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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
"Stupid is as stupid does"
Thanks y'all :D

for Poison Ivy:
Was that for me? xD
Does anyone know why PrettyElf took BOW?
Cuz she didn't like the game anymore.
Wonderla, did you take a drop or college?
Thapar University, Patiala
Was that for me? xDno i just go through some quotes, it took my attention
I srsly don't get the point of BOW.
If you don't wanna play just go offline, nothing wrong with checking in once in a while.
Are you crazy or just plain stupid?

Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue.

I guess!
The time is 12:35
I srsly don't get the point of BOW.

Because you don't understand what addiction is...
time to blaize
Anyone else having terrible luck with mg elements&#201;
Anyone else having terrible luck with mg elements&#201;
me no element in my last 18 quest :P
I have getting much more than my fair share of elements for a long time now :)
I have done 3 quests today and got a meteorite shard and a moon stone.

Just look over my last couple of combat and transfer log pages as I have been selling them as I get them.
I have been getting elements once in a while, that's fine but the problem is I am getting mostly cheapo ones :P
Like witch bloom, viper venom and toadstool.
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