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that's not equality


Authorthat's not equality
in the forums..the word "Damn" is not allowed,people get banned for writing that

the MG guy just said "Damn,this monster keeps crushing everything"
Ban that guy..
i hereby lodge a complain against that guy in Q & H forums..we want safer environment..remember "Children play this game too"...

2 things:
1) that was not in forum
2) although referring to someone else, u used it in forum so u r gonna get banned xD
they ban ppl giving the reason Children play this game too

ain't they gonna see that in MG.?
this isn't a suggestion ..lol

this is a mutiny over equality
i never seen players banned for using that 'word'.
maybe you can post some links.

but, the way of using the word changes meaning too.

when you use this word while addressing others, possibly some can be offended
maybe for that reason, some mods warn players.
i cant give links..the thread has more than 40k posts.but i've been banned a considerable no. of times..and i've been careful not to offend anyone

mostly it was used to address a situation or a non-lordswm person
I've never seen a player being banned for using that word either :D

Anyway I think that doesn't belong to Q&H
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
I have seen it and maybe I have been banned for it too, now this is mods' mind that if that it a complain against mods, instead of shifting it to complains forum, they shift it to OGF as they know the recruiter of mods would now think it is just a sucking thread and not shows the reality what mods do! Good work Magier good work!
lol in OGF I type anything:P
for Wonderla:

this thread was a small intended pun..
i never get the things you get mad at..:|
I've used it before and has yet to be banned, I guess it depends on the context of your post?

Has the irony occurred that you've not been banned in post 1?
Oh and Wonderla.. U need to calm down lol! I'm sure Magier does not have any bad intent that such post/thread is against mods! Don't be like one of those conspiracy people xD And besides was he wrong in shifting to a different forum? Obviously its not a question anymore!
see post 13:)
Since it was shifted to OGF, so I posted anything
As recruiter of the sages i say that magier did it good i would have done it also ;)
Shouldnt this in Ideas and Suggestions?
i hereby lodge a complain against that guy in Q & H forums..we want safer environment..remember "Children play this game too"...

He is suggesting that the line "Damn,this monster keeps crushing everything" should be changed, right? :)
not even that..

i'm just comparing notes of the times when i was banned for using that word and lordswm uses it freely in the quests..:P

it's not even a word to be referred by *it*.:P

so the key thing is
i was banned wrongly mwaHAHA..but it was long time ago..:)
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