affect their hero. Just in the same way magic guilds give bonuses to the hero to cast, combat schools give bonuses to the hero to perform.
In fact, i am not also much happy with changed RACIAL ABILITY of BARBS.

gives attack boost when we don't attack, barbs are not meant to rest first and get killed.

This ability surely makes us score higher in ST's , but in other things... not real good...

Hope admins work on RACIAL ABILITY too , with COMBAT SCHOOL 3 :D
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You Want this to happen go to .ru and try there Admins don't really check .com.

Giving it a try , Hope they also lurk here sometimes.. :D
i hope the moderators get their act together what the hell in jesus crisoses name is this , i encountered wizards with str 41,defence27, spelpower 34,and knoledge 16 a total off 118 points while a barbarian has only 60-65 points
and u wanne give wizards mage guild lv 5 as if they aint powerfull enough ^^
strane i encounterd a lv 17 wizard the new one

he had str 41 def 27 spelpower 34 andknoledge 16

but when i look at the charakter page he only has str 9

is this a cheat or am i missing somthing yet the character in combat i see str 41 and while hes playing with str41 i see on the character page str 9
That is their unique racial ability.
the new wizzardt doesnt even need magic it is so power full melee atack is enough to whoep any barbarians behind whithout a sweat the magic is bonus just to show the barbarian community how pathetic weak they are

and yes give the wizards mage guild lv 5 so he can kicke their behind even harder

yes give the barbarian an extra dumbass orc and cyclops so the wizard gets even more exp for whoeping a bonus barbarians ass

its no fun playing barbarian they just so bad
nd yes give the wizards mage guild lv 5 so he can kicke their behind even harder

yes give the barbarian an extra dumbass orc and cyclops so the wizard gets even more exp for whoeping a bonus barbarians ass

okay, that was funny.

whoep whoep xD
+0.5 to # 13 and +1 to the main idea ( first blood )
I think barbarians shouldn't even get a cyclops and a few orcs, it's about time they started to learn to use some tactics instead of just rushing to the other side.


1) lords perform 'stun' on the main target and stunning blow to surrounding ones. :D


2) lords with each strike does a 'defense breakthrough' (similar to disruption ray) to the main target.

1) Very cool idea, imo. +1
2) Dis Ray is already OP, imo. And giving it to an offensive melee faction would magnify its OP-ness by ALOT. -1 (if it had a duration like dominion of fire armor rending, it would be more amicable)

if wizard get lv 5 barbarian is gone get the short end of the stick as usual

as compesatian u gen stick the cyclop and few orcs but give us a new skill first blood

all who agree bump

Addressing your post directly, every class is weak against another class at certain levels, this is not going to change. Wiz will still get owned by most elves and dark elves at that level - even dwarves in some instances.
i thing admins made something for non-magicans.

if not than it will be stupid. ;)
I came up with an idea for a new combat school for higher lvls a long time ago at old server. Is quite simple and I don't think it would be really OP.

Just give the barbarian hero the ability to perform an attack at the begginin of the battle, before any unit. Then normal stuff.

Took the idea from HOMMV, but it was the tribal hero who can did it.

The idea behind it easy, with racial ability reforcing wait tactics and their high reliance in ranged (orcs and cyclops normally main army, fury barbs with gob archers normally...), this will allow shooters to shoot first (no more dumb 12.5 GMB shooting before 13.4 orcs) or delay critical units of the enemy. Barbarian stunning blow isn't as strong as "stun" so I think it will not prove too much of a fussle.

That... actually makes sense... +1
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