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AuthorFined for a "Penalty"?
I sent a message to "Secretary" but i'm not sure if that still works.

As i was writing this i have now gone to -42,000 and prigo78 has lost all funds, any help would be most appreciated.

To Secratary:
I would like to know what Penalty i broke so this issue can be cleared up.

I bought the Survilurg magical armour from prigo78 for 250 yesterday, to which i raised the price to 250,000 to make a profit. prigo78 notified me saying that this was a typo and he wanted the price to be 250,000. I looked at his logs and found that he more than likely did make an error and was planning on giving him the funds from the sale or handing over the artifact if it did not go through. The artifact was sold but i was given a "Penalty Imposed" and the money docked but some money given back. prigo78's logs say he received nothing but he has a similar amount of money to me. This amount however is no where near the full amount that i planned to give back to him, since he's the only one who is getting ripped off here.
u are on -42k because of financial assist from an multi, (the extra 50k fine)
and the -247,250 is for?
seems to be prigo made a formal complaint, and the admins removed your profit gained.
So how is what i did illegal, I bought an item on the market and raised the price. Though i'm not sure i want to now seeing as he's just trying to get me banned, i was planning on giving him all the funds i made or the artifact.

"C. Instant raising of bids in the market is not a cheat, but a peculiarity of auction mechanics."
Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Finance and others" to "Queries and help".
As you are not accusing someone of breaking game rules I have moved to Q&H so you can get advice on what you can do now.
I guess thats true, I understand why prigo78 would be upset, but since i have done nothing wrong with this trade i feel like i should get to keep the money from selling the item... i should at least not be penalized when i've done nothing wrong.
You should read here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2124818

Then follow instructions exactly if you wish to appeal a punishment
you bought a rare item for 250 gold(!), of course nothing is wrong...
I agree with him.
Nothing illegal on his part.
He deserves atleast 20k, if not all of it.

He found a good deal. Can't blame him.
for The One Ring:

read the rules before posting...
From transfer log he has not been punished for buy & reselling the art. Admins just removed the profit he made.

The negative balance was created by a totally seperate offence of receiving transfers from character waride.

In all likelyhood this may have gone undetected if admins had not been looking at his transfers because of this market activity.

I assume admins felt their was enough proof both waride & warider characters were linked. In either case though it does not matter what anyone here thinks though and the only way he might be able to get the 50k fine reversed is if he can prove these 2 characters are not linked.

There are additionally previous cases where the person who has profitted from a mis-created trade transaction has had the profit part of the sale removed.

The original seller however does not always get compensated for their mistake and must just accept their loss. Though I do seem to remember that they do sometimes get their art back or part of its value but this decision is up to the admins/appeals commission.
waride is another account that i made to play with my brother since i was too high a level to play with him on warider. If you look i did not play at the same time and got to a decently high level. I had planned on going along with waride and leaving my other account to sit and so bought some diamonds (real world money!) to get some gold and a horse. I left for a bit and my brother surpassed me but was now on level with warider, so i just moved my stuff over and continued on from where i left off. I don't see how that is an issue.

1) Why is it bad to transfer items from 1 account to another, there is (from what i can see) no way to abuse this since it still requires the same amount of time to get resources in this game. I will not fight it since even though i didn't know it from the rules, which is my bad, since it is clearly stated in the rules.
2) Even though i did do the above mentioned second character, I don't see how this affects my find in the market, this was all done on one character and nothing illegal was done on that part.

Thanks DEATHisNEAR for the link, i didn't know about the guild and will make an account and contact them as soon as i can :)
Case - Multi
Fact 1- Your name is obvious almost same and consider mulit
Fact 2- You may stay out of trouble if you did nothing but trade a lots between your multi and main
Fact 3- I don't know exactly, but your IP may be same thus admin consider unsigned multi
Fact 4- Rules states *same ip should stated in profile*

Case - Trade
Fact 1- You buy with 250 gold
Fact 2- You sell with 250,000 gold
Fact 3- Your porfit was removed now and you complain only after penaltized
Fact 4- There is no prior notice of your agreement in transfer log
Fact 5- You get removed your profit now and want gold for him back
Fact 6- If you were to send him 250,000 from selling of it(no profit for you),then you could have sell him for 250-300 gold and let him sell himself (no double tax)
If you havent noticed it already, admins bought your armor from market so that you could be penalized
Ok, so i was only going to give him the money since i felt like he was the one being cheated.
Now he's trying to cheat me by getting me in trouble...

So why would the admins buy out a perfectly legal market trade, regardless of the behind the scenes. And secondly if that was actually the case and they thought that prigo78 was the victim like i did, why does he not have any (none) of the gold that would have been made on that trade?

At this point i want the money cause i feel cheated, but to be honest i'm more weirded out that both of us are being given nothing on a perfectly legal market trade.
Sorry for hijack this topic.

There are additionally previous cases where the person who has profitted from a mis-created trade transaction has had the profit part of the sale removed.

Can you give some example please, this is my first time saw admin removed player profit.

On topic, for warider:
You can make appeal, look at post 9.
I suggest you read the general game rule start from 3 to 3.15 and understand it, especially additional characters part.
i just feel that this game rules r quite messed up honestly :/ i am now curious if prigo78 is getting his art back or not.
@warider, even though u say u would have returned it, u have no proof whatsoever. u could have sent it back to him right after buying, or even just mailed him, to be honest i think u just wanted to keep the 250k profit so i think u kinda deserved the fine :/
on the other hand, the fine affects u in NO WAY. remember, if u returned the 250k, u would have still had negative gold cuz of ur multi transfers. u have no point to demand anything back, those were just the rules in action; deal with it!
why does he not have any (none) of the gold that would have been made on that trade?
Because its clearly stated in the rules that victim wont get any refund.
You could have mailed prigo78 that you would return the item as soon as it expired on market for the same price i.e. 250 gold. You didnt make any loss at all from that trade. You lost what was never yours :)
The only loss you made that your multi came into view and you got some extra penalty due financial assist.

Only prigo78 has lost his gold. You are not the victim, so stop acting like one
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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